Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 688: Living tree



The leader of the tree spirit opened his mouth, low and harsh, loud, full of fear and despair.

Li Teng!

While Liang Chen and others were aggressive, the Shujing leader knelt on the ground.

Or in other words, the five bodies cast their ground, and are still trembling.

I heard his voice, the tree house suddenly opened the door, and an old-looking tree spirit rushed out, staring at Liang Chen and others in shock, and looked closely for about three seconds.



I knelt down again.

"God, your loyal people contribute faith to you!"

The old tree was trembling and trembling, and looked at Liang Chen and others.



Are we God?

Liang Chen and others stared at each other aggressively, all with aggravated expressions.

After a long time, seeing the two tree spirits still trembling on their stomachs, Liang Chen coughed and said in the universal language: "Come up, I have something to ask you, let's say in advanced room."

"Yes, great God!"

Uh .........

Inside the linden tree house, after a long time, Liang Chen and others just looked at the world and made it clear.

没有 There are no other races at all.

On this planet, there is only a living tree race. In their words, long ago, their ancestors were also living trees. They are different from trees that can only grow but cannot move. Although they are similar in physical constitution, they are also very similar. But there are essential differences.

They are alive.

Of course.

Centipede also has many similarities. For example, it does not need to eat, for example, it can absorb moisture and sunlight to survive. For example, even the worst living tree can live for hundreds of years.

Etc., etc.

As a sacrifice, the old tree spirit has lived for more than 2,000 years. According to him, there was a **** here three thousand years ago, with many gods and slaves. They sent a **** punishment and killed all the longevity of the living tree family.


Sassafras do not need to practice, nor do they practice, only knowing that the more genius, the longer you live, and the longer you live, the stronger you will be.

I can live a hundred years, it is the first order.

I lived for a thousand years and became a second order.

I lived for ten thousand years and lived in the third order.

100,000 years is the fourth order, and one million years is the fifth order.

The strongest living tree family is the fifth order, but it is a pity that after the advent of the gods, the **** punishment was dropped to kill all the tree spirits that have lived for 10,000 years, which caused the living tree family to become what they are today.

The old tree spirit is not talented and can not live for many years. Although it is already in his early 2000s, it is still a second-order level.

The old tree spirit was sacrificed to him by the God's envoy two thousand years ago. After a while, he let him get away. Although he learned the universal language, he only had some status in the tribe and was in front of the God's envoy. And still be slaves.

The leader of the puppet tree is slightly different. The talent is better. Although it has only lived for more than a thousand years, it is already second-order and not yet old. It is estimated that it can survive three thousand years.

As for why they speak the universal language instead of their own language ... In the words of the old tree spirit, this looks solemn and looks face-saving.


It may be cheap, being enslaved, and also feels that the language of others is face-saving.

Liang Liangchen twitched at the corners of his mouth.

According to the words of the old tree spirit and the tree spirit leader, after the gods sent down the divine punishment, they let the entire living tree tribe dig a thing called ocher stone for atonement.

For the past three thousand years, the gods will return once every thousand years, taking away all the flint.

For those who do not reach the required number, they will be directly punished.

So for the past three thousand years, basically the entire living tree family has lived in deep water.

"God makes it?"

At this time, Zhang Jin cautiously asked his own question and said, "The **** was left by the **** three thousand years ago?"


Although Lao Shujing wondered why the **** in front of him asked such a word, he nodded and said, "It is said that there are three civilizations in us, and I don't understand what it means. Anyway, each civilization has a god, who is responsible for guarding us. Mining. In our world, God made the Lord supreme. Two thousand years ago, I was fortunate to be selected by the Lord God and become a slave with him, so I learned some God's language. "

"Since you've seen the messenger, then you should know what the messenger looks like?"

Wu Zhangjin asked hesitantly.

Others also reacted and looked at Liang Chen suddenly.

Qi Liangchen was puzzled, scratched his head, and said, "What are you doing?"

"I have the image of Lord God."

The old tree spirit suddenly opened, and took out a large wooden board from the side of the cabinet with a picture carved on it.

That's a humanoid creature, with a dog head ...


Everyone looked strangely at Liang Chen.

Xie Liangchen also reacted and said, "Let's go, we killed someone's god?"


The old tree spirit froze and looked up at Liang Chen.

Qi Liangchen was guilty, shook his head, and said, "Nothing!"

At this time, the leader of the tree spirit saw some problems, hesitated, and asked respectfully and cautiously, "Masters, aren't you gods three thousand years ago?"


Everyone looked at each other, and after they figured out the situation, they naturally didn't need to be cautious.

Zhang Jin turned his eyes and said, "There is a **** in this world, but it will never be the **** three thousand years ago. For God, everything in the world has no value, and you cannot be born here to make the gods want it. s things.

So you have been deceived, they are just a stronger civilization than you, they are not gods at all. "

The old tree spirit and the tree spirit leader are choked.

Zhang Jin stood up and said lightly: "It's true, we are also mining. We were ordered to come here ~ ~ to mine vermiculite. Our previous plan was to intimidate your leaders and let Your entire race helps us mine.

But it is clear that you are not following the technological route. In mining, the efficiency is too low and too low, and coupled with the consumption over the past three thousand years, if you mine, it will be a century, a thousand years, or even a thousand years, a hundred thousand years. Don't even think about digging out the vermiculite mine.

and so.

We changed our plan. Soon after, our fleet will come here to collect minerals from you. We have professional mining and detection equipment.

I do n’t need you to do it.

You just need to hide and wait quietly like it.

All in all, we also want to flint, but we don't need you to dig or squeeze you. What we need is your cooperation. "

The old tree spirit and the tree spirit leader are completely stupid.

At this time, Roger could not help but sneer and said, "The guard is only a Tier III or Tier IV and can be killed by a warship. Even if it is a Tai Yin alloy, even though it is fast, it definitely does not exceed Tier IV. Therefore, the so-called deities should also be limited. If it is the sixth order, we can deal with it ourselves.

He is the seventh-order word, we shake people over and fight in groups.

Is eighth-order words, and there is a great general.

Nine steps?

That is impossible, the Grand Consul has said that the ninth stage is only available to higher civilizations, and that so many things will cost a non-entertaining civilization? ?

Therefore, to talk to them crooked fart, not to squeeze them is enough to make them secretly happy.

Let ’s go, go back and report the news and let the fleet come over! "

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