Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 693: Godhead is the key?

Chapter 693 The godhead is the key?

Chen Lang's thoughts were a little confused.

Some of the subsequent words to Little Crystal didn't even listen to my ears.

He wasn't confused by the mysterious mystery of the myths in the mouth of Little Crystal.

It's all because of the "key" of the ancient years that Xiao Jing said!

The key to the other side!

What is the other shore? With Chen Lang's current vision, it is impossible to imagine what the other side of the spirit is.



Time and space.

Enough to make the eight major deities civilizations compete, and even the outrageous war broke out in ancient times.

This thing.

Chen Lang always feels a bit familiar. He perceives the mysterious 'god' in his consciousness, which comes from the magical world, is remembered by the civilization of the Kaos theology, and has even become one of the crystallization of civilization in the previous life.

Chen Lang always felt that the 'key' in Xiao Jing's mouth was most likely the thing in his mind.


Chen Lang is a little more incredible.

This is too fake, and it is incredible.

after all.

Chen Lang believes that it is a godhead and precious. After all, this thing is very mysterious. The earth in the previous life could not be studied. It can only be used as an information storage.

However, after all, this stuff was very easy to reach. At that time, the earth was only a medium civilization. It just lay down a magic civilization, plundered resources, and plundered this godhead.

If the godhead is the 'key' in the mouth of Xiao Jing, is it too easy to get it?

And if not.

So what is this godhead?

It can make the Kaos theological civilization crazy, and allow Chen Lang ’s superpowers to evolve into ‘work together’ or even continuously connect himself to different universes.

In the words of Little Crystal.

Even the Supreme Master can't transcend the limit of time. So why can this godhead transcend time and space and contact himself in other universes?

For a time.

Chen Lang was tangled in his heart.

he knows.

Believe it or not, there is already a 80% chance that this godhead in his consciousness is the 'key' that Xiao Jing said.


Chen Lang took a deep breath and then exhaled.

Xiao Jing stood beside him and looked at Chen Lang in wonder, and said, "What are you thinking? I call you and you ignore me."

"It's nothing!"

Chen Lang shook his head, with a certain thought and speculation in his heart.

He needs to verify whether the guess in his heart is true or not.

He opened his mouth and perfuncted a few words casually. After leaving the small crystal flickering, Chen Lang did not continue the research of the Jihadist Angels for the first time, but closed his eyes on the sofa and began to contact the Avengers Chen Lang.

Group chat!

Chen Lang briefly described the matter, and then said, "I originally thought that the" **** "was so amazing that everyone would search for it in their own universe.

But it seems that this matter is not so simple.

@ Avengers 陈 浪.

I need you to verify it. If the verification is successful, it means that I really got a very amazing thing. "

The Avengers Chen Lang naturally knew what Chen Lang meant. After careful consideration, he said, "Yes, I now have a certain status in the Kaos theological civilization. Although the status is not too high, I can also access some secrets. .

At least, doing something won't be so noticeable.

You said, how do I need to verify? "

"It's simple!"

Chen Lang frowned and said, "Although the small crystal is usually ridiculous, this kind of thing will not make fun of me. Although I haven't come into contact with the universe civilization of this universe, this ancient myth should be true .

I need you to verify whether this ancient myth also exists in the universe where you live. "

"What do you mean?"

The Avengers Chen Lang froze.

At this time, Chen Lang, a sly energy body, bubbling. After understanding the cause and effect, he laughed: "It's very simple. The owner's meaning is that he needs to verify if this 'god' is unique.

Follow the information currently known.

This "god" is the core of the world that led to you. You did not die when the civilization was destroyed, and he also passed through it.

So calculated.

Your world no longer has this 'god'.

And the world where the owner is, plus this one on him, should normally have two 'gods'.

In the universe where the group owner is located, according to the information obtained by the group owner, if the godhead is the key, then the godhead should be very precious.

Definitely impossible to get by a **** magic civilization.

and so.

The owner guessed that if the godhead is really the key, then in his universe, the magic civilization should have no godhead, or whether there is magic civilization or not.

But in your universe, magical civilization exists.

So here comes the problem.

Why is the godhead in a magical civilization?

As you said before.

The magical civilization was cultivated by the Kaos theological civilization to conduct experiments to study the godhead.

The destruction of the earth is also related to the plunder of the godhead.

So the question is coming ~ ~ If the godhead is the key, if the godhead is so precious, why is it placed in the magic civilization by the Kaos theological civilization?

Is it because the Kaos theological civilization does not understand the preciousness of the gods, or is it because of other reasons?

According to the environment you are in now, Avengers Chen Lang, the Kaos theological civilization has not had any big troubles because of the loss of the godhead, which is almost no special movement.

So, why is this?

So, this is why the owner asks you to probe the news. "

Having said that, the energy body paused a little, and said, "If you probe into the ancient mythology of your world, the existence of 'keys' also triggers the war of the gods, which means that the godhead is not unique.

Since it is not unique, it is considered precious and limited.

Even then, we can all find our own gods in our universe to strengthen ourselves.

And if the godhead has uniqueness, then it is very likely that there are only one such "god", regardless of how many universes there are, it is enough to prove that this godhead is indeed the key in the ancient myth of the universe in which the master belongs. "

"how can that be?"

The Avengers Chen Lang frowned, saying incredulously: "For now, in my world, there exists, after all, his godhead was taken away from me.

And in his world, regardless of the existence of the godhead, since there is a legend of the 'key', it is enough to show that this cannot be the same thing.

after all.

If the godhead is the key, how could it appear in my universe? "

Having said that.


The Avengers Chen Lang also froze. He said in shock, "Do you doubt ...?"

(End of this chapter)

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