Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 686: Reaching the new planet

"Ghosts know!"

Zhang Zhangjin was also aggressive, looking at the human figure in the internal projection, but a creature like a dog. For a while, he didn't know how to speak.

滴 "Dripping, biological blockage detected, does navigation change?"

A smart voice sounded.


Liang Chen did not return to God for a while. Although he was the captain, he was also the captain of the Yaguang battleship for the first time.

"Changing for another, changing routes!"

After returning to God, Liang Chen hurried to speak.

However, it's late.

The intelligent voice sounded again and said apologetically, "Sorry, Captain, because you failed to reply in time, the unknown organism has been tragically killed in the battleship collision."


Liang Chen was dumbfounded.

The people next to me were also dumbfounded.

多 How long has this been?

Just returning to God, just a blink of an eye, and then the dog is gone?


Qi Liangchen couldn't help but swallowed.

I looked back at the others, and everyone looked at him, and everyone was silent for a while.

"It's all right!"

Suddenly, Zhang Jin smiled and said, "Anyway, we are invincible, aren't we? It is normal to casually kill an unknown creature. Maybe it is the native of this planet, or it is a strong one here.

How can you cross the void and get rid of gravity, at least third order?

This is our stumbling block. It will be killed sooner or later, even if it is killed. "


Liang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, showing an awkward smile.

In his heart, he couldn't help whispering.

But he inquired about the news, and they knew it better than Zhangjin. According to Lin Bei privately, the three civilizations in this galaxy are not humanoid races, that is, they are not human.


He couldn't help but wonder.

What kind of person?

What kind of person?

什么 样 What does that look like?

Doesn't it have to be like humans to be human? This dog looks similar to a human being, except that it has a hair and a dog head and tail. The others look like humans.

Is this humanoid?

I'm not right. Uncle Lin has said that this is what the **** of the waves said, which is enough to prove that there is no humanoid on this planet.

If you say that, you will not be human if you have grown hair.

Qi Liangchen comforted himself in his heart.

And this time.

The battleship had arrived inside the planet, and as the speed of the battleship began to decrease, everyone could see exactly what the planet was like.

Mountains and water.

A thin mist pervades the heavens and the earth, as if a fairyland.

However, this should be due to the morning, so the fog has not yet dissipated.

Basically, this is not much different from the earth. If it was such a planet that was discovered by mankind in the past, it is not necessary to say, it must be the battle that was won.

After all, a planet similar to the earth is definitely suitable for human habitation, even if it is not suitable for a little transformation.

This is a natural colony planet.

But it is not so precious now.

With the technology that the earth now has, even a barren planet, it can be transformed as long as there are basic substances, water sources, or ice.

And now, after human beings have evolved and strengthened genes, each of them is a fifth-order powerhouse capable of surviving in the stars. According to the practice of civilization, per capitaization of the gods.

Nima is horrible. You don't need to care about what a planet is all about. You can survive any transformation.


This planet, which is suitable for human colonization, is worthless.

I have to rebuild it.

In addition, the earth is not ready to develop in this galaxy, so we have to find a way to transport it away, which is not worth it.

I thought so, as the warship reached a mountain and fell, everyone opened the hatch and walked out of the warship.


At this time, Zhang Jin sensed with his eyes squinted and said, "There is oxygen in the air. Basically, there are substances and components in the air of the earth. Here the air is there. The only difference is that there is a different kind in the air. The classification, according to the current statement, should be dark energy.

暗 The dark energy here is slightly richer than the void.

At the same time, the gravity is about 1.27 times higher than that of the earth, which has little effect on us, it should be because the planet is slightly larger than our earth.

The time difference is relatively large.

According to big data calculations, one day and one night here should be equivalent to 27 hours on Earth.

But overall it is a planet that is very suitable for colonization, unfortunately. "

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.


It is indeed a pity.

Jerome, a strong man who once came out of the Goose Country, couldn't help licking his lips and said, "This is the civilization level that our chief general said. Once the two civilizations have formed a crushed state, who cares Whoever is crushed is generally lucky to be crushed.

Because their wealth is not worth being clicked on, whether it is the home star, resources, etc.

Even the population.

After all, at the fifth level of our earth collective, too low-level creatures were not even qualified as slaves. Except for very rare cases, the winners' plunder of the losers only had knowledge and special resources.

For the indigenous people of this planet, they are fortunate. Because they are crushed, they have nothing to remember. All we want is flint and knowledge.

They just need to hand over these two things, and for them, we are just passing by. "

"Who said no!"

Liang Chen nodded and said with some emotion: "If it is really a civilization similar to ours, then we must have each other's resources and knowledge worth remembering each other, as well as the population ~ ~ can be slaves, even other aspect.

It will definitely not be so easy to solve at that time, and what must be faced is war. "

"Let ’s go, do n’t feel bad. This is our first off-site mission. Do n’t be led by the other two teams."

Ji Zhangjin suddenly spoke.

Then everyone jumped together.

As a peak of the sixth order, they are like gods on this planet, and they can be fearless and unafraid.

and so.

They are preparing to fly to the city-state of the indigenous civilization here.

The capture thief captures the king first.

Similarly, since it is plundering, it is naturally meaningless to plunder some small families and small households. It is to crush the past directly, seize the king, leader, leader and the like, and directly request the cooperation of the other party. The safest and most reliable.

I soon.

No more than a few minutes.

Twelve people, including Liang Liangchen, appeared hundreds of miles away.

At their feet is a city-state.

The construction style of Lucheng is completely different from that of the earth. The cities here are built of pure wood. The indigenous people live in wooden houses, and even people live in tree holes.

I said it was because they were not civilized, or the primitive era, and it was inappropriate.

Because it is obvious in Liang Chen and others, there are still some things similar to technology products in the city-state. .

I just did.

Unlike the technology of the earth, the technology played by people here is called technology, but it is better to say that it is similar to alchemy and other magic reform technology.

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