Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 842: Plan for next step

Chapter 842 Next Plan (For Subscription)

Langur Empire.

Return to the market star, feel the interior.

Chen Lang is helping Xiao Ai to organize a bunch of things that Xiao Ai bought online.

"That ..." Xiao Ai woke up, worrying a little, and whispered, "We didn't have a dime and bought so many things. The price of these things is enough to buy an earth. Is it okay to do this? "

"Of course, no problem!"

Chen Lang smiled and said, "Relax, wait, someone will pay us soon."

Although Xiao Ai believed in Chen Lang, Wen Yan also felt that Chen Lang's self-confidence was inexplicable.



Just then, Chen Lang was shocked.

"what's wrong?"

Xiao Ai was anxious to take a step forward.

"It's all right!"

Chen Lang frowned, then quickly relaxed, and said, "It's the thinking I went to return to Guixu, return to Huixu, the mountains and seas, and the real and false worlds. That's it."

"What does Guigui look like?"

Xiao Ai became curious immediately.

"It's like ..." Chen Lang frowned, then said, "It's like our virtual platform for the earth, but it's just a magic system + virtual platform + Internet + scientific research and learning platforms. , Forming another virtual world similar to the real world.

But unlike our Earth and this Langur Empire, Guixu is a common platform common to all higher and higher civilizations in the entire universe. "

"I really want to see it!"

Xiao Ai couldn't help showing her longing expression.

"Then you have to practice hard!"

Chen Lang heard a smile, reached out and touched Xiao Ai's head, and said, "I have eaten so many resources. Now it is eighth order, it is still one order. When you are ninth order, you do n’t need this perception room. I Come and teach you the true meaning of returning to the market. "

"It's early!"

Xiao Ai sighed and said, "My intellectual brain system has carried out an in-depth examination of myself. I ca n’t have the eight **** genes fused together like you to give birth to a new **** gene, so the next thing I have to do is choose It may take a long time to sexually cultivate one **** gene and then devour the other seven **** genes. "

"No longer than a hundred years!"

Chen Lang could not help but rolled his eyes and said, "Think of the rest of the earth, they are only seventh-order, and you are too slow to be eighth-order? Think about those hard-working aliens. People want to go to the first-order to spend at least a few For thousands of years, you can be advanced in a hundred years. You are not satisfied. "


Xiao Ai smiled and said proudly, "Don't compare them to me. Are you the leader of the aliens? No, so they can only practice hard practice, and don't compare me to other people on the planet. Their Is your husband you? Nor is it, so you can only line up behind.

My husband is so powerful. I want to make progress faster. Is there anything wrong? "


Chen Lang was speechless for a while, but was able to be licked by his wife, and it really felt more comfortable than a group of professional licking dogs.

Can't help but smile.

After grabbing Xiao Ai's head, Chen Lang smiled and shook his head with a light smile, saying, "Okay, you're okay. When you're done here, let's go back to the earth and let you shut up for 100 years. It ’s chic to go home, OK? ”

"it is good!"

Xiao Ai nodded heavily, then tilted her chin, looking proud.

The two played for a while.

Xiao Ai suddenly looked at Chen Lang and asked, "Eight **** genes. According to the calculation of the brain system, the **** genes of the heavenly **** system are the most active. It is best for me to engulf other genes. select.

Not only is it best for me, but it's also easier to devour. Am I directly based on the God of Heaven genes, or do you have other plans? "

"Mainly based on the heavenly gods genes!"

Chen Lang opened his mouth and said that his face was a little dignified: "Not only you, the global people, everyone, must be based on the genes of the heavenly gods!"


Xiao Xiaoai shook his head slightly, then shook his head, and said, "This is not very realistic. According to the calculation of the intellectual brain system, the reason why our earth is different from the east and the west is more because the focus of the god's gene activity is different, such as the Orientals. This species, because of the more active genes in the Celestial Gods, is born with yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes.

But Western races and some regions are different, because of the most active deity genes, their skin color, hair color, and pupil color are different from our Oriental races.

If all the people in the world must be based on the heavenly theology gene, then you should understand what this means. "

Xiao Xiaoai paused, looked at Chen Lang, and said deeply: "This means that people all over the world will become black hair, yellow skin, and black pupils because of evolution.

And because Westerners have the highest gene activity, they are not heavenly genes. Choosing heavenly theology genes as their main means that their evolutionary path will be slower than the Eastern race.

Do you think they will agree? "

"It's a matter of life and death, I have no time to disagree with them!"

Chen Lang shook his head and said, "According to the information I learned in Guihui, the genes of the heavenly gods of the whole universe are most suitable for our planet. There are reasons for this.

The main reason is that the Heavenly Gods are indeed the strongest gods in the universe at present, and because of some 'special' reasons, we have the genes of the Heavens Gods and will not be suppressed by the Heavens Gods.

The genes of the eight gods are all in the same body. No **** notices that we are okay to say that once noticed, it means that we are not far from death.

In the universe, the **** genes of the eight major deities are all things that should be taken seriously by the gods. Having any kind of **** genes will lead to the investigation and crackdown of the gods.

Only the heavenly divine gene, because of ‘special’ inexplicable reasons, we will not suffer the blow and destruction of the gods.

So we have no choice.

After we return this time, the earth is back on track. I will give the earth a century of time, and even try to find higher biological energy for global people to evolve.

What is needed is to completely change the genes of the global people from eight to one, because only in this way can we be regarded as having no worries and qualified to truly walk on the bright side of the universe.

This matter must not be negotiated, nor can anyone tolerate it. I can let them go, but I will never allow them to live on the earth ~ ~ because we cannot bear the consequences. "

Xiao Xiaoai was silent.

After a while, she couldn't help but say, "But now the earth is a tens of billions of people. To fuse genes, you have to be in the ninth order. In a century, where do you go to get so many resources?"

"I used to think a lot."

Chen Lang smiled and reached out to Xiao Xiaoai's head and said, "But this time when I entered the market, it was an eye-opener. There are seemingly many tens of billions of steps. A great respect can train one hundred nine-level calculations, and hundreds of millions of great respects are enough.

In the universe, as long as it is not the most remote, the most humble and the worst, there are at least billions of respects.

Just need to control a large area, then we can easily complete this plan! "

(End of this chapter)

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