Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 771: arrangement!

Chapter 771 Arrange! (For subscription)

"Stop it!"

At this time, Chen Lang also smiled and advised: "This kid is not simple. It looks like a black horse. In fact, no matter how dark a horse is, when our planet is in short supply of higher biological energy, can he still evolve without energy? Seventh order?

His family is rich.

The Zhongli family may not be the top family on our earth, but they are also one of the newly emerging families. The Zhongli Yuanhang Group is one of the important members of the Donghua United Consortium, which is one of the top six folks on the earth.

The Zhongli family controls the Zhongli Yuanhang Group. The family property was in the past a wealthy country, and I have read the information of the younger generation of our planet. This boy ’s family education is extremely strict, which has also created his perseverance and maturity In general, in addition to the seventh-order practice, everything has been perfected.

And we old Huaxia people all understand the principle of respecting the teacher, and accepting this apprentice is definitely not a bad thing for you in the future. "

Broken Lord is lost in thought.

He really had no intention of accepting an apprentice before, except for a group of eighth-tier servants who were close-handed under his hand, he seemed to have been living for a long time and was used to a person's life.

This suddenly made him accept an apprentice. For him, even though it was in his heart, he felt a little caught off guard.


He also understood what Chen Lang said.

No matter from which point of view, it is beneficial and harmless for him to accept this apprentice. After all, he is going to integrate into the earth in the future. With an apprentice, he can better integrate.

In particular, the apprentice's home belongs to the elite group on earth.

An important part of the Donghua United Consortium, one of the six major private forces, can still get enough higher energy to evolve to the seventh stage in the period when it initially lacked higher energy.

All of this shows that after accepting this apprentice, his future life on earth will be smoother and smoother.

Slightly hesitated for a moment, and stared at Zhong Liting again for a moment to observe. Broken Lord nodded and said, "Well, since it is Chen Lang you and Da Zun jointly recommend, then I will accept him until the end of his game Let him see me. "


Chen Lang heard a smile, and at this time, in the projection, the battle had come to an end.

With the eruption of Qi Hai, Zhong Liting was also violent under great pressure, entangled with thunder and lightning, and thunders like a bucket spread all over the sky and the earth, tens of thousands.

The dense thunder and lightning filled the energy field of Qi Hai.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, the endless thunder and lightning exploded, and the thunder roared toward Qihai as a dragon and snake.

Although Qi Hai's energy field can suppress those external forces, in the case of a broken face, after all, it is better than the thunder of Zhong Liting.


Under the light of thunder and lightning, Qi Hai flew out fiercely and landed outside the fighting area.

Even if you get out of the battle zone, you lose.

This is the rule.

It is not just the rules of the virtual battlefield. On the earth, any competition has a battle area.

Because there is no way, the earth follows the path of a genetic warrior, and its defense is too terrible. Basically, it is rare to be able to break through the defense against the other side in the battle. Out of the battle area.

"Zhong Liting !!!"

"Zhong Liting !!!"

"Zhong Liting !!!"


Hundreds of thousands of spectators stood up at the scene and began to shout with enthusiasm.

Their voices converged, directly shattering the clouds in the sky, and even the whole venue was shaking slightly.

Because these hundreds of thousands of viewers are all fifth-order.

The voices of hundreds of thousands of evolutionaries converged and the terror effect erupted.

This is relatively scattered. If it is really condensed together, I am afraid that even a seventh-order gene warrior can't withstand this sonic attack.

Shouted at the scene.

Those who were rich or expensive in the large boxes also opened the sound-proofing field shields of the boxes, enjoying the shouting at the scene.

Among them, there is the box where Zhong Liting's father, Zhong Lihun, where Zhong Lihun is surrounded by bitter Gu Guyan, and Gu Fengyin, the leader of the Donghua United Consortium, and even a group of Chen The waves looked at the others.

These people are congratulating Zhong Lihun at this moment.

And Zhong Lihun was naturally a smile that couldn't hide his face.

It can be said that there was only one Gu Yan with a bitter face in the audience, because he played the role of a hero, and in addition to playing games, he could not do anything else. At this time, he had been trained by his father for half an hour.

"Xiao Ting should come on stage to participate in the awards, right? Let him come up after the awards are awarded. Let's take a closer look at him, but I haven't seen this kid for several years."

Inside the box, a familiar face of Chen Lang couldn't help but smile.

It is Lao Lei, beside Lai Lei, there are a few people sitting on the horse, they are also one of the members of Donghua United.

"The kid has been notified, and he said that the award will come soon after the award is over."

Zhong Li responded with a smile.


Within a few minutes, the virtual projection was withdrawn, and the award ceremony was started directly at the scene.

The person responsible for awarding the award is the judging and notary of the competition. There are two people: Chen Ye from the Super God Gene Warrior College and Zhao Huntian from the Federal Gene Warrior College.

Zhao Huntian is the thirteenth champion ~ ~ and is now a member of the Federal First Fighting Sequence and a teacher at the Federal Genetic Fighter Academy.

Like Chen Yi, he is one of the leaders of the new generation.

However, he is going to be too long.

During the awarding process, Zhao Huntian was in charge of Qi Hai. Qi Hai was unwilling. It can be said that he had already booked this championship, but unfortunately, a dark horse like Zhong Liting had emerged.

Zhao Huntian patted his shoulder and smiled: "Come on, continue to work hard after returning to the college, the next year's champion must be yours."

"Thank you!"

Qi Hai took a deep breath and responded with a strong smile.

On the side, Chen Yun awarded Zhong Liting the championship trophy and laughed: "Congratulations, it's amazing!"

"Thank you, Sister Xue."

Zhong Liting is from the Super God Gene Warrior Academy, two sessions lower than Chen Yi, so it is normal to shout to learn sister.

Clapping on the shoulder of Zhong Liting, Chen Min whispered, "Follow me after the award is awarded, and I will take you to meet someone."


Zhong Liting was wrong, because he promised his father to go to the box after the end, and was trying to tell Chen Ye to change time. As a result, Chen Ye didn't give him a chance at all, and said in a low voice: "No, you can't refuse, I know your father also Here, but this time it's about your destiny. Your decision will affect your life. "

so serious?

For a moment Zhong Liting was shocked in his heart, and began to guess who it was.

A moment later, as the awards were over, the audience at the scene began to disperse, and Chen Yun took Zhong Liting to one of the boxes in the front row.

"Well? The child has gone to the wrong box?"

In the box of Donghua United, Zhong Li murmured for a moment, and couldn't help but open the smart bracelet.

"do not!"

At this moment, the old horse got up and stopped Zhong Lihun's movement.

(End of this chapter)

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