"System, copy his genetic data!"

Chen Lang's figure slowly floated up, flashed over, appeared on the giant's shoulder, he reached out and pressed it on the giant's neck, and contacted the system in his consciousness.

The system quickly performed data analysis and replication.

Soon, a buffer line appeared in Chen Lang's line of sight. About five seconds later, the buffer line ran to the end.

"The copy is complete, in-depth analysis and integration!"

The sound of the system sounded in Chen Lang's consciousness.

The figure of Chen Lang flashed and appeared beside Xiao Crystal. He patted Xiao crystal on the shoulder and said, "Go, let Wei Wuyou handle the matter here."


Little Crystal nodded and followed Chen Lang to leave Long Island.

The appearance of witch seems to make the mood of Little Crystal instantly become a little lost.

After leaving Long Island, said goodbye to Chen Lang, and Xiao Jing went home alone.

Chen Lang looked at Xiao Jing's back and could not help but sigh.


Asia, the home of the elders.

With the instruction issued, many people who could be called human representatives in the elders' hurriedly arrived and a meeting was held quickly.

Presided over the meeting is the elders.

Risk is very simple to explain the reason, let the following people start to notify, and division of labor for everyone to inspect the entire new galaxy.

The commands given by Ricoh are simple.

First, make sure that all empires and large organizations are aware of the seriousness of the matter, and begin to make full preparations immediately and immediately.

Second, patrol the entire new galaxy. All those who do not listen to the instructions can all act cheaply at this critical moment and directly arrest them.

A time.

Because of the command of the President, the entire human civilization moved quickly.

The major empires quickly tightened up, allowing all trading fleets and resource mining fleets outside to return, and were of the first level, directly using space jump technology to return.

Other than that.

Began to propagate and encourage the people of the major empires.

All forces and empires have entered a state of full combat readiness.

Continent of Steel.

In the East China Empire, Gu Fengyin and Zhao held a meeting of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and even in addition to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, other high-level officials participated.

The content of the meeting is also very simple.

The Earth is about to go to war, make all preparations in an all-round way, and put all resources out to enhance its strength.


Fight with whom? ?

do not know!

This is the order of the elders' home. The order originated from the Dijiangyuan.

Only this article directly affects the entire human society, the entire human civilization, and also affects hundreds of other civilizations on the vassal earth.

Many of the subordinate civilizations of mankind also moved at this moment.

no way.

This is the order of the sovereign civilization, they have to obey, and at the same time, they are also willing to obey. After all, they chose to follow the earth from the battle of the broken **** heaven, and they already know a lot about the earth.

They all know.

It doesn't move. If Chen Lang has it, once it moves, it means that it is impossible to fail, and it will gain a lot.

Over the years, they have relied on the earth, and it has been developed smoothly, especially after acquiring the technologies that the earth does not need. There are hundreds of subordinate civilizations, and now each individual pull out can be called a common higher civilization. Too.

Don't say that Chen Lang has issued a command for combat readiness.

Even if human civilization doesn't want to fight, they can't help but want to move.

A time.

The entire new galaxy is in motion. Various warships and spacecrafts are constantly shuttled in the galaxy, either the trade fleet and resource collection fleet returning from outside, or the transportation fleet between the steel continent and the earth and the major civilized civilization .

The entire new galaxy is in full combat readiness.

At this moment, all major empires abandoned the internal battles, sent all the soldiers to the edge of the galaxy, and carried out full alert and defense at more than 300 bases surrounding the entire new galaxy.

Time slowly passed.

This day.

Chen Lang opened his eyes during his self-cultivation.

He felt an unspeakable feeling all over his body, which made people feel kind and friendly, even attracted involuntarily.

Only I am the most handsome.

After all the people in the group practiced, after the people practiced a little effect, Chen Lang unceremoniously asked all the people in the group chat to have an understanding, and then began to practice.

In a short period of one month, under the premise of being compatible with the wisdom achievements of everyone in the group chat, Chen Lang finally achieved a little effect by practicing this unique and most handsome method.

Perhaps not to mention small.

This is not even fur.

However, if you practice, you are practicing. The effect is already displayed.

Chen Lang reached out and took out the Dragon Blood Jade left by Long Youyou. Looking at the Dragon Blood Jade, he couldn't help but flutter his thoughts.

He didn't understand Dragon Blood Jade at first, but he also learned about it in Guixu during this month.

Dragon blood jade.

Itself is a divine source coin separated from the jade divine substance, but because it is nurtured by the dragon, it will form a dragon blood jade.

in short.

This dragon blood jade is actually a divine coin infested with the breath of the dragon god.

A divine coin!

Chen Lang couldn't help feeling that Long Youyou's wealth was generous, and at the same time, there was some speculation in her mind.

Dragon Youyou is a dragon family.

And it is the Eastern Dragon Clan, a totem dragon clan in Chinese legends, not the dragon of the West.

The main domain of the Cangya domain is the Western Dragon. Now it seems that the Dragon Youyou is targeted. After the rise, the Cangya Dragon tribe is completely destroyed, which is entirely causal.

Maybe both of them look at each other not well?

Thinking so, Chen Lang waved his hand, and an energy was instilled into the Dragon Blood Jade.

Hum! ! !

For a time, the dragon blood jade bloomed a bright luster.

"are you ready?"

Dragon Blood Yuzhong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ heard the sound of Long You.


Chen Lang nodded, solemnly speaking.


Long Youyou returned a sentence, and then, the Dragon Blood Jade disappeared in an instant, and Chen Lang had not responded for a moment. At this moment, a **** light curtain that was horrible and swept all over.

Chen Lang stood up and looked out. With his eyes, he could clearly see that the blood-colored light curtain covered the entire new galaxy, as if the entire universe had turned into blood-colored.

In this **** color, a moment of dizziness came.

Chen Lang couldn't help but stand up, staring at him, and outside the **** light curtain, he saw a horrible scene.

The endless shining galaxy quickly swiped around, and even the speed was about to reach the limit that Chen Lang could clearly see.

At this terrifying speed, it seems that time has stalled.

It is at this terrible speed, when the speed reaches the limit, suddenly, suddenly a trance, as if inexplicably changing the time and space.


Chen Lang looked out again and was completely shocked.

What is this?

Surrounded by a bright galaxy, an ancient continent so large that even the stars are only gravel appeared in Chen Lang's sight.


The place where the sky is round. .

The earth is a continent. Outside the continent is a galaxy, and beyond the galaxy, the universe is empty.

This is ... Cangya Domain!

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