Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 768: 1 plane is about to be destroyed

Chapter 768: A Plane Is About To Be Destroyed

The potential of this civilization is really terrible!

At this moment, the broken Lord could not help but send his emotions from the bottom of his heart.

The more so, the more comfortable the Broken Lord is. After all, if you want to join a civilization, then the more powerful it is, the better it is. Although the earth is not working now, the potential is huge, and the future is definitely a terrible giant.

And a big civilization of a giant might even reach a top-level higher civilization, which is often very exclusive to outsiders, and it is difficult to integrate even if it joins.

This problem does not exist on Earth.

Because the earth has not yet grown up.

The more you think, the more satisfied your Broken Lord is.


What he didn't know was that, no matter in Chen Lang's mind or in Xiao Jing's mind, what kind of interstellar trade and what priesthood were impossible.

Although interstellar trade is very profitable, but it takes time, it is a gradual and gradual pace of development.

There are too many 'enemies' on the earth. If it develops slowly, it will be a dead letter sooner or later.

However, Chen Lang has progressed too quickly, but others do n’t understand it. Chen Lang is very clear. Now the energy body, the mountains and seas, the Avengers, and the three in the group chat have achieved the ninth order by themselves. It has the fighting power to suppress Tier Nine.

Although it can't beat the Broken Lord, and it can't beat the small crystal, but the ordinary ninth-order abuse of Qinggang is completely without any problems.

The system and formula of the strongest method of refining are shared in group chat.

Whether it is the energy body, the mountains and seas, or the Avengers, although the three of them have just entered the ninth stage, they are not the weakest in the ninth stage. It may not be enough to say that the strong is not enough, but that the weak is definitely able to single out Three or five of the same order.

In this situation.

Does Chen Lang need slow development?

No need.

Just hit it all the way, keep plundering, keep getting stronger, and keep adding more information.

Not only yourself, everyone in the group chat will follow this path.

after all.

The universe is so big that even if it is open, Chen Lang feels that the road ahead is difficult.

In this case, there is no way but to continue to open and continue to open, if one has no advantage, open two, and continue research and development if the two do not work.

If we say that the mysterious godhead and the ability to work together are Chen Lang's first and strongest link.

That system is the second.

The formula is the third.

After that, it was the experience of rebirth.

Any one of them is enough to rise up a supreme power, but it is impossible for Chen Lang and the entire earth to survive in this vast universe. After all, Chen Lang's enemy is a theological civilization, and not one, but eight.

This is the story of a new civilization facing eight sacred civilizations.

In this case, any hanging is not good.

You can only hang up and hang up, and keep stacking until Wan Wan returns to one. Hanging is king.

At that level, Chen Lang can really rest assured to single out the universe.

In addition to the slow-paced development of interstellar trade for the entire civilization, for the individual, the path of developing the clergy is extremely short of Chen Lang and Xiao Jing.

After all, the small crystal is the resurrection of the gods. How can he be a servant to other lower gods?

And Chen Lang is confident that he will be able to hang on to the gods soon. Although the so-called 'merit' can quickly improve his strength, in Chen Lang's view, it is better to hang on.


the most important is.

The body of the earth contains divine genes. If it is only one deity gene, it is okay to say that as long as it is not the deity gene of the Kaos theological civilization, it will be no problem to survive on Kaos's territory.

This will even become an advantage for the promotion of the earth. After all, the existence of the earth can shame the shrine civilizations that have leaked the **** genes. Although the eight shrine civilizations jointly control the universe, there are definitely a lot of private internal fights. They will never give up a chance to laugh at each other.

Moreover, if the **** genes in the earth's human body are only genes of ordinary gods, or the **** god, the **** king, these are easy to say.

It can only be said that the earth has great potential and is worth nurturing.

As long as it is not the twelve Titans of Zeus.

But unfortunately.

The earth not only has the bloodline genes of Zeus's veins of twelve Titans, but also the core godliness of the other seven theological civilizations.

This Nima would not do.

Heavenly Father's Bloodline Gene Left Behind? This is ugly!


Are there other core **** genes of the other seven deities? No, this is no longer a scandal, this is a conspiracy.

Etc., etc.

Anyway, the earth people with the eight major **** genes, as long as they are exposed to the eyes of the gods, it will inevitably cause stormy waves.

The world is intolerable.

It doesn't matter what the truth is, whether there is a spectrum in the mind of the divine civilization, whether you remember the research on the earth of the solar system billions of years ago, the earth can never exist.

This has tarnished the noble blood of the divine civilization.

Also shame the eight major gods civilization.

Even if one of them doesn't care, what about the other seven? Don't care?

If one family cares, the earth is over.

And even if a certain civilization of the gods appreciates the earth and wants to protect it, there is basically no hope. After all, even if it is the Emperor of Heaven, that is not a fool.

Is your family still able to harden the other seven?

Aren't you afraid that this will detonate the war of the gods again?

Therefore, ~ ~ for various reasons, it has established that Chen Lang and the entire earth will never go the ordinary way, and the ordinary way will not go.

"A few days will be the period when the regional space where Shattered Heaven is the weakest. What are you going to do?"

In the virtual stadium in Hangzhou, the battle below has already entered the most intense moment. The enthusiasm of hundreds of thousands of viewers is boiling. Although shouting is prohibited, the atmosphere can be seen at a glance.

But in the upper box, Chen Lang and others were calm.

Hearing Chen Lang's inquiry, the Broken Sovereign groaned a little and said, "Since it is a family, I will not hide you anymore. I told the people before that the so-called weakest period of space to break into the broken **** heaven was completely random. Said.


This time is not calculated by me at all, but recorded in the Tiangong Secret, and it is not a weak space at all.

The person who wrote these records was under the control of the dynasty in the Broken God Realm, and was attacked by the group because of the doomsday, so he left the Broken God Realm. According to his records, the Broken God Realm has reached an imbalance. Moment that can't hold it.

In recent days, there will be space cracks in the broken **** celestial realm, the internal world will start to collapse, and the entire world will be destroyed with the internal collapse.

After he established this ruined civilization, he chose to return to the Broken God Realm to save the world, but apparently, he failed. "

Shattered in the eyes of Broken Lord, he said, "If the salvation is successful, why did you give up the relatives here? Even if it is strong, after all, he does not have the ability to repair the world. The so-called success is only to bring people out of the broken heavens. , Enter the big universe and start again.

But no one has broken out of the broken heavens.

So he failed.

And the entire broken **** celestial world is about to be completely destroyed. "

(End of this chapter)

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