Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 726: Latest news from Avengers Chen Lang

Chapter 726 Latest News from The Avengers Chen Lang

Except Donghua United.

The Nordic Alliance Consortium, the Cold Day Alliance Consortium, the Non-United Arab Emirates Federation, and the Freedom Alliance. These consortia, which have also achieved business and industry, have also achieved rapid development.

Plus a sacred covenant of faith and heritage.

From the establishment of the six major forces to the present, Chen Lang has completed the most desired change.

They have changed from the original type of super-shen technology patents to sell small things by themselves, and they have transformed into a new type of large consortium with innovation as the mainstay and supplemented by patents.

Today, they have attracted 60% of the world's top scientists and countless scientific and technological talents from all walks of life with high prices and high salaries.

It can be said.

The six major forces are now truly called 'empires'.

Each of them involved all walks of life, products are sold globally, and talents are spread throughout the forces, completing self-production and self-sale research.

It deserves to be compared with ancient technology.

The earth today.

With the major forces digging and tirelessly stealing the federal heritage.

Global talent.

The Federation has changed from an exclusive 70% to only 50% today. Super God Technology still maintains 25%, and ancient technology still maintains 10%. The remaining 60% can be said to have been snatched by the six forces Already.

This corner was dug.

If it wasn't for the acquiescence of Chen Lang, and if there were not all forces behind every high level of the Federation, I am afraid it would have caused a big mess.

But precisely because of Chen Lang's acquiescence, there was a tacit consent of the high level of the Federation.

Although the corner digging seemed ridiculous, it was done subtly, without any surprise.

Under everyone's acquiescence, with the acquiescence of Chen Lang.

After breaking out of the sun's crisis, Earth completed its first internal shuffle.

of course.

This happened when Super God Technology and Ancient Technology did not recruit people for the time being.

If Super God Technology is willing to recruit people, I am afraid that some people will come to the door without giving money.

Although ancient science and technology can't do this, everyone in the world knows that ancient science and technology has its foundation and is very deep. Even though the global power is shuffled, ancient science and technology are still thousands of years under the super **** Second child.

This was what Chen Lang ordered.

This is the first internal shuffle in the world, and is part of Chen Lang's layout and plan. Naturally, ancient technology and super-shen technology will not be out of control.

Ancient technology and Chaoshen technology still rely on the technology brought by Chen Lang.

Under the premise of possessing these technologies, Chaoshen Technology does not need to recruit too many scientific and technological talents, and it is also a waste of people when they come in.

Because the research inside Chaoshen Technology is far less competitive than other forces, and the treatment is not so good.

Just keep it as it is.

Chen Lang's status is irreplaceable.

There is no need to develop Super God Technology into the only force in the world. If that is the case, then it is really captive for all humanity.

Carry the banner of science and technology alone.

Chen Langke didn't have the ambition and confidence.

He is very clear about his positioning. Some are technologies brought from previous lives. Most of these technologies have come out. Most of the remaining ones have not been researched in previous lives.

And Chen Lang also knows that his talents in scientific research are really average. Otherwise, there is no company to re-educate in 57 years in the past life.

He is a jerk.

The best way to stay in position is not to play with technology, but to become a god.

As long as he becomes a god, then Chen Lang is the only leader of the earth and cannot be replaced.

As for how the following people develop and compete, does it still make sense?

At which step, it is normal for Chen Lang to suddenly announce that both Super God Technology and Ancient Technology have been dissolved, because it no longer needs to exist.

What Chen Lang wants is healthy competition, because only competition can stimulate the potential of all mankind.

In the past, super **** technology, this and that, and raising people around the world to keep them from messing up, were to survive and to solve the sun destruction crisis.

Today, Chen Lang has passed that period, and now he wants transformation.

From the beginning, people's thoughts were changed, people's thoughts were changed, and even the people were guided subconsciously in the direction they wanted.

These are all laid out and planned.

And now.

Those layouts and plans have been completed. What Chen Lang wants now is another transformation of global thinking.

What he wants is the creativity of the people.

The existence of the six forces, Chen Lang's acquiescence, all originated here.

Of course, this is only part of the reason.

In Chen Lang's original vision, he still needed to control the world for a long time. At least another 40 to 50 years later, he should solve all the problems. After using the advantages of rebirth, Chen Lang would completely give up.

The reason for the change in the layout and plan was mainly from the avenger Chen Lang.

Just when Chen Lang asked the Avengers Chen Lang to inquire about the ancient war of God and the mysterious 'key', the Avengers Chen Lang brought news that Chen Lang changed his mind.

In his universe, there is no ancient **** war.

The emergence of the godhead ~ ~ is also very abrupt, as if it suddenly appeared in the universe, and then was obtained by the people of the Kaos theological civilization, and then began billions of years of research.

For billions of years, Kaos theological civilization has not studied the true use of deities.

Just researched some relatively simple information.

For example, the godhead cannot be destroyed, the godhead is very mysterious, and no source can be found. The godhead contains great terror. Even the **** king of the Kaos theological civilization, ca n’t help but feel heart palpitations when trying to devour the godhead, although he ca n’t swallow it. .


With the rumor that the godhead is a greater god, the godhead **** outside the universe, was even taken by other civilizations for research by the Kaos theological civilization, countless civilizations have been destroyed, but the godhead still exists.

Eventually fell into the hands of magical civilization, and was later inadvertently acquired by the earth.

The destruction of the earth, according to the latest statement from the Avengers Chen Lang, is largely due to the gods.

This is to confirm some speculations of Chen Lang. Chen Lang only needs to go to the galaxy where the magical civilization is again to see if there is still a **** in the universe's magical civilization, which is enough to fully confirm Chen Lang's conjecture.

If there is a godhead in a magical civilization, it is all utopian. It is just that the two universes have some differences, and the fronts are not parallel universes.

If there is no magical civilization in magical civilization, or even magical civilization, it is enough to prove that the spirituality is truly unique and unique in the multiverse, then this result is really terrifying.

At the same time, in addition to these messages, the Avengers Chen Lang also brought other messages.

Information on the limits of scientific and technological civilization, as well as information on the two most taboo technologies of scientific and technological civilization.

It was this information that completely changed some of Chen Lang's original layout and plans.

(End of this chapter)

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