Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 674: New galaxy, starry pirate

Chapter 674 New galaxy, star pirate (seeking subscription)

"Can't choose here!"

Chen Lang shook his head and rejected Xiao Jing's proposal.

Although Xiao Jingzhen is very reasonable and Chen Lang knows this galaxy well, Chen Lang still chooses to refuse.

This galaxy is called the Iser Galaxy.

In addition to normal resources in the entire galaxy, a resource called vermiculite is abundant.

Vermiculite is a natural stone born in a specific force field and a specific environment. This kind of stone contains a thin energy, this energy is named as the energy.

Radon energy is a kind of dark energy, similar to the existence of a certain gas in the air.

摞 can be amazing.

Neither can it be used as industrial fuel for industrial science and technology, nor can it be absorbed and used by living beings as biological energy, but energy can be used for refining.

Because of its special energy response, the metal created has a stronger energy response after mixing with tritium energy.

all in all.

It is similar to making ordinary metals into man-made active metals. Although it is less than one ten thousandth of active metals, it is also enough for ordinary metals to have higher value.

If the engine is made of this metal, it can make the engine have a stronger energy response, and also have a better energy burst and load capacity.

If this metal is used to build a battleship spacecraft, it can make the battleship spacecraft have a better energy transfer effect, thereby saving energy, and even when flying at full speed, the internal energy response and external dark energy resonate to achieve the same use as solar energy. Slowly absorb the effects of recovery.

The value of energy is great.

In previous life, the earth also chose this galaxy as a new home after entering the galaxy, but unfortunately, after discovering such things as vermiculite, the earth carried out large mining and excavation of the entire galaxy.

Finally led to offend the galaxy's master, ear!

Yes, weird name, ears.

This is a translation of the universal language into Chinese.

Ear is the third head of the well-known star pirate organization of the Tully galaxy, the pirate organization of Ulrich, and owns a 'horrible' fleet.

The large galaxy in Turi is the large galaxy in which the Ize small galaxy is located, just like the relationship between the solar system and the Milky Way.

The Tully galaxy has two high-level civilizations. This is the only object that the Husky Star Pirates Group dare not provoke. For all but the two high-level civilizations, other medium and low civilizations are robbed by the Husky Star Pirates Organization. Grabbing objects.

Although they do not have the foundation of a medium civilization and dare not directly face the middle civilization, they also have the strength not less than that of a lower civilization. More importantly, they have fewer people and do not settle in a certain place like a civilization. Everywhere, they fled and ransacked, making many middle civilizations miserable. They wanted to chase down and couldn't find it. They obviously could destroy this organization, but they were just like loachs.

So the Husky Star Pirates are notorious in the Tully galaxy, but in addition to the two higher civilizations who can despise them, other civilizations hate their teeth and dare not provoke them easily.

As earliest, San Er is her seventh-tier apex.

Although the Ize galaxy has the existence of flint, but the outside world does not know much about it, it is too remote, all belong to the edge of the Tulsi galaxy.

In addition, although the Ize galaxy has civilizations, and there are many, there are three civilizations in one galaxy, but they are all unequal civilizations.

Not even lower civilizations.

Lower civilizations also have the ability to leave the parent star, but none of the three civilizations in the Ize galaxy have the ability to leave the parent star.

It is said that more than three thousand years ago, the three civilizations of the Ize galaxy actually had the ability to leave the parent star. One of the strongest civilizations has reached Tier V, and it took a long time to physically flew to the other two. Civilization and plundering of resources have become the sixth order.

Then rushed into the universe with a dream.

As a result, he nearly died in the void of the universe and was eventually rescued by the ear-pirate fleet and joined the ear-pirate fleet.

Later, by chance, Er ear learned of the existence of flint, killed him directly, invaded here, and led the fleet to destroy the three major civilizations, killed all the strong, and ruled here.

Proud to be God.

In the previous life, the Earth simply didn't understand the universal language of the universe at the beginning, so language communication was inaccessible, and it was simply not communicating.

Anyway, it is just three **** civilizations. They directly invaded, then plundered and excavated.

Scavenged the entire galaxy.

It took several years.

The results had not had time to run, waiting for the ear piercing fleet.

The war broke out.

The Earth Federation suffered heavy losses, destroyed thousands of warships in this galaxy, and eventually fled with the Earth again.

Later, I was stunned by the ears and told me about the civilization of the machine.

On the way to escape, the earth was besieged by mechanical civilization again, and it suffered heavy losses.

Recalling the past.

Chen Lang could not help but look back at the earth.

Not to mention inside the Earth Skynet.

It's just outside the ~ ~ The string of things like candy canes hanging behind it are not all warships?

The fleet that had been ear-damaging in the previous Earth Federation wars suffered heavy losses. Only tens of thousands of warships lost thousands.

But in this life ... emmmmm, last time the ball said, how many billion ships are there?

"I think it's fine."

At this time, Xiao Jing showed a puzzled expression, saying: "I sensed that the only three civilizations here are still the one that does not flow in. The strongest is the third order. Even the mother star cannot leave. Strength, you can easily occupy here. "

"It has nothing to do with civilization!"

Chen Lang shook his head slightly and said, "There are three main ones. First, I know that there is more energy than here, even hundreds of times better than here. Second, here is the exit of the space tunnel. Let's not say what we do Has the matter attracted the attention of several higher civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy, will they catch up? The slightest issue is the export, which will cause us to fail to guarantee our stability and security. Once a fleet of higher civilizations suddenly emerge What, what should I do?

What if we have a fleet of top-level advanced civilizations?

Third, we have a detailed plan for the future route, and no time is wasted here. "


Little Crystal looked at Chen Lang weirdly. She was not a fool. Chen Lang knew the opportunities step by step. In her opinion, Chen Lang's hidden secrets were definitely not small, but she was too lazy to explore.

After all, the universe is too big and anything weird can happen.

The forest is so big that there are no birds.

Chen Lang looks like a prophet and looks mysterious, but if it is a god, it is definitely more omnipotent than Chen Lang.

Nothing strange.

(End of this chapter)

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