Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 745: Cosmic History, Theological War

Chapter 745: Cosmic History, Divine War (Subscription Required)

I heard that Chen Lang wanted to talk about the next plans and goals, and not only Qing Gang, but also Mr. Li and others took it seriously.

Because they already know something about the next things, after all, they don't know much about the details.

Chen Lang's plan and layout are always very mysterious.

看来 In the eyes of everyone, often times things are done, they will really understand what Chen Lang did and how he did during this period.

It can be said.

Many things that Chen Lang has done have been analyzed clearly, and even some books have been published.

He is not only propaganda for Chen Lang, but also the federal town government is preparing to record this historic process.

"How much do you know about the history of this universe?"

Chen Lang looked at Qing Gang and asked blandly.

Tong Qinggang froze for a moment. He thought that Chen Lang would go straight to the subject, but he did not expect to ask him about the history of the universe first.

"I don't know too far away."

Qinggang pondered for a moment and said, "Although I am in the ninth stage, after all, I haven't become a **** and ca n’t really achieve eternal life. In addition, things that are very old years ago have been covered by history. There are only a few of them, and they are also some major events.

Based on the information I got at the beginning.

The universe has existed for a long time, so long that it is unimaginable.

I probably have ... According to the time of your earth, it is almost 14 billion years.

Too long ago to understand.

的 The farthest thing I know is that the path of science appeared in the universe about five billion years ago, and then swept the universe in just a few hundred million years.

A lot of top-level advanced scientific and technological civilizations were born during this period.

According to some secrets I have learned, it seems that those top-level high-tech civilizations have begun to threaten the status of gods.

after that.

About four billion years ago, the gods in the universe were unwilling to be detached from mortals and wanted to destroy all beings. Later, they were blocked by major theological civilizations and experienced hundreds of millions of years of war. The gods with a sense of kindness and justice were eventually defeated. To those evil gods.

The gods who won the ultimate victory are today's eight major deities that rule the entire universe and maintain the peace and justice of the entire universe.

This battle is called the Second Sacred War. As for the earlier First Sacred War, I do n’t understand.

后 After the Second Sacred War, the universe has entered this era of peace, which has lasted for more than four billion years, until now.

This is the most significant event in the history of the universe.

The rest are nothing, they are frictions between some theological civilizations and some accidents that happened by chance. Although some things caused great fluctuations, and even almost made some theological civilizations fight, they were finally resolved peacefully. . "

Speaking of this, Qinggang couldn't help but wonder: "Is your chance related to a major event in the history of the universe?"


Chen Lang did not have time to bother him at this time.

He was thinking about these things that Qing Gang said.

More than 14 billion years.

This is the time of existence of the universe, which was obtained by the earth long ago, but it was not thought that it was really this time.

The Shinto War broke out more than four billion years ago, and is called the Second Shinto War.

He is the key war in which the eight major deities civilizations determine their status today.

As for the evil **** and righteous **** in Qing Gang's mouth, Chen Lang did not believe a word.

Wang Cheng defeated the king, and those who won naturally said whatever they wanted.

For the sake of faith, it was normal for him to hold the **** basin on the dead enemy.

After all.

After summarizing according to the information obtained by Chen Lang, Chen Lang reached a conclusion.

The so-called war of the gods is nothing to help sentient beings, let alone a war between righteous and evil gods.

He is a war of theocracy, a war of interests, and a war of territories.

The eight major **** civilizations today are the ultimate victors, so they have become the most supreme civilization in the universe.

"Little crystal, the first sacred war, do you know?"

At this moment, Chen Lang suddenly looked at Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing thought for a while, then frowned and shook her head, and said, "It should be known, but I have lost a lot of memory, and the details are unclear. According to what I know now, the first sacred war seemed to be a dispute between Taoism and Taoism .

The vast majority of the eight major deities' civilizations did not emerge later, but were very powerful at the beginning of the universe.

的 The strongest of their civilizations were the innate gods at the beginning of the universe ~ ~. They were born gods, so in the beginning, they were god-based civilizations.

Later, with the development of major civilizations and the birth of countless new civilizations, those theological civilizations continually conquered other civilizations and continued to expand the territory.

Until one day, the sites of the civilizations of the two super gods were in line, and war broke out.

This is just a petty joke.

Afterwards, with the convergence of other super **** civilizations, a larger war broke out.

Anyway, I remember that there is no one who can do nothing. In the end, everyone is silent and divides the site. You and me develop together.

I don't remember the specific details.

Anyway, there were many, many shrine civilizations, and many, many forces.

Among the most powerful forces, because of the different directions of practice, disputes eventually occurred. Wen Wu No. 1 and Wu No. 2 had frequent outbreaks of fighting between gods in those years.

因此 Because of this, all beings in the universe understand the greatness of the gods, and there is an absolutely insurmountable distance between man and God.

And this situation lasted a long time.

Until one day, for some reasons I can't remember, a war broke out between the major super-divine civilizations, and that divine war swept the entire universe, eventually leading to the full-scale outbreak of the first theological war.

There are many shrine civilizations that have won, and many shrine civilizations that have died. In that battle, the practice path also rose completely, and the universe entered a period of overhaul.

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