Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 823: Knowledge is the law

Look inside.

Chen Lang found that all of his body cell genes were blooming with golden light. Although the appearance could not be changed, the inner light was bright, and this gold light was slowly penetrating outwards.

Unless Chen Lang intentionally hides.

Otherwise, as time goes by, this kind of golden light will eventually surface outside Chen Lang's body. At that time, Chen Lang in a normal state is a small golden sun.

The origin of life has changed, and the level of life has changed.

In my eyes, everything is full of truth. Looking to the void, the void is full of the power of space, the laws of space, and the changes of space, all of which are the laws of space.

Saw the rocks.

A simple mountain of rock also contains huge data, and the core of these data is the law.

Seeing myself even more.

Every move you make.

Cells are slow to near-free senescence.

Even outside, all the laws change.

Both are covered by the same rule.

Law of time.

Time is everywhere, everything has time in it.

At this moment, Chen Lang is finally Ming Wu, what is space is king, time is king.

Everything in the world exists in space.

Therefore, space is undoubtedly the king of many laws.


Everything in the world, including space, is within time, so the law of time is the rule of supremacy.

Even if it is destiny.

It also takes time to gradually emerge.

Time, space, destiny, yin and yang, five elements.

This is the summary of all the laws, the supreme five supreme laws.

Time is supreme, but no one can control it. Even if it is in control, it can only accelerate or slow down time in a small range, and it cannot achieve the countercurrent and acceleration of time in the entire universe. Power, even the God King, can only go up to the future along time, but not back to the past against time.

The space is slightly better, but it is also the highest. Under the law of space, create a plane world, smash space, step out, cross half of the universe, and even fight with the help of space. Thousands of spaces are squeezed at a single moment.

Etc., etc.

All the real meanings of the laws concerning space belong to the laws of space.

And beyond that.

The true meaning of any rule, even if it has nothing to do with space, must also take into account the existence of space before it can be displayed.


When you hit, you instantly kill the enemy.

But if you do not care about the power of space and do not move at all, this move does not contain the change of space, then this move is useless.

Because your enemies exert a little space law and pull them away indefinitely, you will always be flying and you will never be able to hit the enemy.

Time is rampant and space is esoteric.

This is without a doubt the strongest law of the universe.

And the fate that can be juxtaposed with these two, Yin Yang, Five Elements.

It's actually not a rule.

After all.

Time and space are supreme laws.

But destiny, yin and yang, and the five elements, are the true meaning of the rules, and the true meaning of the rules after the qualitative changes are produced by mixing the various rules.

It is also called avenue by spiritual civilization.

Destiny Avenue contains fate, cause and effect, curse, inference, etc., and various rules.

In the end, a fate avenue can be said to follow the law.

It's like various functions are assembled together, and then condensed into divine power, so that they have an instruction, and various functions are used together, as if they steal the authority of heaven, see through everything, and speak freely.

The same is true of Yinyang Avenue. In the universe, everything is opposed. When there is weakness, there is strength. When there is water, there is fire. When there is heat, there is cold. When there is cause, there is effect. The avenue formed by the opposition is the yin-yang avenue.

It contains even the super laws that are among the best in the universe.

For example, the law of life, the law of death.

Another example is the law of creation, the law of destruction.

There are also laws of order and chaos.

Any law of opposition can be incorporated into the yin-yang avenue.

The five elements are the same.

The five elements are the source of the five attributes of matter and energy in the universe. In the universe, all matter and energy are carefully divided into the five elements. If the five elements are mastered, it is the law of five elements.

After all.

Except for time and space, the other three Supreme Laws are not the Supreme Laws, but the changes resulting from the complex aggregation of various laws.


There are more than just these three combined types of Supreme Laws in the universe.

It's just that these three are the easiest to divide and combine.

Chen Lang at this time.

In the eyes, everything in the universe contains various laws.

And Chen Lang gradually awakened from the initial confusion.

The rule is knowledge.

It is the essence of all kinds of matter, energy, spirit, existence and non-existence.

Once you understand the essence, you can combine them at will, and this is the rule.

Look at it.

Chen Lang just used his spiritual power. His thinking directly affected reality. In front of him, a cluster of flames was burning.

He did not use super powers.

This is the rule, because he knows enough about fire, so by thinking, he can create something out of nothing. The fire-like energy diffused in the air and other air cause friction between the air to ignite.

Stand up slowly.

Chen Lang stepped out, and instantly disappeared.

When it appeared, it was already in a dark starry sky.

In the sky, broken stars are everywhere.

This is still a broken area. Although the earth has set out for a long time, it has not yet left this area.

Chen Lang turned his head and looked away. In an extremely distant place, a steel planet like an octopus was flying fast in the void, and that was the earth.

"So it is!"

Chen Lang smiled slightly and felt his change.

Take this step.

If it was in the past, he wanted to come here for at least a few breaths, but now, it is just a moment, just like a teleportation.


Chen Lang did not make a space jump.

He just simulated his own space and simulated the space law in his eyes. In a split second, he integrated into the space.

This integration is very thorough.

Although it is impossible to tear the space directly to any place you want to go like a god, UU reads However, Chen Lang's speed at this time is far beyond what anyone could imagine in the past.

This is not the limit.

Chen Lang can directly calculate that if he goes all out, at his current speed, he can reach the other end of the solar system in just a few minutes.

That is.

This may not be comparable to the space jump directly carried by the battleship, but he has achieved a speed far exceeding that of the battleship in a short distance on his own.

The battleship needs to accelerate and takes time to jump, but he doesn't need it.

Today's battleships, like the speed of a turtle, do not make space jumps.

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