Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 786: Thick in fine, well-founded

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"How else can I fight?"

At the scene, watching the ball's explanation of the strength and the details of the broken **** heaven, some people couldn't help blurting out.

When Chen Lang heard his words and turned his head, he found that it was not only the person who spoke, but the people of the Hundred Nations Covenant, none of them could keep calm, all with panic and fear.


This news should not be announced.

Chen Lang could not help but be speechless. In the past life, the reason why they had contact with each other was to rush into it with the broken sage, and even if they found it too late, they could only desperately.

That's why they can make the shattered heavens chaos everywhere, and even let the earth pick a big cheap road from the edge of the crack in space.

If it is normal.

It's no wonder they are willing to attack.

After all, it looks like there is no chance of success.

Shattering the heavens, the heritage is too deep and too deep.

I do n’t know. Fortunately, now that I know, let these civilizations take the lead and rush in. In the eyes of the leaders of major civilizations, it is tantamount to pitting them directly.

Turning around and watching.

Even the Broken Sovereign was a little hesitant, and his face was slightly hesitant.

Chen Lang knows.

This is the broken Lord ’s determination to die without death. In this world, there is a method of the earth. In his view, even if the resources in the broken **** heaven are not available, it is the same to go to other civilizations. It is not necessary to die.

This is completely different from his previous life.

In previous lives, this old product had no hope of living. In order to gain vitality, even if it was nine deaths, you should try it.

and so.

This old product also hesitated.

It seems that I can only go out on my own, how many can be flickered.

Chen Lang's eyes narrowed and he had an idea in his heart.

He has a reason to attack the Broken God Realm, because others do n’t know, but he knows it very well. The Broken God Realm seems to have a deep foundation, but in fact it is strong in the outside world, and the real high-end strength is not as scary as everyone thinks.

Otherwise, they could not have broken the world of the broken **** heavenly world in the past.

And this life plus yourself and small crystals, and 840 billion jihad angels, can almost be said to be stable and able to win the broken **** heaven, even if it cannot be completely occupied, but at the moment when this face is about to be destroyed, There are definitely a lot of benefits you can get.

Absolutely enough for the earth's civilization to enter the higher civilization.

"You all!"

Chen Lang groaned slightly and said, "Everyone be quiet, and listen to my analysis."

The crowd at the scene suddenly froze and looked at Chen Lang at the same time. Even the Broken Lord could not help wondering. In the face of such strength, could Chen Lang still be hard?

"First of all!"

Chen Langyi pointed to the numerous data analyzed by the ball and said, "We can't just look at the surface of the data. We must analyze the data from the surface to a deeper place. From the current data, we can see that the ninth-order strong man who broke the heavens should be Fifteen people, including the emperor who has long disappeared and is suspected of being a great respect.


You have also seen that before the battle that broke the heavens of God hundreds of thousands of years ago, there were 37 ninth-ranked lords, and these 37 ninth-ranked lords could not beat one.

It's not scientific or reasonable, is it?

Even if it ’s Da Zun, he is under siege by nearly forty ninth ranks, I think, there is no power to fight back, right?

and so.

From this we can see that this matter is not so simple.

The life of Jie Yanfei was suspected to be arranged, and in the arranged life, in his first war, the war ended, and he disappeared for thousands of years.

During this time he was thought to be hiding and healing.

But I think that those thousands of years happened to be the time when he came to this ruined land to build civilization. The civilization he built here actually left a glimmer of hope for the broken heaven.

This is the second step in order to prevent the entire human race from annihilating with the destruction of the plane after its failure.

Obviously, he already knew that his life was arranged, so he was not reconciled.

And in this ruined land, he left the first half of the Tiangong Secret, that is, the first half obtained by the Broken Lord, and there are some key messages left by the domination.

Do you really think that anyone would graffiti the ancestral secrets left by the ancestors?

and so.

This is also a one-step calculation.

He was worried that the ruined land would be destroyed by outside civilization, which would make this step ineffective, so he wrote down the information for what? The reason is that if a powerful civilization really destroys the ruined land, even if the ruined land dies, the powerful civilization will have problems because of practicing the upper part, so there is no way to break the heavens of God.

Eventually attracted the attention of the broken **** heaven.

A civilization cannot be so easily extinct. Even if the plane is destroyed, it has been taken seriously, and people who know that there are really big universes in the outside world will inevitably escape.

And as long as someone survives, it means that this civilization has not been destroyed, has it?

So I think this is the back hand that Yan Fei left behind, and we stand here today because of the calculations of this master. "

Chen Lang's words were justified and justified ~ ~ Even the broken Lord could not help but nodded.

At this time, Chen Lang went on to say: "From these perspectives, the non-control is unwilling to be controlled, and the person who can control him is only one person in the whole broken heaven.

Broken God Emperor.

The supreme master of the broken gods, who is suspected of being a great power.

Judging by our conjecture.

If it is really the emperor who arranged a life of nonsense, then why did he do it? The only reason this is possible is that he knows something that others do not know, and he has a deeper calculation, and under this calculation, he will get more.

Let's not say what exactly he wants.

From his calculation of Yan Fei, we can see that Yan Fei escaped from danger several times in the war hundreds of thousands of years ago. Although he was besieged, he could kill each other and seriously hurt him.

As a result, those ninth-order lords were broken one by one.

In this process, which emperor never shot, until the last, there was no other way, he didn't take action against the words, and killed with one blow.

According to the records of the broken **** heaven, the emperor takes care of the feelings of the monarchs and kings, but since ancient times the king has been ruthless, this can be ignored.

and so.

From this point of view, those who really want to kill those ninth-orders are actually not the nonsense, but the emperor. "

The crowd nodded again when they heard the words, and were deeply convinced.

And more curious what Chen Lang will say next.

Including Broken Lord, they looked at Chen Lang with emotions in their hearts. What kind of wisdom is this? Just looking at the surface data can make deep conjectures and is reasonable. This is simply the embodiment of wisdom.

The civilization of the earth is really not simple. This Chen Lang is thick and detailed, and guesses are bold. Everything is justified and justified. It is too convincing.

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