Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 665: 2nd opportunity

Almost cold!

Chen Lang was standing at the top of the Federal Building, looking at the broken starry sky, and was filled with emotion.

Ever since rebirth.

More than seven years.

In the blink of an eye, from the initial twenty-two-three-year-old to the present, Chen Lang was thirty.

Although there has not been any change in appearance, more than seven years have passed and there have been too many changes.

For the earth, this is upside down.

For Chen Lang, there are gains and losses.

But in general, everything is a good thing after all, and everything is moving in a good direction after all.

This is enough.

Everything is in place, and today is only the last step.

This step represents the unknown, it also represents destruction, and it also represents a new life.

This final step is to rush into the ancient trail of the starry sky, thereby leaving the solar system completely.

The fixed coordinate point corresponding to this ancient path of the starry sky is within the scope of the Kassian civilization, which is different from the constellation of the Milky Way. This constellation is the boundary monument in the middle of the major theological civilizations and the junction of the major theological civilizations. .

Is the central chaos area.

The position of the solar system is only close to the Kaosian civilization in this constellation. It is within the radiation range of the Kaosian civilization, but strictly speaking, it is not.

Is the periphery of the periphery.

But as long as you ride the ancient trail of the sky, you will directly step into the coverage of the Kaos theological civilization. At that time, you will really be within the reach of the Kaos theological civilization.

Does the divine civilization occupy a large area in the universe?


But it has not been so large as to cover how many stars.

Divine civilization is different from the universe of hundreds of millions of civilizations. Their real territory is actually the divine realm they are in.

Olympus Divine Realm and Kaos Primal Divine Realm, this is the true territory of Kaos Divine civilization.

The talents born here are the people of this theological civilization.

Beyond that.

That is the range of belief radiation.

Divine civilization occupies a small area, but the range of belief radiation is extremely wide. With the efforts of the gods of Kaosian civilization from generation to generation, the universe has been explored by Kaosian civilization One, this is terrifying.

This is an area that covers every star field.

The other seven major theological civilizations, which are equal to the Kaos theological civilization, each occupy one tenth, and the remaining two tenths are the middle chaos area and the restricted area that some creatures cannot enter.

The solar system where the earth is.


The entire Milky Way, and even the entire star field including the Milky Way, is in the middle of chaos.

And it's just one of them.

It's just that the position of the solar system is relatively close to the edge, and close to the radiation-covered area of ​​the Kaos civilization.

As long as the ancient path of the starry sky passes through, it is within the radiation-covered area of ​​the belief of the civilization of Kaos.

By the time.

Every action of the earth will inevitably be directly exposed to the sight of Kaos theological civilization.

So this is a disaster, a destruction, a new life, and even more unknown.

Chen Lang did not know how he had performed before.

But he knew.

Once crossing the ancient path of the starry sky, human beings will face two consequences.

First, destruction, which was directly destroyed by the Kaos theological civilization.

Secondly, the freshmen performed well in acting, flickering at those gods, the higher gods will not shoot for the time being, and the lower gods dare not shoot.

The second result is the future of mankind.

If the confrontation is direct destruction.

Chen Lang's heart is clearer than anyone else, let alone the eighth-order combat power. Even if Xiao Jing shot it himself, he could not carry the divine dimension reduction blow.

If the world is three-dimensional, then the **** is the fourth dimension.

God is a qualitative division of the universe. There has never been a mortal who can sacrifice God in ancient times. God represents ascension in dimensions.

Even though technology was born in the universe.

But 80% of the top technology is actually an analysis and imitation of God.

at this time.

In the group chat, Zheng Huan, the avenger, especially Chen Lang, put forward his opinions on Chen Lang's continued use of the starry sky.

"Perhaps, you can choose not to enter the ancient path of the starry sky and rush directly into the Milky Way ..."

"But we have no choice!"

Chen Lang sighed helplessly.

"God genes are very important. When the isolation field device on the sun has a problem, the earth is 100% stared by the gods, so we have no choice.

If you continue to step into the ancient sky, you can use prophets to develop quickly, know resources, know opportunities, and know what you will face. As long as the gods do not intervene, the earth can develop in the shortest time.


A hundred years later, the earth is not only an ordinary higher civilization, it can even develop into a top higher civilization.

At that time, even if the **** wants to move us, he must think twice.

And if you step into the Milky Way, you do n’t have to say that you have to face the five higher civilizations directly. If you do n’t understand anything, you have to waste a lot of time, and you also know that in your lifetime, the development of the earth appeared unprecedented. The big eruption period mainly stems from several major opportunities.

At most, Baoxing is the first of several opportunities.

Without these big opportunities, I can't say whether the earth can develop so fast.

and so.

Compared with the unfamiliar Milky Way, stepping into the starry sky is the best choice.

Even if there is a crisis.

However, crisis and gain are directly proportional.

Rather than go to the galaxy to slowly develop and wait for death, it is better to rush into the radiation zone of the civilization of Kaos theology and fight for it.

With prophecy we can even get more.

Get hundreds, thousands, and even thousands of times more benefits than the earth of your lifetime.

After all, what else can be compared with the destruction of a near-top advanced civilization? "

I heard Chen Lang say the final sentence.

Even the avenger Chen Lang was silent for a while.


In the era when the theological civilization ruled the universe so far ~ ~ what else can be compared with the collapse of a near-top advanced civilization?

Earth from previous lives.

The second big opportunity is the S-class energy cores obtained after the mechanical civilization and before the magic civilization.

The source of those S-class energy cores is the collapse of a near-top advanced civilization.

The earth was weak.

Just by eating melon to see the excitement, I got so much by chance. Compared with those advanced civilizations and top civilizations that have already been prepared, they are at best a sip.

Even compared with those medium civilizations who had been prepared to take part in the plunder and took the opportunity to take part in the plunder, the earth was just lucky, and it was a fair, almost equivalent benefit.

The destruction of that civilization has enriched too many civilizations and too many forces.

After all, that's a plane.

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