Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 871: Return to the market

"@All, what do you think of the new exercises uploaded by the detached?"

Almost without hesitation, the Avengers Chen Lang @ everyone in the group chat.

A time.

Was originally concerned about the people in the group chat and those who did not notice what happened in the group chat, all jumped out, looking at the message of the Avengers Chen Langfa doubtfully, and then they all downloaded a copy.


"What the **** is this?"

"This is definitely a practice? The name is too spoof?"

"Something is wrong, you look at the content carefully, my **** !!!"



After everyone vomited, as they read the exercises, their hearts became more and more shocked.

Even Chen Lang himself.

Stood still in shock at this time.

Could not be resolved!

Because Chen Lang has been perfecting the system and the source formula, he has always accepted all the knowledge and news from the outside world. Naturally, he will not let go of the group chat.


At the moment when Chen Lang, the detached person, uploaded this "The Only Me", the system has automatically downloaded it for analysis.

But the result shocked Chen Lang.

Could not be resolved!

The content contained in this exercise method seems to be beyond the existence of laws and rules, so that the system can not find the slightest gap to drill in for detailed analysis and integration into the source formula.

This is the first time.

Unprecedented first time.

Whether it is the knowledge from the Bai people, the knowledge from the major civilizations obtained from the trade, or even the true meaning and the broken meaning given by Zhang Bairen at the beginning, the system has always been the strongest to gradually analyze and integrate into Chen Lang. formula.

The difference is just about fullness.

But this time, in the face of this spoof-like "Only the Most Handsome", the system was simply unresolved.

This is a mysterious scripture that completely surpasses the system's computing and interpretation capabilities.

In a word.

This is incredible.

Because the fundamentals of the system have already been replaced by quantum-level calculations, Chen Lang ’s ontology is used as the basis for the vast and smoky terror calculations. In the entire universe, Chen Lang does not feel that there is anything that cannot be resolved.

Even though it is something at the level of the **** king, even though it is some basic rules of the universe, although the system is more difficult to calculate, the energy consumption of Chen Lang's body is more serious, but there is no unresolvable thing.

This ... what is this?

Had nothing but shock in her heart.

"what happened to you?"

At this time, in the Dijiang Garden, the small crystal frowned slightly and stepped forward to worry about opening.


Chen Lang recovered and quickly shook off the wild thoughts in his mind. He laughed and said, "Something happened that I did not expect, but it has no effect on what we are going to talk about now. Don't care."

Said, Chen Lang took the small crystal and sat down, turned his head to look at the strange face of the dragon.

Obviously, Long Youyou was also curious about the content of Chen Lang's shocked expression, but she didn't ask.

"Dragon Master, since both of us have decided on this cooperation, let's elaborate on the details of the cooperation?" Chen Lang asked with a smile.


Long Youyou sat on the sofa and nodded: "Since it is ready to leave Kaos, everything here is meaningless to me. Since I became the domain owner of the Aoya domain, I have established the Yu The Dragon Club has become the strongest force in Cangya.

Although almost half of the resources are divided into the entire star field, for many years, the big field of the angya star has become the gathering place of hundreds of millions of advanced civilizations in the celestial star field.

Basically in terms of resources, nearly 80% of the higher resources of the entire Cangya Star domain are gathered in the large domain.

The forces within the large domain are the strongest forces in the entire star domain.

Said that the venerable is not as good as a dog, and walks with great respect, without any problems at all.

In the Cangya area, there are two major detachment forces, ten top forces, and hundreds of super forces.

Although other civilizations also have a presence in the Cangya area, they are only doing trade and other things on the Cangya area, not occupying the land and becoming king.

The two great detached forces are the Cangya Jingu Temple and the Cangya Guixu Temple.

The shrine is dominated by me. The large area of ​​Aya is relatively remote, and there is no second deity. However, there are hundreds of people who are close to becoming gods. Among these hundreds, half of them are my shrine priests, and most of them are major. Ancestral figures of power.

I know what you want, and I will take action when the time comes. I will suppress all these hundreds of people, and the rest will depend on your own skills.

Other than that.

I need to inform you in advance that there are no problems with the hundreds of super powers and the top ten powers. After all, the ancestors were suppressed by me. For you, the others are not strong, and you can plunder.

However, Cangya Guixu Palace cannot be touched! "

Speaking of which, there was a trace of dignity in Long Youyou's eyes, saying: "You have also been in touch with Guixu. You should know what kind of existence Guigui is. Although Guixu is just a completely neutral virtual platform, it does too By the way, it is spread all over the universe, so is the business, and it has a close cooperative relationship with many higher gods in the eight major deities of the universe.

So ~ ~ Even though the eight gods are greedy for Guixu, they dare not easily do it.

This kind of existence is not something we can afford.

Once it is provoked, let alone refuse to enter after returning to the ruins. It is not that we can escape if the return of the ruins is ordered at will.

That is a horse honeycomb. Once poked, the entire universe is large, but there is no place for us to live. "

"I know!"

Chen Lang nodded and said with a smile: "I am not stupid, we are looting the domain of Cangya in order to find a way to live, in order to live, how can we go to the death?"

Long Youyou nodded slightly.

Stared at Chen Lang carefully and looked again, and smiled abruptly.

"Your gene is very strange, and all of your earth's veins are actually mixed **** genes. To be honest, your earth definitely hides the big secret. If I haven't become a god, I might choose to reincarnate once on your earth. Get involved and ask for one to go further.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how many secrets I have, I really want to see how far you can go in the future. "

Chen Lang smiled without opening.

For ordinary people, even Dazun, the genes of the earth are hard to see unless they are studied all the year round.

But for the gods.

There is no secret at the genetic level, you can see through at a glance. .

This is also the key that Chen Lang has no choice but to choose to go down this path.

If the global people cannot be changed at the genetic level, there is no way for the earth to go to the bright side.

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