Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 670: Dijiangyuan internal meeting

Chapter 670 Internal Conference of the Emperor Jiangyuan (for subscription)


How could you not understand?

None of them were able to sit here. After listening to Chen Lang's detailed explanation, they all understood what would happen next.

Although unwilling in heart, but helpless.

after all.

It's easy to solve everything, only the human heart.

You can only guide, not force.

Even too much guidance will lead to the stagnation of civilization development, which is a consequence that no one can bear.

For a moment, the conference room was quiet and everyone was silent.

Chen Lang couldn't help sighing.

no way.

This kind of thing, even the gods, can't solve it. Otherwise, the major theological civilizations will not choose their own seemingly different, but in the final analysis, it is exactly the same rule.

The gods are civilizations, and the territory is too big. Just like that, great nations have no boundaries.

There is no territory, even gods cannot rule over it.

What can I do?

Gather the core, divide the stratum, and give power.

For the class that is also God, the kingdom of God, heaven, heaven, Buddha, earth, etc., self-residence by the Father, self-reign by the king of the gods, and thus rule the gods.

On the middle level, rule by heroes, kingdoms, emperors, etc., granting imperial power to heaven, and the right of the heavenly father to grant mortal kingdom emperors the approval of the gods can become emperors.

Regarding the bottom, faith-covered rule, national belief, regardless of which country you are in, and whoever you mingle with, you must believe in me.

God is above all beings.

God, sub-confederation granted imperial power to the major empires in the entire civilization.

God, high above.

The people at the bottom make up the empire, the major empires make up the civilization, and God, the master of civilization, is the existence above the major empires.

If there are more gods, then compete for the strongest **** to become the king of the gods.


Thoroughly confirm the existence of a theological civilization.

This is the ruling method of the divine civilization, and it is also the ruling method that many civilizations are racing to learn. After the countless years of the universe, it is finally determined and the most effective method that has finally passed the test of time.

Even Chen Lang has to say that this is the best way to rule after a civilization has truly grown.

If there is competition in civilization, if there is a different voice, if we want to continue to develop, but we must maintain the general direction without problems, this is the only way.

"Boss, what do we need to do?"

Suddenly, Lin Bei spoke and asked the most critical question.

Everyone heard the words and looked up at Chen Lang.

Chen Lang did not hesitate to directly give a long discussion with the people in the group chat, and combined with the solutions that have been verified in previous lives, said: "First, establish the core position, that is, propaganda. I have been letting the Federation Cooperate with the ball to promote me. What I want is this effect.

Secondly, to detach from the core forces.

Before I became a god, the core strength must be in our own hands. Therefore, the heroic forces, super-shen technology, these are all secretly extracted from the Federation.

Third, break up and reorganize, break down the inherent core forces and temporarily serve the entire people, but in the process, more core forces are nurtured.

The rest is not the time, so I will not talk about it for the time being.

Let me talk about breaking up the reorganization and removing the core forces.

For the time being, for at least a few years, it is not necessary to remove the core force, but we cannot allow the core force to be assimilated by the Federation as such. After all, people ’s hearts have changed over time. Who knows what will happen in the end?

One hand is still needed in advance.

Combining break up and reorganization, the two are carried out together.

First we have to determine where the main source of the existence of the Federation lies.

in my opinion.

First, the history of the merger of nations is undoubtedly the largest force, but this force is also unusable to anyone. Therefore, this is not necessary for the time being.

Second, global force, the core of which is the Hero Force and the Global Gene Warrior Academy.

Third, global business and industry are temporarily controlled by the ball, but they will eventually be returned to their owners.

These three aspects are the foundation of the Federation.

My plan is to restore the original commercial and industrial system after leaving the space tunnel. At that time, the ball will return the global business and industry to their original owners. By that time, Super God Technology will also come out, Liu In one hand, Chaoshen Technology will still be in your hands.

I believe that in this new era, and in an era full of resources, you who master the core technology should take Super God Technology to a more brilliant road. "

"Yes, boss!"

Liu Yi wakes up in an instant, and no matter how good the federation is, others are the best. Super God Technology is our own industry, so he didn't hesitate. After understanding Chen Lang's plan, he immediately agreed.

"This is to break the third foundation of the Federation."

Chen Lang said faintly, and then said: "Then the second essence, global force, cannot be brought home in this regard. After all, the third essence is borrowed from global businessmen to save the world.

If you use force, you cannot move easily. After all, if something like war happens, you will still rely on this aspect.

However, although it cannot be moved easily, the changes that should be made are still to be made ~ ~ Lin Bei.

You are responsible for this aspect. You are the leader of the heroic army. Next, I will produce a document to help the people around the world to evolve and practice. The heroic army will be broken up by then.

After breaking up the heroic forces, a regular genetic warrior college was established around the world, and these heroes were divided into major colleges.

Then there will be a formal compulsory education advancement system, and even graduation systems at major colleges.

After graduation, you can choose to join the army or enter the society, and all aspects will gradually become regular.

As the former leader of the heroic army, I will mobilize your position to serve as the leader of federal education.

In the future for more than ten years, or even decades, the Gene Warrior Academy will be the pinnacle of human personal force. How much you can control depends on your own. "

"Yes, boss!"

Lin Bei stood up instantly, issued an army writ and said, "Guarantee the mission!"


Chen Lang nodded slightly, looked at the others, and then started to assign tasks one by one.

It was two hours after the meeting ended.

No one knows that during the collective high-level holiday of the Federation, when the earth entered the space tunnel, there was such a conference in Dijiangyuan that inspired the future trend.

After the meeting, the ball began to adjust the federal government according to Chen Lang's arrangement.

And Chen Lang returned Xiao Xiaoai home after the crowd left.

Looking at Xiao Xiaoai beside him, Chen Lang couldn't help guilty.

The research of energy bodies, even as the earth leaves the solar system, the rich dark energy comes to the face, the research of dark energy, and some dark energy technologies, these are things that need to be busy by Chen Lang.

In the future, maybe even more busy.

(End of this chapter)

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