Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 781: Extremely rich dark energy

Chapter 781: Abundant Dark Energy (For Subscription)

"My God, so strong dark energy!"

In the cracks in the space leading to the ruined land, Lin Bei and others just entered the gate of the plane and stepped into the broken heaven, and Liang Chen couldn't help it.

It's not just him.

Everyone present couldn't help but show an expression of intoxication and enjoyment.

no way.

They have always used biological energy to evolve. Biological energy is the energy that the dark energy acts on the digestion of the biological body, which is closer to the organism, and can be directly absorbed by the human body without much refining.

Dark energy is different. Dark energy is a kind of energy mixture containing countless kinds of energy in the universe. It is like air containing various gases. Whether it is a low-level evolutionary or spiritual practitioner, or a god, dark energy is needed. can.

It can be said.

After entering different practice systems, the dark energy felt is also different.

The divine spirit can extract the highest energy of the universe from the dark energy into itself, and after mixing with the divine power of the law, it becomes divine power.

The same is true for practitioners.

It's just that the energy level is lower, such as aura, magic, etc. These are all contained in dark energy.

The evolutionary path of human beings, the path of genetic warriors, the energy required for evolution is biological energy.

The biological energy obtained by various methods can be directly absorbed by humans.

The dark energy that contains all the energy of the universe naturally also contains this kind of energy without the owner, which can be absorbed by organisms, which greatly enhances the organism's physical fitness and allows the creatures to evolve.

And this energy, although it is also called biological energy, is slightly different from the biological energy used by the earth before.


The bioenergy that is directly absorbed and relied on the body of the enemy is refined. It has been mixed with the source of life of dead creatures. After this bioenergy is absorbed by people, it can be used without any refining. Can improve itself.

Similar to engulfing.

And this kind of energy in the dark energy of the universe is unowned because it has never been absorbed. Although the energy is the same, it requires a process of recognizing the Lord, a process of refining, and a process of absorption and digestion.

Therefore, it takes a lot of time to absorb this energy, even because of the digestive ability of the human body, which limits the upper limit of digestion and can only use time to accumulate.

of course.

This is considered normal.

In the universe, many of the refiners also absorb this kind of energy. There are too many spiritual practice systems in the universe, and civilizations relying on this kind of energy are not a minority.

Not all civilizations are similar to the earth, which directly swallowed the biological energy of other creatures, and thus evolved rapidly.

This is a shortcut though.

But the larger the civilization, the larger the population, and the scarcer the resources.

Except that the earth is in control of living too old, and can let level 1-5 gene warriors absorb and evolve at will, other civilizations basically rely on absorbing this energy in dark energy to slowly evolve and grow.

What is remarkable is that it is similar to the Star Eater, relying on slaughtering other civilizations, forcibly devouring the origin of others' lives, and turning it into its own biological energy.


As a new civilization, the earth has so many evolutionaries, even in the eyes of Qing Gang and Broken Ninth-order Venerable, it is an incredible thing.

Chen Lang also calculated at the beginning.

It is impossible to practice on Earth because the dark energy content is too low and too low.

In the Ize galaxy, although the dark energy can be improved and can be used for daily practice, but the time required to evolve to the first order is also an astronomical figure.

This is the benefit of a plane.

At this point in the plane, the system ’s strongest formula for training began to help them perform instinctual practice. This practice is adaptive. When they do nothing, the efficiency of practice is the highest, and when they are walking. , The efficiency is lower, when fighting, the efficiency is lower.

It can be said that this strongest formula allows Liang Chen and Lin Bei to have the most efficient speed of practice, talk and behave, walk and sit, practice at all times, and do not even need to meditate on their own to induce dark energy. Devour.

The system in their minds also calculated for them the time required to enter the next stage.

For example, Liang Chen.

Without moving.

8 years, 3 months and 7 days, you can enter the seventh-order intermediate stage.

129 years, 7 months, and 18 days, you can enter the seventh-order advanced stage.

In 3799, 10 months and 12 days, the eighth-order preliminary stage can be entered.


This is a kind of prediction. The prediction made by the system combining various factors may be slightly different, but it can be done without any accidents.

This is simply incredible in the eyes of Liang Chen and others.

after all.

They haven't seen the earthen owl now. After years of occasional outings, going to other civilizations for missions, or contacting people from alien civilizations, they already know the general situation of spiritual practice in the universe today.

There are many ways to practice, with numerous body coefficients, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, but there is no doubt that in the universe, the uniform division of all systems in the universe is the order of 1-9.

This is calculated on the basis of life.

Regardless of what power you have, what system you practice, and even the size of your body, the origin of life is the same for all beings in the universe.

For example, the comparison between Linbei and Lishou.

The assassin was born with a huge body. At its peak, it was comparable to a small planet, about two-thirds the size of the moon.

But can you say that the large size of the assassin can crush other creatures and other systems?


If Lin Bei has reached the eighth level, although the body is the same as the ant in front of the assassin, but everyone will dig out the origin of life and all the potentials explode, and purely fight for strength, it is a tie ~ www. ~ Although the assassination body size can grow to a shocking extent, after becoming larger, he actually became his weakness.

The smaller the density, the stronger the defense. This is a theorem and a rule.

The Starbucks are generally large in size, which is because they are born big and have no necessary connection with improving their strength. Even Lizi and Kazlon are studying how to make themselves smaller.

The earthmen who follow the path of genetic warriors will have a larger body size after mastering the rules in the future, but it will be meaningless to become larger.

Of course, the reason why the earth is small is also a natural one. It is caused by the global environment. In fact, in the final analysis, if there is no **** gene, the earth is not suitable for the path of refining. This is too weak compared with those large races. .

The larger body is more suitable for this route, because it is easier to lift.

The larger the body, the more cells and genes, and even energy, the body can accommodate, the easier it will be to grow up.

It is much more difficult for a small body to take a refining path than for a large body.

Basically, in the universe, those who take the path of refining body are huge in size. On the contrary, they are human, with some exceptions and some rare ones.

"It would be nice if we could lay down this position and make ourselves our new home."

Beside Liang Chen, Jerome was quite intoxicated.

"Forget it."

At this time, Lin Bei turned his head and said lightly: "This plane is about to be destroyed and cannot be saved, so the mission is the main task, go, do not cause the other party's attention, and disperse according to the plan."


The crowd reacted quickly.

No matter how much energy, no matter how good it is, it must be your own. Now it is at the door of someone else's house. If you **** the energy so brazenly, you may not die.

(End of this chapter)

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