Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 713: The birth of quantum communication

Chapter 713 Birth of quantum communication (seeking subscription)

"That's it over?"

Neijiang Bieyuan, Dad Chen and Dad Chen were stunned watching the real-time projection of the ball.

this moment.

Not to mention Chen's parents, Chen's mother and Xiao'an, even Chen Lang was stunned.

Lying down!

What are you doing?

Didn't you say it's best to capture captives?

That's eighth level. Captive is a top-level combat power, and it can be used for a lot of things.

Even if it is impossible to capture, after the kill, the corpse will bring back higher energy to extract a few people enough to advance to the seventh level.

Did you give it a shot?



Chen Lang quickly said goodbye to Chen's father, Chen's mother, and went out to return to Dijiangyuan.

"Ball, who gave them permission to use the superstar warship Star Cannon?" Chen Lang couldn't help asking.

"Documents signed by the Federal Government!"

The ball quickly replied.

"Who is on duty now? Get me connected to the Federal Town House!"

Chen Lang was a little speechless.

"Because it involves defense against the Richie Pirates, everyone is here now, it's connected!"

After the ball replied, the projection inside the Federal Town House was turned on.

In the twinkling of light and shadow, figures such as President Li and Morgan appeared in front of Chen Lang, who seemed to be in the conference room of the federal town hall.

President Li and others immediately got up after seeing Chen Lang.

Chen Lang glanced at them and said, "Why give them permission to use Star Cannon?"


General Manager was also speechless, saying: "In order to prevent the Richie Pirates from bringing too many people, we are thinking of being more secure. At least the force field defense system of the Super Star Warship must be able to resist the first wave Yes, I really did not expect this to happen.

In addition, we do not have the authority to set the Star Cannon of the Super Star Warship. Anyone who is authorized to use the Super Star Warship is eligible to control the startup of the Star Cannon.

We also didn't expect them to launch the Star Cannon. "

Chen Lang was speechless again.

Then he said helplessly: "Okay, after all, alien civilization is not well understood. They did it for careful consideration. This matter is fine. I let the ball set the independent authority of the Star Cannon, lest anyone get the starry sky that day. After the warship's authority, a shot at the earth was funny.

Let them come back, this time it's okay.

One more thing, we will convene an external resource collection fleet as soon as possible. When the time is about, we will leave the galaxy. The time is relatively tight. You are also more busy. I have some plans to upload it to the federal township in a while. You all have a look.

If the plan is successful, then we will even have an opportunity for explosive development.

and also.

Some new techniques I have started to prepare the ball.

Battleships involving space transition technology and some devices involving quantum communication technology will soon be produced in a batch, but we will eventually lack the S-class energy core and cannot be manufactured on a large scale. Do n’t study this aspect for the time being. There are ready-made products. Yes, I'll give you a direction, you ... "

After a long time.

Projection ends.

Chen Lang held his forehead and thought for a moment.

He got up and walked towards the inner part of Wangshen Mountain. He found that although the related research of the angel family has been solved, new problems have emerged, that is, the space transition technology and quantum communication technology.

In this respect, Chen Lang had an idea, but it has been hindered by the lack of S-level energy and therefore has not been manufactured.

Nowadays, with the leasing technology of the pirate warship of Richie, it is obvious that this aspect has attracted a lot of people's attention.

Chen Lang does not want them to waste time in this regard.

And the best way is to make it, and then license the technology and pay royalties.

When everyone sees the energy core required by this technology, naturally they will not forget to study it again.

"Ball, according to the S-level energy core manufacturing technology I transmitted to you, analyze and extract the original S-level energy core, and start manufacturing the standard version of the S-level energy core."

After entering the Wangshen Mountain, Chen Lang opened his mouth quickly, and then began transmitting data to the ball.

Chen Lang has transmitted data to the ball many times.

Due to the power of faith, before the system was born, Chen Lang had very weak control of the godhead. The information extracted was also fixed-point extraction. Many key technologies could not be found.

But now it is different. After the explosive growth of the power of faith, the system was created, and the system controlled some of the gods.

Godhead is the crystallization of the civilization of the earth in previous lives.

At this point, the internal information can be browsed at will by Chen Lang.

This time, Chen Lang is ready to transmit all the data to the ball.


Time goes by day by day.

In a flash, it was three months.

Ninety-nine percent of the resource collection ships located in various areas of the Iza galaxy have returned. Humans have obtained a large amount of vermiculite and extracted a large amount of plutonium.

In the manufacture of warships and some weapons, after the addition of plutonium energy, human research on special metal three-level super-specific alloys can be said to be further.

This early technology that Chen Lang took out from the crystallization of civilization has finally ushered in a transformation ~ ~ and the same.

In three months, too many things happened. Around the world, Super God Technology built a total of 3,000 bases called 'rebirth pools'. Although people do n’t know what the rebirth pools mean, this base What's the use, but after knowing that this is Super God Technology and Chen Lang's handwriting, they have also cooperated with all their strength.

The completion of the construction of the 3,000 rebirth pond bases means that human beings have the first vassal race, and it also means that human beings control the first arms of war.

Angel tribe!


During the construction of the rebirth pond base.

Ball-based, supplemented by Chen Lang, jointly rebuilt the network that combed the earth, and replaced quantum optical communication with a near-silent way.

Although the emergence of quantum communication is silent, it has shocked the world.

Quietly because Chen Lang and Qiuqiu did not publicize the information, nor did they delete the information about the existence of the past network, but directly replaced the source with quantum communication.

Shocking the world is different.

As soon as I woke up, many people suddenly realized that there was no longer any delay in playing the magic world, which was very incredible.

after all.

This world of magic world is too big. It uses optical network as the main connection for real-time information exchange.

Although the optical network has reached a point unimaginable in the past, any data can be transmitted instantly, but in the end it has its limits.


Players are online, everything around them is data conversion, and it looks very real, but players know that no matter how real, there is a limit. It is true within 10 kilometers, and it is basically fuzzy outside 10 kilometers.

Unless you run over, it will be true over there, but here it is blurred again.


(End of this chapter)

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