Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 814: Chen Lang is really enough

Chapter 814: Chen Lang Is Enough


The crisp voice sounded, and Wang Erxi, who was sitting at one of the tables, couldn't help but hesitated a little.

Around the tables around were almost old acquaintances of Chen Lang.

At the table of Erxi, the family of Shen Xiong and Ye Jing are sitting.

The Shen Xiong family is of four generations: Shen Xiong's parents, Shen Xiong, Wang Erxi, and two children, a daughter-in-law and a grandson.

Ye Jing is simple. In addition to herself, there is a little guy with a tiger head and a brain called Ye Bufan.


Ye Jing thought about it for a long time, but still felt that Ye Fan was too old-fashioned, and simply added a word, called Ye Fanfan.

"Erhe, who?"

Shen Xiong also heard the crisp voice, and turned around with Erxi looking at it.


Erxi paused, some hesitant and some unbelievable. He looked at Xiao Jing in amazement, looked at the people around him, and said, "Why are you here?"


Shen fierce also responded.

He knows this girl.

Erxi's friend in the magic world, this crystal came when they got married, and when they had a child, this crystal came, and when they had grandchildren, this crystal also came.

However, after all, this crystal is a friend in Erxi's game, and it is also one of the friends. It is not the best chat, so the two did not ask the crystal's realistic background and family.

But now it seems.

It's a bit of a bad background to be here.

Shen Xiong and Erxi looked at each other, both were dumbfounded.

"Why? How long have I been out of the game and you don't know me?" Xiao Jing rolled her eyes, then sat beside Erxi with a sense of affection, patted Erxi's shoulder, and said, "I was I said, when you have a happy event, I will definitely come, this is not the case, I am here today, righteous enough? "

"Um ... enough!"

Erxi looked at Xiao Jing silently, but then she was stunned and couldn't help asking: "But I don't have any good things now."


Xiao Jing looked at the surrounding quietly, then blocked the surrounding, and whispered, "The internal banquet said today is actually that Chen Lang wants to accept the apprentice. I secretly looked at his apprentice list. Your home. The second girl's name is also on it. "


Shen Xiong and Erxi both froze.

Ye Jing and Shen Xiong's parents, Shen Xiong's eldest son's family, also looked at Xiao Jing.

Are you kidding me?

Chen Lang wants to accept a disciple?

And there is my second daughter on the list?

Erxi didn't believe it.

Shen fierce did not believe it.

Shen Xiong's parents and son-in-law even thought that Xiao Jing was very joking.

After all, it ’s unbelievable that you can come here, but you still say that Chen Lang is going to accept the apprentice, and you also read the list.

how can that be?

The only thing I believed was Ye Jing.

Ye Jing looked at Xiaojing in amazement and couldn't figure out the real identity of Xiaojing, but there is no doubt that the matter of acceptance was that Chen Lang and her said in advance that Xiaojing didn't tell the truth.

Who is she? How did she know?

"How come you are here? Isn't it embarrassing for Broken and Qinggang? Go with me!"

At this moment, Chen Lang's voice sounded, and everyone turned to look, Chen Lang was talking to Crystal.

Little Crystal got up helplessly, then looked at Erxi reluctantly, sighed, and turned to leave.


Chen Lang could not help rolling his eyes.

"uncle and auntie!"

Chen Lang smiled and greeted Shen Xie ’s parents, and then said to Shen Xie: “She just did n’t tell me blindly, your daughter is really talented. Although I was n’t there when she was born, I have been watching secretly, let ’s There is no shortage of resources on the earth. No matter what constitution is meaningless to us, it is clever, savvy, and good at mind.

I know you both want to train her to become a scientist, but this girl, like my sister Chen Yan, is not a research scientist, but it is more suitable for them to become genetic soldiers.

Here, Shen Xiaobei, called Uncle! "


Shen Xiaobei shouted very well.

She is 14 or 15 years old this year and has long been sensible, so she also understands what Chen Lang's words mean.

Her eyes turned round and round, she was yearning for the gene warrior. Before, the couple Shen Shen and fierce had to ask her to study, she was tired and crooked, knowing that this was an opportunity to change her future.

"Brother ... thanks!"

Shen fierce speaks a thousand words, and finally comes together into such a sentence.

He understands better than anyone.

If it was really talented that Chen Lang was so impressed by Chen Lang, then this girl would have been accepted as an apprentice by Chen Lang.

I won't wait until now.

Chen Lang only accepted the apprentice in his face.

"Good brother, thank you!"

Chen Lang cursed with a smile, then looked at the table with emotion and said, "Sometimes it ’s really like dreaming. In a blink of an eye, not only have you got married, you have two children, but now you have grandchildren.

Calculate carefully.

We look at the appearance as it was then, but we are all over half a year old. "

For a time.

Everyone couldn't help sighing.

"Well, I'll go first!"

Chen Lang thought for a while and said, "When the banquet is about the same time, I will announce the creation of a Super God internal training camp. Super God Technology will provide resources for everyone's next generation to participate.

By the way, I will also observe the appropriate candidates for admission. Although there is a decision, you also let them participate.

Especially Shen Xiaobei, Shen Dabao, don't count on him. He is married and has children, and has his own life. Let him be a research scientist honestly! "

"Okay, rest assured!"

Shen Xiong smiled and nodded.

His eldest son, Shen Dabao, scratched his head and regretted his early marriage.

After Chen Lang left.

There was a little silence on the table, and then it became lively.

"I envy the younger sister!"

Shen Dabao couldn't help but speak.

"Yi Di? Marry me and regret it?" His wife said coldly.

Shen Dabao was startled and explained quickly.

And Ye Jingniang, who has always been quiet, Ye Fanfan looked at Ye Jing with a head in his head, curiously, "Mom, do you all want to be apprentices to Uncle Chen?"

"Of course!"

Ye Jing explained with a smile: "Uncle Chen is the most powerful person in the world. He goes back to the training camp in extraordinary ways. In the event that Uncle Chen is accepted as an apprentice, his mother's life will be better after that."

"Okay, mom, I'm definitely working hard!"

Ye Fanfan clenched his fist and said with an oath.

next to.

Shen Xiong and Erxi looked at Ye Jing with complex emotions.

Not far away ~ ~ On the main table of the banquet, Chen Lang just sat down, Xiao Ai immediately blocked the surroundings, and Lengbuding asked: "Look at the son?"


Chen Lang was dumbfounded.

"Yi Di? Do you dare not recognize?"

Xiao Ai was smiling, but outsiders couldn't see the slightest problem, but her mouth said, "You had a leg with her at the beginning, I heard that long ago, Ye Jing hadn't contacted any man before she was pregnant, you can see On her side, she has children. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Ai couldn't help but said, "I saw Ye Fan's name when I was helping you pack things. Although his name was Ye Fanfan, but the name you originally gave was Ye Fan?

In order to cover up, I deliberately accepted the apprentice, and even set up a training camp at any cost. Chen Lang, you are really good enough. "

(End of this chapter)

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