Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 868: Chen Lang's face is green

As the son of Heavenly Father Zeus, Hercules, who can be called the protagonist template, became immensely powerful after drinking the diva.

Carrying a mace.

Where did you refuse to do anything?

Sweeping all the way, destroying the equipment, after the level of equipment is up, the powerful Hercules feels that he has completed his life mission, but what is he going to do next?

He is boring.

He wanted to find excitement.

Knows that the older generation has fallen under the sentence of a knife on the front of the character, so although he thought, he did not dare to mess with it.


He was ready to find other stimuli, he went to steal golden apples.

I met Prometheus imprisoned halfway, and he saved Prometheus. Prometheus said that he was very moved, so he told him not to steal the golden apple in person. It was too dangerous. Damaged.

Hercules felt the same way. After remembering the loss made by Prometheus, he continued to move forward and saw the tool man among the honest people holding the sky.

Atlas has been lifted up to the present since he was fooled by his second-generation Heavenly Father Kronos.

Hercules carried forward his grandfather's spirit and began to fooling this honest man.

Honest people have long understood, believe him a ghost, pretend to believe, said to help Hercules to steal golden apples, let Hercules help him hold the sky.

So, Hercules agreed, and the honest man who had succeeded in the plot came to the paradise of Golden Apple. After the successful man flickered once, he decided not to be a honest man again, so he began to flicker, and he lured the evil dragon guarding the golden apple He slept and killed the dragon, and deceived the goddess who guarded the Golden Apple.

He secretly picked three golden apples.

And happily returned to Hercules to show off, and said that he was too tired to lift the sky, do not want to lift it, let Hercules always help him lift it.

He Hercules, after all, is a big flicker in his ancestors. Isn't this honest person comparable?

Promised to come down immediately, but humbly indicated that it was too tired to carry so, you help me to lift it, I will find something to put on your back.

The honest IQ dropped, but it really helped.

Hercules immediately ran away holding the golden apple, and showed fools to the honest people.

Of course.

These are still normal, because no matter how chaotic the interior is, it will not affect the long-term betrayal of Kayos by the gods.

The real reason lies in what aspect.

When Hera looked at Zeus more and more tightly, Zeus thought of a good way. Since she couldn't get out, why not let the girl do the on-site service?


Zeus found the fastest son, let him be the waiter of love, responsible for ventilating the letter and contacting the girl.

The son of the pimp is the legendary Hermes.

Because his dad is the king of gods after all, he sold his pimp to his father and ran fast.

And because of the appearance of this pimp, the Kayos sect also briefly calmed down.

In this peace, the illegitimate son of Zeus, Hercules, was also awakened after seeing that Zeus had actually played without flying like the previous two generations of Heavenly Father.

As the most well-known demigod and hero of the Kayos sect, this product not only inherited the strong strength of Zeus, but also inherited Zeus's desire. Has he held it for too long?

After waking up, he started.

He even outperformed blue.

He far surpassed Zeus.

This goods passed a country, and was told by a kind person that there is a male lion entrenched here, keeping him away.

As a result, the man went alone, beat the lion to death, and made a cloak. When the local king learned that he was shocked, he saw that he was handsome and capable, and he gave his fifty daughters together. he.

Fifty! ! !

And this forced returnee refused, all laughed and accepted, forty-nine consecutive favors overnight.

The only remaining one was because he was too shy to succeed.

This powerful ability, even Zeus was amazed.

Good kidney!

Good kidney!

How good is?

Forty-nine times, they all fell into the soul and became pregnant collectively.

According to normal logic, the next step is a happy life. After all, wives and concubines are in groups, and there are a lot of children. Can't you ignore the family?


How can the Father be the same as others?

Hercules' favorite is not a wife or concubine, nor a beauty, but a super handsome man. Yes, this product is too hilarious. I think the woman is very boring.

Moreover, the man he likes is still the child he raised by himself. He killed the father of the other party early and placed the baby ’s partner next to him. A 'great' friendship was established during the battle.

This man is called Hulas.

Later, when Hulas went to fetch water by the river, seven fairies of red fruit appeared in the water, each of which was very beautiful. They thought the little brother was really handsome and astounded.

But Hulas, who loved Hercules, was unmoved and even wanted to laugh, all when these girls were transparent people.

Fairies think that this little brother is either a good man or a curvy man.

Seeing that the little brother was about to leave, the fairies couldn't help but pull Xulas into the water king and bow hard.

And here, the legend of Hulras is gone. It is very likely that the girls were tied home and hidden. Of course, they may have been directly killed by playing.

For a long time no seeing Hulas, Hercules was so grieved that she once lost her fighting spirit.

But after a while, he was better again, because he found a dozen younger brothers more handsome than Hulas.

And Zeus saw his illegitimate children playing so hi.

Can I bear it?

Go to the world to find prey, and find women will be managed by Hera, will be extreme, will not find men?

He became an animal again, an eagle.

Took away the handsome prince Garni Mides.

And took the prince to the top of Mount Olympus, and then the prince became the only man in Kayosian myth who was hawked.

Is good on the next, must learn.

The son of Zeus, the sun **** Apollo, also likes handsome teenagers, and will even feel sad for a mortal teenager who died because of his miss.

Not only the male god, but also the female god.

For example, the chicken has become Venus, the most beautiful **** of Kaos. Of course, Venus is actually just a different name for people in different places. She is actually the moon **** Aphrodite.

Being the most beautiful god, what did she do?

She has a perfect body, and her personality is extremely open, even swaying.

This kind of woman is too attractive to men.

The first one who couldn't stand it was Zeus, regardless of whether her body was a chicken of her own grandfather.

But it's a pity that Venus couldn't look down on Zeus as a scumbag, and he also has a lot of chaste and fierce women, so he urgently needs to hook up with other gods.

Zeus is very angry.

I am the God Father, I can betray you, but you cannot betray me.

Revenge her and marry her to his son Vulcan Hephaestus.

Vulcan is short, ugly, and still a lame man.

Was not seen since he was born, and even Hera saw that she was born with such a thing and threw it into the sea.

He was adopted by the sea **** Tethys. When he grew up, he was ridiculed every day because he was handsome and beautiful with his siblings. In addition, he was dull and introverted.

It is a surprise that this kind of honest person can get a wife, so she loves Venus very much.

Venus is uncomfortable, he is the most beautiful, and he is married to the ugliest, unhappy every day.

Lonely for a long time, she felt that she should also find some excitement, idle, nothing, simply wear a green hat for Vulcan.

So he hooked up with Ares.

But this thing was told by Vulcan, the Vulcan who hit the iron dropped the hammer and went home ~ ~ Immediately grabbed the two and called the gods to fight, and the gods who came came to eat The melons, it is not too much to see the excitement. Although they criticize Venus on the surface, they ca n’t wait to replace Ares.

Finally solved the matter under the presence of Poseidon.

Venus was very moved, so he came with Poseidon.

Hermes, the pimp son of Zeus, also awakened after the fight, but the sister-in-law's thoughts, thinking that Fazi finally came with Venus.

Later, Venus was finally out of control.

Basically named gods and surnames all came out.

Vulcan is gone.

He decided to let himself go.

You green me, I green you, hurt each other.


Even the important master gods in the **** system are like this, carefully taste the product, how chaotic inside this **** system?

Just like that sentence, it's good to go up, and you must learn from it.

From this point of view, the mortal level can not be seen, but the level of the gods can be guessed from the frowned frown of Long Youyou.

I'm afraid it's messed up to an unimaginable level, right?

Chen Lang's smiling face gradually turned green, lying on the trough, he suddenly thought that many gods of the Kausi gods like men.

This Nima?

No way! !

Has to run, not only the dragon and the ghost to run, but also the earth. After solving the genetic problems of the eight great gods, you must first leave the belief radiation range of the Kayos.

This Nima is terrifying.

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