He blinked in a blink of an eye.

Twenty years have passed.

This is the longest time that Chen Lang has stayed in a certain place since his rebirth. Even when it is in the solar system, it always adds up to about ten years.

Now, in a blink of an eye, think about it, the rebirth has been close to forty years.

Suddenly, Chen Lang suddenly found that he was silent, and this life also came to be sixty years old.

Twenty years.

太多 Too much happened during this period.

这些 And these things, we must start from three aspects, the first aspect is the development of the earth in this ruined land, the second aspect is the development of the earth, and the third aspect is the change of Chen Lang and the people around him.

Twenty years.

For a short time in other civilizations, it is not even worth mentioning in the eyes of those lords, and it is a momentary moment, but for the earth, it is an upside down time.

Twenty years.

If we say that the human beings of the earth more than 20 years ago were totally unsuited to the changes of the outside world, they could not accept the changes of the times, and they were facing the new era blankly.

After 20 years, it's really different.

Twenty years, enough time for a generation to rise.


During these 20 years, as Chen Lang continued to visit other civilizations and continue to pay for other civilizations, in the past 20 years, the earth has gained too much, even more than in previous lives. Those technologies are much more comprehensive.

Resources are helpless though.

如今 But the technology of the earth is very perfect now, and all the technology that Chen Lang has taken from the crystallization of civilization has been completely digested, whether it is the space transition technology or the quantum communication technology.

技术 The technology from other civilizations has been integrated and integrated into the earth's own science and technology system in the past two decades.

The existence of virtual world makes the technological progress of the earth very fast.

The existence of a virtual scientific research platform is to integrate all kinds of understanding of the outside world into the virtual scientific research platform, and scientists can carry out unbridled research on the virtual scientific research platform.

No need to worry about consumption, nor do you need to worry about others.


Study while studying. For twenty years, the earth ’s scientists have really stood up. Although few of them can participate in the most advanced scientific and technological research and development, they can already rely on existing knowledge. Innovate with foreign knowledge and integrate them.

陈 After Chen Lang acquired a large number of civilizations' technologies, today's earth has the most comprehensive and top technology in the ruined land.

Even though it is the technology of those advanced civilizations, Chen Lang also flew over a lot.

I have no one.

He is just because a human looks like a god.

With this advantage, Chen Lang can be said to be windy and rainy. As long as he secretly promises an alliance to whom, the other party will definitely take out the technology.

浪 Even the six ninth-order lords from the higher civilization, Chen Lang visited.

Of course.

浪 Chen Lang makes good friends with others so often, naturally they are also seen by others, but they never expected that Chen Lang would be shameless and allied with all civilizations at the same time.

他们 In their opinion, Chen Lang's move was obviously innocent and he wanted to fish in troubled water.

At the same time, everyone sneered secretly.

Why are you so generous in giving you technology?

Isn't it because ... after breaking the heavens, you have no value and cannot exist?


At the beginning of the alliance with the Lai Mo tribe, Lai Mo's miracle was thinking that after the end of the Broken Heaven Realm and his party, the earth's civilization was directly destroyed, and other civilizations naturally thought so.

I am also so generous with them.

In addition to the six lords.

The twenty-six lords have reservations and never thought about annihilating the earth, because they are different from ordinary forces. They are ninth-order lords. They have doubts about the earth and suspect that the earth is related to the gods.

So they have to be cautious.

As a result, Chen Lang did not acquire any critically important technology in their hands.

This is quite helpless and regrettable for Chen Lang.

In addition to Chen Lang.

In the past six years, the six major forces of the earth have not been outdone, and they have built fleets and left the earth. They have done some business with the advantages of being earth people and major civilizations.

Although most civilizations come from only a part of the elite, not the entire civilization, but they also obviously have a lot of good things.


For the past two decades, the gains for the entire planet are absolutely huge and hard to imagine.

Twenty years later.

Everything has become a little different, and everything has developed in a better direction.

In the second aspect.

The interior of the earth.

Because of the birth control plan implemented that year, and a new generation of people who have grown up and started their lives, the population of the planet has now exploded.

In more than two decades, the earth has changed from its original population of 20 billion people and more than 10 billion babies and infants to today's 70 billion people and more than 40 billion babies and infants.

This was never thought of by anyone.

I was shocked even by Chen Lang.

Although the earth ’s population exceeded 300 billion in previous lives, it was born over a century of accumulation. The larger the population, the faster the foundation.

And in this life.

Just within 40 years of rebirth, the total population of the planet will reach 70 billion. If it is another 100 years, how much? The rise of generations, at that time, trillions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ even trillions?

Even if fertility is no longer encouraged, in today's environment, it will definitely exceed the total population of previous lives.

But in addition to the population.

With the growth of the population, it has also driven other industries. In the real estate industry, low prices, comfortable living, intelligent, etc., have gathered various advantages of real estate resources from the earth's land to skynet.

On the earth, on the basis of the original major regional cities, metropolises have once again emerged, even on the Earth Skynet, and because of the family members of some of the main forces, some aerial cities have gradually developed.

The population, resources, technology, overall industry, and even the industry industry have undergone earth-shaking changes in just over 20 years.

And here it is.

The biggest change, but also the least noticeable, the one that is hidden well is the rebirth pool base.

Twenty years.

The base of the Zhuanshengchi base was expanded several times, and the number of angels that can be produced every day is a horrible figure.

Even though Chen Lang has not requested urgent manufacturing for more than 20 years, he has even slowed down the manufacturing speed.

But for more than two decades, the angel population has grown rapidly to a horrible figure.

This number even makes the entire planet's inhabitation seem a little crowded.

840 billion!

Even if it has been developed for many thousands of years, the medium civilization at the peak of its strength will feel numb scalp. .

This is the earth.

新生 A newborn civilization.

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