Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 848: Thunder King Empire

"Lei Ling tribe, come out and wash the floor!"

A simple sentence never passed to the ears of any ordinary people, but was mixed with the will of Chen Lang and passed into the consciousness of the three thunder spirits.

He shivered.

At this moment, the three Kings of the Thundering Clan seemed to be suffering from a neurological disease. They trembled constantly, and their hands were trembling.

They widened their eyes, incredibly, and shook to the point where they could not be added.

What an appalling scene?

To them, it was like dreaming, and even though it was all good for them, they still felt it was a nightmare.

How could there be such a horrible person?

Great respect?

Do not!

This is not a big respect.

But it is not a god.

How exactly this exists, they can no longer tell, they even doubt life at this moment, there is still a realm between the great deity and the gods.

The reason why you and others ca n’t become gods is definitely because you have n’t reached that level yet.

And that realm is the realm that Chen Lang is in.

They think so, even convinced.

"The ninth step is the Supreme Master of the universe, common to all the nations, and has reached the extreme, also known as the great respect. But he ... this senior Chen Lang, he absolutely surpassed the level of great respect, what level is that? ? "

One of Gary's big brothers murmured to himself.

Another great respect heard the words shaken, and blurted out, "It is said that in the prosperous territory, among the schools in the return market, there are peerless figures who can be called the supreme in the ninth stage and possess the supreme strength. Maybe this level is that The legendary supreme level? "


Is this the third level after His Holiness?

Gary and the other great respect could not help but yearn for it.

But these words were also unquestionably transmitted to Chen Lang's ears, and Chen Lang heard his mouth twitch.

How can there be supreme?

The so-called supreme is just an adjective. It describes those peerless geniuses who are about to become gods and whose potential is tapped to the extreme.

These three people are old veterans, and I don't know how long they have lived, at least tens of millions of years. I did not expect that they would still be so superstitious, and they guessed that there is still a level above them.

This is too ignorant, right?

Haven't you entered the Hui market?


Chen Lang thought it over carefully, then knew it.

Although the information at the Guixu Station can be read casually, it is more about some communication and nonsense. The information that really involves spiritual practice, other than those of the public accounts of popular universities, others are unwilling to share it with others.

Although the Langur Empire is very powerful, it is only compared with the current Earth.

From the ancient river in the large area of ​​Tianhe, there are gods on the ancestors. Isn't it possible to rely on selling houses and running some small businesses to survive in the return?

These great respects of the Langur Empire, I am afraid, are also the lowest level in the return market.

It belongs to the kind of object that can only be squeezed and worked.

Thinking about this, Chen Lang could not help but have some sympathy and understanding for the three.

The figure moved.

Chen Lang appeared in front of Xiao Ai, looking at Xiao Ai's surprised expression, Chen Lang smiled, touched her head, and then, while standing on the side, the three big seniors said tightly, "Lan Ying The Seoul nationality is gone. Now the Lanur Empire is your world. One year, I will give you one year to clean up the mess and the aftermath. After one year, you will promise me 30 million common currency, And I will just leave here. "

"This ... Yes, thank you for your help, the Thunderlings are grateful!"

"Thank you very much!"

"Extreme, please let go. It doesn't take a year, we will raise 30 million GM coins as quickly as possible."

The three answered quickly.

Chen Lang nodded slightly, then put the battleship into the dimensional ring, holding Xiao Ai's hand instantly disappeared.

Although the three knew that for Chen Lang, they could be clearly sensed no matter how far they went, but without Chen Lang in front of them, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The three looked at each other and exchanged thought-level communication in an instant. Then the three disappeared quickly and began their aftercare work.

"The Lan'er people are cruel and jealous. For 80 million years, in order to maintain their dominance, they have repeatedly murdered the geniuses and strong men of various ethnic groups in the empire. The Langur Empire is renamed the Raiming Empire! "


First, the thoughts of great respected figures descended on the planets of the entire empire and announced.

Then counted the ten deadly sins of the Langur people.

One sings a white face, one sings a red face, and one cleans the die-hards secretly.

The three great respects of the Lei Ling tribe can be said to have used the means to the extreme.

Under this method, the sovereignty of the Langur Empire was quickly transferred to the hands of the Lei Ling, a large number of key positions of power were occupied by the Lei Ling, and other officials also took refuge in the Lei Ling.

The entire Langur empire underwent a major cleansing, secretly and secretly. During this cleansing, all the stubborn forces, the amazing races and forces of wealth, were all cleaned and cleaned.

And the Raiming tribe also rose at this moment.

Chen Lang was not in the mood to watch these general cleansings. He took Xiao Ai to play in the virtual world made by Central Intelligence for half a year.

This half year.

Chen Lang not only copied all the materials and technologies of the Lan'er Empire from the Central Intelligence Reserve, but also conducted in-depth research on the Central Intelligence and transmitted them to the ball.

half year later.

Gary found Chen Lang again, and passed a new dimension ring to Chen Lang.

"Extreme, this is your reward."

Gary's tone was extremely polite, even humble and respectful.

When Chen Lang heard a smile, thinking entered it, and instantly counted the common currency among them.

Fifty million!

On the basis of the original 30 million, an additional 20 million has been added. This price is already the same as Chen Lang's initial price. That is the price before being bargained by Gary.

"too much."

Chen Lang said with a smile.

"not much!"

Gary hurriedly bowed his head and said, "You have the power to easily destroy us, and to lay down the Langur Empire, we did nothing, UU reading everything is your credit.

After our calculations, the Langur Empire did have a wealth of close to 90 million, plus the general currency of our Raylings reserve, a total of nearly 100 million.

The Langur Empire is a huge machine that can continuously make money, and we are only a one-time transaction with you.

So we are willing to take out more wealth to return you! "

"smart people!"

Seeing this, Chen Lang couldn't help but smile a little. After commenting on Gary, he said, "Since this, then I don't say much about the other. The Langdale Empire is the only one among dozens of large galaxies and other super universes. The power has the power of the trading channel. I took the money and didn't mind being made by you. I want the higher biological energy of the Lan'er Empire. At the same time, I will also order some higher biological energy in the return market. I will stay here for about half a month, and I will leave after half a month! "

"Yes, Supreme, I see, I will do my best to prepare!"

Gary heard his heart tight, and then quickly nodded.

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