Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 855: World changes

Chapter 855 Changes in the world (for subscription)

On this day, the six empires, including some Chen Lang, were not very optimistic, but the people in charge of the empire that had reached a certain scale all went to Dijiangyuan.

One day later, the leaders of the major empire returned.

There has been great discussion within human society.

For the return of Chen Lang, even ordinary people have already known it at this moment.

The whole earth is boiling.

Even more than the earth, including the steel continent that followed the earth, and even those warships gathering resources outside, all got the news.

It's like a pilgrimage.

There are too many people talking about it, and there are powerful people who constantly gather in Hope Island, hoping to see Chen Lang.

But it's a pity.

After the heads of the major empires left, the Dijiang Garden was closed again, and at the same time, the outside world began to circulate a news.

The existence of major empires has been recognized by Chen Lang, and human society will completely move from the past global federalization to the age of the empire.

At the beginning, many people still didn't believe it.

After all, in many people ’s hearts, the creation of a federation, Chen Lang, who is truly the supreme leader of the world, is impossible to watch the global federalization disappear. It's empty.

But whether they understand it or not, things seem to be so settled.

the next day.

Amidst the shock and disbelief of the people of the world, the General Manager and many senior officials of the Federation Township jointly issued a global press conference. In the eyes of the people of the world, they announced the dissolution of the Federation Township and the establishment of the Terran Presbyterian Home. The first great elder, there are about twenty or so people who were able to stir up the international situation, and still join the senior federal staff.

Presbyterian home.

No longer interfere in the management of major empires and organizations, from the management of the world to the arbitration of contradictions between major empires and organizations and forces.

Since then.

The Presbyterian Court will completely override the empire or organizational forces of mankind, the future direction of the leader family, and the internal conflicts of the arbitrators.

The assets of the former Federation belong to the elders ’home for the elders’ operation and training of elite people.

The former Federal Gene Warrior Academy is under the management of the Presbyterian Hospital and is used to cultivate the elite of the human race. The elite cultivated can be freely selected to join other forces and empires, and it can also apply for the evaluation of the Presbyterian Hospital to become a member of the elders ’department.

all in all.

The federal township that originally retreated to the second tier almost completely changed from a global manager to a high-ranking arbitration organization that did not care about trivial matters in just a few days.

As a matter of course, it became a matter of course that the elders of the Presbyterian College, the senior members of the former Federation, and other people have new choices at this moment.

Some people choose to be the elders of a nursing home, just like the general manager.

Others lamented the rapid changes in the world, which led to a feeling of exhaustion or liberation. They broke away from the union and chose to become a teacher of the Federal Gene Warrior Academy, or simply resigned and returned home.

Some people have long been prepared to join the empire directly after leaving the Union.

Morgan, for example, directly resigned to the Phil Empire, established by the Liberal Union, as the deputy head of state.

Just a few days.

As if everything is changing, this is also a summary of the changes in human society in this year.

When the situation subsided, human society once again entered a silence, and the entire earth seemed to calm down again.

But everyone knows.

In these empire of the earth, they actually can't make much impact.

The earth, in the minds of many people, is sacred after all, especially in this era, those who can not touch the earth will not choose to touch it.

On the earth, although the major forces have a subtle division of power territory.

However, this division of the site is false and has not been recognized by anyone. Their so-called site is more like the embassy of the empire stationed on the earth.

In this day and age, no one will be stupid enough to take the mother star as the country when establishing an empire.

Not to mention whether this would anger Chen Lang, even if they would not, they would not dare to do so, because it needs to face the spitting of the people of the world and the resentment of too many powerful people.

Earth, the mother star of mankind, is an extremely sacred place.

As of today, basically the oldest generation of people still inhabiting the earth. The generations who have risen or were born after the universe opened the universe era are now more in the steel continent.

The steel continent is much larger than the earth, an area thousands of thousands of times.

That's where the major empires really established their kingdom. In that area, each empire has a very large territory. At the same time, outside the territory, there are major affiliated races of the vassal earth.

Those affiliated races are now taking root in the steel continent.

Today's steel continent is no longer the bare, barren continent that used to be. Today's steel continent, many and many of the areas above have been transformed and used, people live and work, and now the earth is ordinary.

If not, the establishment of the six empires cannot be so easy and simple.

After all, in the eyes of the local powerhouses of the earth, these empires have two meanings to establish an empire on the continent of steel and an empire on the earth. In terms of the earth, that is to provoke Chen Lang, provoke the Federation, provoke the global powerhouse, or even force Dragging the earth for civilization backwards.

But the establishment of an empire on the continent of steel is like the establishment of ordinary organizations and forces. No matter how the empire is said, it is only an organization after all.

The land of steel is vast and borderless. It is not an exaggeration to establish forces here and occupy the territory. The organization established is called an empire.

But many people did not expect that after the establishment of the major empires, they attracted many people to choose them with various high welfare, and followed them to the steel continent.

This is what makes those powerful people speechless and helpless.

It can be said.

The establishment of the major empires is not entirely without benefits. One of the benefits is that in this short year, the earth has changed from the original crowded life of tens of billions of people to that of decades ago.

Even fewer people.

Human beings today have a population of 80 billion, but how many people live on the earth?

Less than 5 billion.

What about the rest?

All went to the steel continent ~ ~ Now the steel continent has completely become the second home of mankind. After various resources and materials have been transported and undergone in-depth transformation, the steel continent is absolutely no different Poor anywhere.

Chen Lang spent a few days in the steel continent, and it is also a clear understanding of the specific situation of human beings today.

Thanks to the resources and benefits from the Broken God Realm, the development speed of the earth is not slow at all. During this year, the world has already internally divided the harvest in the Broken God Realm. .

In addition to nearly 80% of the resources in the hands of Chaoshen Technology, other resources are allocated to the hands of major forces according to their contributions and merits. This year, they have almost consumed 70% of the resources.

Whether it is to build an empire or to provide benefits to ordinary people, these require resources.

The current major empires are already wailing, and they do n’t dare to touch Chen Lang ’s resources, but they do n’t want to stop the earth all the time, so they can go and gather things.

(End of this chapter)

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