Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 762: Great respect, mixing rule

Chapter 762: Da Zun, The Law of Mixing (For Subscription)

Could it be said that Broken Lord has long known the existence of small crystals? Has long known that Qinggang is a vein of the earth?


Chen Lang was puzzled.

At this moment, listening to the broken Lord, Chen Lang said involuntarily: "Although this kind of competition is considered a first-class event on our planet, it is certainly not worth mentioning to the Lord.

However, does His Holiness have anything else to say? "

The Broken Lord turned his head and looked at Chen Lang with a smile, saying, "I don't know, what does Chen Lang want me to say?"

Chen Lang was dumb for a while.


Some words were helpless and helpless.

Although he showed his hole cards and strength, if the Broken Lord has been in such an ambiguous attitude and does not speak, he will really have no choice.

Because the only one who can open the Broken God Realm is the Broken Sovereign, and only he has practiced the Secret Method of Broken God Realm.

Can it not be forced?

"Do not worry!"

At this moment, Broken Lord took a teacup and took a sip, saying: "Although the universe is dark and the human heart is dark, it is for the weak and the strong that they have the right to choose good and evil freely.

As for me, maybe you have heard of it, or maybe you have not heard of it.

Of course, the me in the mouth of hundreds of people may not be the real me.

In the mouths of hundreds of people, I am almost an extremely lucky person who stepped on shit. He was a wanderer, scavenger, and even civilization and race perished in the universe. Very few people survived. , Until now, I have not found a second one.

According to the normal line, I have no way out in my life. I can only live on the wandering universe and even die by being looted and humiliated.

But hundreds of thousands of years ago, by chance, I got the Secret Code of Heaven here, so I rose in the shortest time, and became the ninth stage in the shortest time. Even in the ninth stage, few people dare to provoke.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, I am not really a strong person, but a lucky person. For hundreds of thousands of years, I am the luckiest person in dozens of large river systems around.

is not it? "

Chen Lang was silent.

Although I really do n’t want to admit it, the Broken Lord is right. In private, the races of the Hundred Nations Covenant all said Broken Lord.

Seeing Chen Lang silent, Broken Lord could not help but chuckled, and said, "If it is placed on the other nine levels, higher civilizations may not provoke them, but those middle civilizations who dare to gossip do you think they still need to exist?

How can there be good and evil in the universe?

The so-called good and evil are just the products of freewheeling.

I do whatever I want, but I have a good heart, so unless it is necessary, I will never kill myself because of my temporary preferences.

That doesn't make sense.

Many people outside the world say that I come from a low-level civilization that has been invaded and extinct, so I seem to be kind, but in fact I am deliberately thinking and planning for a long time in order to get revenge.

The reason why I do n’t do it now is most likely because the enemy is a high civilization and ca n’t afford it for the time being.

But in fact, they were all wrong. "

Speaking of this, the Broken Lord sighed slightly and said, "My civilization is only a local civilization. It is not a low or high civilization at all. I am the master of our martial arts on the planet, reaching the fourth level. The strongest planet ever, can cross the cosmic void without dying.

But unfortunately.

Originally, we might have become a lower civilization, but the meteorite group collided, which led to the destruction of our civilization. As the strongest, I escaped.

At that time, there were also suspicions that they were conspired by someone, but no matter how you thought about it, you couldn't understand why the other party was.

So I flew in the direction of the meteorite.

It took thousands of years. When the life was about to run out, I met a fleet in the void, and you can guess who this fleet is, yes, it depends on the demons.

Lai Mozu arrested me as a coolie.

But because of exposure to more advanced energy and knowledge, I reached the fifth level and became the leader of coolie.

After that, this is the broken void area.

The Lai Mozu excavated here, and I was the leader of the coolie. I dig along with other coolies captured by the Lai Mozu until an accident when hundreds of civilization forces set fire to attack the civilization before this ruined land.

I also naturally participated in it. By chance, an eighth-level elder of Lai Mozu stood in front of me and blocked an attack for me. I survived and escaped into the temple.

Because of this, I got the Secret Code of the Heavenly Realm of Broken God Realm, and therefore, although which eighth order just accidentally blocked the attack for me, I was still willing to read his kindness.

Now do you understand?

Although civilization is ruined, I yearn for hope.

Although the past was bitter, my heart was bright.

Maybe you think I am hypocritical, but to be honest, I never thought of destroying you earth people. My plan is actually very simple. There was a **** in the broken **** heavenly world, then they must be very sensitive to the appearance of God.

The existence of you Earthmen may have saved us at a critical moment.

Therefore, I agree with you to join and grant you privileges to make you a predator in the second sequence, which can be regarded as indirect compensation for your efforts.

After the war, whether you are alive or dead, it is your own life.

Although I am good to nature, I am not a Virgin.

Benefit exchange, I give you the opportunity, give you the power to plunder, and you give me some help.

That's enough.

If you survive, you will naturally get contented resources and technology to leave.

If you die, there is no way to survive in this universe, all the results are the first choice, aren't they? "

"Since you say that your heart is bright, why do you still gather so many people to invade the broken heavens? What is your purpose? For what?"

Chen Lang heard the words solemnly looked at Broken Lord and asked.

The Broken Lord stunned slightly and said with a smile, "Why should I do this? It's actually very simple, others can't see it, but this one is OK, you will know if you ask."

The Broken Lord stretched his finger towards the small crystal, meanwhile, said meaningfully: "To be honest ~ ~ The heritage of the earth has surprised me. know.

But I didn't expect that there was such a great **** hidden under my eyelids.

Before asking my purpose, shouldn't His Excellency Chen Lang introduce me to this ... Da Zun? "

Great respect?

Chen Lang was slightly puzzled.

But the nearby Qing Gang suddenly couldn't help but looked at Xiao Jing and said, "You turned out to be a great respect?"

"What is Da Zun?"

Chen Lang looked confused.

The next small crystal took a look at Chen Lang and explained: "The ninth order is the lord, but after all, the ninth order is the last level under the gods, so this level is too different. The strong are second only to the gods, and the weak are even stronger. This is not enough for a slap.

Therefore, at this level, the small respect position of the big respect is divided.

Too much stronger than the ordinary ninth order, weaker than the god, is the great respect.

In general, the Great Supreme is the reserve of the gods, who can achieve the Great Supreme as one tenth chance to become a god.

The Broken Sovereign is a Sovereign who is about to enter the level of the Great Sovereign. "

Speaking, Xiao Jing looked at the Broken Lord, glanced deeply, and said to Chen Lang, "But unfortunately, it's incredible that you can succeed in practicing divine skills with mortal bodies, but he is about to die. His body cannot bear the law of fragmentation. The law of fragmentation is an esoteric fusion law. It is a mixture of up to dozens of rules. Even ordinary gods may not be able to practice.

Although his broken law is incomplete, it is also a mixture of multiple laws. This law cannot be carried by non-gods! "

Chen Lang was startled.

Qing Gang was shocked.

Even the broken Lord himself, hearing the words, the teacup in his hand began to tremble involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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