Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 680: Hit the tiger brothers!

"Come here? Sit!"

In Yuehua City, in a different garden, President Li sat in the backyard drinking tea.

At this time, as several people entered the backyard, President Li reached out and let a few people sit down.

These people are people represented by Wang Lao and others.

Wang Lao was also kind, and sat down directly, picked up a teapot and poured himself a glass of water, and asked, "What did you say at the Federal Conference today?"

"a lot of!"

President Li heard a sigh and said, "Speaking of some excavation and collection of this new galaxy, Lang Geer has popularized the universe's information. Seriously, if not what Lang Geer said in his mouth, It ’s hard to believe anyone else.

So shocking. "


The old man was surprised.

"Forget it, don't say this in advance!"

President Li shook his head, and then couldn't help laughing, and said, "That's what we planned."

"No way?"

Wang Lao suddenly came to the spirit and said, "Did you push the boat smoothly? Isn't it right? We are not negotiating. Are you against it? Pushing the boat smoothly is too obvious."

"I didn't push the boat!"

President Li laughed: "This is a routine for Langer. He said it sounds good for the high-ranking federal government. What happened? Secretly, I didn't want everyone to go back and get together with the former 'relatives and friends', and then get some questions. Come on?

Just like those we found, those headed by Morgan, those Western consortia, couldn't help but put forward the matter of returning the industry to the people at the meeting.

I also took other people's objections in accordance with the plan, and I had a fight with them on the spot. Except that there was no direct swearing, many uncomfortable things were said.

Just as we guessed, Morgan them, this time they just tested the attitude of Langer, without saying anything.

But the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Who would have thought that Langer directly agreed, first let Liu resign, and then announced the return of the folk industry. Not only did the folk industry be returned, but even Super God Technology and Ancient Technology were also divided.

Brother Lang obviously had a premeditated plan, and Liu resigned in order to return to be the person in charge of Chaoshen Technology.

This time, those Western consortia have lost money.

Super God Technology went out independently, after that everyone would have to pay the patent fee. In all aspects, a battleship was built, and everything from parts to technology had to be paid for Super God Technology.

It is estimated that 5% to 10% of the cost of building a battleship is royalties. "


Wang Lao couldn't help but immediately laughed and said, "When playing yin, when the ball supervises the world, they still want to hang on to brothers? It's just a dream, now I guess they have a long time ago For a long time."

"Clean some wishful thinking!"

President Li chuckled, and said, "Still thinking about showing your strengths and taking advantage of opportunities to develop? It can only be said that some people take it too seriously and look at themselves too much.

Industries in various countries do not occupy much of the total proportion. After all, no country has our Chinese heritage. Even in the past, the only country that can compare with us in terms of industrial occupation ratio is the rice country.

But unfortunately.

There are too few and too few state-owned industries in the Mi country, all of which are consortia and wealthy businessmen. After this extraction, it is estimated that although their state-owned industries can also occupy a certain proportion, they are far from being comparable to us.

After the return of the private industry, the ball still controls these assets. We occupy the most, and the ball helps the development. The future industry is like a snowball. It will roll more and more. In addition, it is definitely much faster than any corporate consortium.

In the future, once the era of various countries is restored, the proportion of the industry we have reached is definitely an astronomical figure.

I'm afraid Morgan never thought about it, he secretly helped us again! "

"More than that!"

Wang Lao said with a smile: "Global state-owned industries are responsible for the welfare of the people, which means that private industries have to pay taxes. Although the proportion we occupy is high, it is still much smaller than the proportion of our population in the global total population.

And in this age of federal encouragement of fertility and full resolution of the burden.

The more populated a country is, the more natural the future population will be.

In general, we are developing our own population, and people around the world help us get benefits and raise children.

This cheap seems not to account for much.

But as the development continues, the total amount of this cheap account is definitely quite a lot, and it is definitely an astronomical figure.

On the ability to have children, who is comparable to us? "

Li always laughed and said nothing.

All the people sitting here were all weird and laughed.

Have children?

In the past, it was because of family planning, because the people were under pressure, because the environment was safe, and there were no fights and bullies.

But it's different now.

Encouraging fertility is one of them.

People have no pressure to live or to have children, which is the second.


In Old China, in the hearts of the older generations, there has always been a deep-rooted thinking.

A guy with three gangs.

The environment is good, and when it is safe, it is nothing. Now, we can take care of each other.

Especially in this era and this environment.

There are genetic fighters inside, advocating personal force, outside there are aliens, there are various crises, and war will break out in the future.

Nothing to say.

Have a few more, nothing can not be solved by having children.

Can't beat one? All right, I have brothers!

Fighting father and son, fighting tiger brothers!

Under this thinking, are you afraid that the population will not develop?


My family knows their own family affairs. Although it is now the era of the federal town, the old Huaxia has always been there, encouraging the birth of children, and preaching the thinking of the tiger brothers.


In terms of childbirth, Huaxia has done much more than other regions.

Other regions need to prevent things like protests.

In the Huaxia Region, there is no need to worry. Depending on the influence of previous thinking, the people led by Wang Lao have not done a few things of lack of morality in recent years.

right now.

You can't find any abortion hospital in China.

All the drug sellers and condoms were killed with a single stick.

Fortunately, those who are in charge of guiding say that some people at the bottom who work to encourage fertility all day have their hair pinned to find a way.

I sent a group to the street to sell films.

They have come to the forefront in encouraging fertility and taking advantage of the Federation.

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