Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 884: The Choice of Guixu Temple

Everyone is busy, and Chen Lang will not be idle naturally.

Thirty years looks very long.

Even it seems that Chen Lang easily managed a superpower, and did not spend much time, but in fact it is not the case.

Next, there will certainly be many races similar to the Kwara, but the same will certainly be true of those who swear to rebel, or hold the same heart.

Even more.

As Chen Lang said before, it is normal for hundreds of superpowers and top powers to form a huge army of powerful people to target Chen Lang on this big domain.

The next road is really time-consuming.

Even if every area takes very little time, this is after all a huge domain that spans 170,000 light-years, and those who are greedy for life and death and those who are afraid of death deliberately hide, even if Chen Lang cleans up It also takes a lot of time.

The figure flashed, and Chen Lang quickly moved towards the next goal.

At the scene, the corpse collection team was busy, and Long Hui and Hu Po whispered something to the three Ye Yefan.

Ye Bufan is unfamiliar with the three domains of Cangya, but Longhui and Tiger Soul are very familiar.

the other side.

Cangya returned to the temple.

The Master of Guixu Palace did not know what he was thinking about, and he had always kept a wonderful curiosity about the earth. He always paid attention to what happened on the earth.

He is a god.

Under the cover of thinking, don't say what happened in the extreme east where Chen Lang is located, even if it is what happened in the earth's base camp, he knows it.

And he obviously also heard the task that Chen Lang explained to Ye Bufan.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the tea was not fragrant, and the preserved fruits and snacks were tasteless, like chewing wax.

Quite distressed, he couldn't help whispering, "That boy was intentional? It must have been intentional? If so, would I open the door to welcome the guests or refuse it?"

Opening the door to welcome guests is a bit too violating the rules, and the people who come to investigate Kaos in the future will be hard to explain.

If you can't refuse the door ... Go to Te Niang, dare to turn this person out, I am afraid not to die! "

Talk about it.

He took a deep breath and said to the senior executives behind him, "Now, immediately, lift the blockade and trade normally, but you remember that some people can receive and some people can't, I think, without me, You should also know why I did this? "

For what?

Naturally, it is for the people of the earth to smoothly sell the resources they get into a currency that is easier to carry and consume.


Why do you want to accommodate people on earth?

The seniors present could n’t help being dumbfounded and completely confused. They knew the consequences of doing so better than anyone else. In the future, in order to give Kayos an explanation, the master in front of him had to go to the Kayos Department of God in person. It was because of this that he was dismissed from the position of the temple master.

"The lord of the palace ..." Suddenly, one of the lords most trusted by the lord of the palace could not help speaking.

But before his words were spoken, he was interrupted by the lord of the ruins.

The Master of the Guixu Palace waved his hand and said without a word: "Don't think so much, I can't do this. I can't tell you specifically, because I don't tell you what to do. You know it's not good.

You just need to know that I have to do this.

And I have a big background. There are people in the headquarters who are not afraid of these. Even if I am dismissed from the Kaos branch, I will go to other branches to live a smart life, but if I do n’t do that, do n’t talk about you, me Including people behind me, there is no future in the future, you know? "

The high-level leaders were stunned and unbelievable.

But the Master of the Guixu Palace said much lazily, waved his hand, and let everyone go.

When the crowd left, the serious face of the Lord Guixu suddenly became emaciated, grinning broadly and stealing joy in his heart.

"Ma'am, this man would have been robbed by the Kas theology, who said it, and it happened to me, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to depend on each other, it's not a bad thing. Are you on this man ’s thigh? Hey! "


"The Guixu Palace is open for business?"

Three thousand light years west of the extreme east, Chen Lang has just solved a racial civilization that is not too small. After hearing the news from the ball, he could not help but reveal a meaningful smile.


The force of Guixu definitely has an unknown relationship with the Jade Emperor.

In the past, Chen Lang did not think how fierce the Jade Emperor was. After all, the universe has eight major gods and eight 'kings of gods', and the Jade Emperor is just a little stronger.

But since I learned the inside story from the ancient estuary inside the ruins, I know that the third post-war will inevitably erupt in the near future.

Chen Lang woke up.

Especially in Guhekou's accusation that the third battle of the gods must be one enemy and seven enemies in the world, and all enemies in the world. When fighting against all other gods, Chen Lang understood that the Jade Emperor, the mythical Jade Emperor Tianzun is definitely not as simple as he imagined.

Heavenly figure.

A fierce man with dozens of words.

If he is simple, then there is no simple person.

Especially Zhang Bairen.

Said to be a calamity, according to the news that Chen Lang learned from his mouth, for countless years, the goods are the same as the protagonist in the book, but also the protagonist in the cool text, the protagonist of the invincible flow.

Not to mention the death of the battle, even the losers never lost.

No matter how reincarnated, every life sweeps everything and pushes everything.

Will the power gained be easily discarded?

Chen Lang felt no, because when Zhang Bairen reincarnated, when he handed the true spirit to Chen Lang, Chen Lang could not find where his body had gone.

Chen Lang didn't understand it before, but then he gradually figured it out, which must also be a secret method.

The so-called robberies are 129,600 times.

I am afraid that every time it is invincible in the world, and then ‘blocked’ by the secret method, the true spirit is reincarnated, and the arrival of the final disaster is most likely to be the fusion of 129,600 invincible bodies.

What will be the effect of the integration of 129,600 invincible bodies?

Even though all the calamities have not become gods, these fusions are enough to hang the spirits, right? Is this truly invincible?

Chen Lang has no doubt that the Jade Emperor will do this kind of thing ~ ~ And if this thing is really like Chen Lang guessing, how terrible is the real Jade Emperor?

after all.

Jade Emperor has nine bodies, and has proved eight bodies.

According to Zhang Bairen, the nine bodies of the Jade Emperor are the Taoist body, Dharma body, itself, true body, trace body, response body, avatar, incarnation, and golden body.

Nine bodies do not matter.

Except that the golden body has never been cast, the other eight bodies have been settled.

Zhang Bairen is the eighth body itself.

If Zhang Bairen finally summoned twelve thousand nine hundred and six hundred invincible bodies into one body, would he be so horrible alone, plus the other eight bodies?

If the nine bodies are all done.

To what extent is Jade Emperor tough?

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