Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 691: Half a year

Chapter 691 Six months (for subscription)

Time goes by.

What happened to everyone was unexpected.

In a blink of an eye.

Half a year has passed. In the Ize galaxy, the earth ’s billions of resource collection fleets have come and gone, and they have already excavated and surveyed the interior of the Ize galaxy by a third.

Even the three planets where the three indigenous civilizations of the Iza galaxy have come to an end. On the three planets, nearly 80% of all vermiculite detected have been mined.

some of.

Even most have been sent to Earth.

The federal town hall has already known about the star pirates on the three planets, and even prepared for war. In half a year, the heroic forces have already adjusted.

But it's been six months.

Star pirates still haven't come.

This makes people even anxious.

Today, half a year has passed.

Tens of thousands of genetic warrior colleges have emerged worldwide, and among them, the top hundred key genetic colleges are at the core.

All human beings, to a greater or lesser extent, except for those who are thinking about taking the scientific research route, the vast majority of people have participated in certain assessments and tests and become those of the Gene Warrior Academy.

The Gene Warrior Academy is more relaxed in management, and students can choose to come to the college to participate in the assessment on a regular basis, and if they do not want to stay in the college, no one will force it.

But after half a year, after many adjustments by the federal town government, each genetic warrior college has now become the core of a city.

Such as the Magic Capital Gene Warrior Academy in Hangzhou, Hangzhou City Gene Warrior Academy, and so on.

A city must have a genetic warrior college.

And an international metropolis, or regional core metropolis, must also have a top 100 key genetic warrior college.

Except the college.

The biggest change is also the army.

The Federation has established three major army groups, covering in-field training, out-of-ground guarding, and star patrol.

After determining the establishment and conditions, a global conscription campaign was conducted. Anyone who can join the army can enjoy a higher level of citizenship than the federal welfare of citizens. At the same time, in genetic evolution, reinforcement, knowledge learning, etc. Other aspects also have more lenient conditions.


Low- and medium-level bioenergy still needs to be charged to citizens, as long as they join the army, all are provided for free.

However, there is no market price, even high-level high-level biological energy in the outside world. It also exists in the military. You don't need money, as long as you make meritorious services, you can use them directly.

In addition, there are various other benefits.

It can be said that as long as you join the army, as long as you get merits, and as long as you don't die, the sequence of future high-end human core combat power will definitely have your place.

People have experienced too much in this new era.

It's like writing a legend.

From inside to outside, from inside to outside, from home star civilization to universe civilization, from mortal to immortality, to mastering powerful forces.

This is an era full of blood and passion.

It is an era full of legends and legends.

It can be said that the blood of people in this era is boiling.

There is no need for the Federation to promise anything. As long as conscription, there are bound to be countless people willing to join in and join in this magnificent era.

Coupled with the generous conditions given by the Federation, in just a few days, the three major federal army units were directly established. It took nearly half a year. Today, the three major military units have even completed most of their training.


Star pirates still haven't come.

Not only are the 36 people on the three planets of life sitting confused on the top of the mountain, waiting for the dog's tail.

Even the three major army groups that were subsequently formed are a little confused.

The local army is training.

Outside group troops are training.

Even the selected elite, star patrol army that has completed training, is still a little confused.

Because they face endless loneliness and darkness.

It's starry sky.

It's barren.

A team of three, a team of one battleship.

A team of three, a group of three battleships.

One group of three, nine battleships.

Three shifts in a row, a row of 27 battleships.

Three squadrons and one squadron, one squadron is eighty-one battleships, which is a fleet that is responsible for training tasks in an area.

Such squadrons are just one of tens of thousands of patrols.

Tens of thousands of training teams are conducting training missions in the Ize galaxy. They stare at the starry sky with big eyes all day long, waiting for the fleet of starry pirates to appear.


They have been patrolling for half a year, and Mao has not seen one.

If it hadn't been proven that the Star Pirate Fleet would definitely come, they would have regarded this as a rumor.



Hope Island, Wangshen Mountain.

Chen Lang let out a sigh of relief, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

In three huge containers with blooming ice-blue light, through the transparent glass, you can clearly see in the container. With the thick liquid biological energy continually gathering and boiling, at the core, three faintly visible figures Humanoid translucent creatures are sleeping with their eyes closed.

This is the research results of the past six months.

Relying on the breakthrough of quantum entanglement, Chen Lang completely solved the principle of imbalance of energy body. According to some theories of quantum entanglement, taking photons as the core, condensing the attributes of light, and then combining the attributes with consciousness, the angel was born in a rapid prototyping mode. biological.

Light is the most stable single attribute.

Among all attributes and elements, the monomer has the longest duration.

The photon condenses the properties of light, so that the angel is born into light, and then with the angel's consciousness, a quantum entanglement is formed between the two, thereby establishing the stability of the angel's body.

Although it is still an energy body, this energy body will not easily collapse.

An internal collapse is almost impossible.

Because of the existence of quantum entanglement, if you want the angel's body to collapse, you must first destroy the angel's consciousness.

And as long as the angel consciousness exists, the body was injured that day, even if it had fewer arms and legs, it could still recover quickly.

Resilience is simply explosive!

At the same time ~ ~ If you want to destroy the angel consciousness, you must first defeat the angel's body. There is an energy body such as an angel body to guard it. The semi-energy body's angel consciousness inside the angel body is not so easy. destroy.

This is not only the completion of the stability of the angel's body, but also a big step forward in the war arm such as 'Holy War Angel'.


Lin Bei's figure appeared again.

Today, Liu is in charge of Chaoshen Technology. Sun Tianhong is the deputy. Others have their own needs. Instead, Lin Bei has become a celebrity around Chen Lang, and he appears from time to time.

"what happened?"

Chen Lang smiled and turned his head.

"A fleet of Star Pirates has appeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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