Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 887: The first battle of the past

"Long Yuzhu, I think you are wrong this time!"

suddenly! A rather hearty voice sounded. In the temple, Long Youyou and Chen Lang changed their faces instantly, and turned to look.

The voice originated from a handsome man.

The man smiled in good faith and said: "Dragon Domain Lord, you just told this brother that the deity of the gods, the main god, the **** king, and the heavens, you are actually mistaken. There is never a Heavens. "

What do you mean?

Who is he?

Chen Lang frowned, looking at the man alertly.

But at this moment, Long Youyou spoke, but she said helplessly: "Master Shangdian, are you here to stop me?"


Chen Lang raised his brow slightly, and he had an answer in his heart.

In this large area of ​​Cangya, what can be called the Lord of the Shang Palace is also a god, but there is only one person.

"No no no!"

Lord Shangdian smiled and shook his head, saying: "The business I have done with the earth in these years is still very happy, and with our friendship for tens of millions of years, how can I stop you?

For Caius, or for the life of the Lord of Balos Xinghai?

That won't work.

Even if I am not a member of the ruins, he is still unworthy of King Balos.

Originally, I just came to congratulate the two partners for their success. As a result, when you heard about the Dragon Realm, you could not help but interrupt the conversation between the two. Things, I think I have more say, how? Would you like me to talk about it? "


It is clear.

Long Youyou secretly relieved herself.

Later, Long Youyou nodded slightly and said a little embarrassedly: "I have no background. I also saw things in the field of gods at Guixutai. Maybe something is wrong. Let ’s talk about it, by the way, I can understand more deeply. "

The Shangdian smiled.

"In fact, it's very simple. You're basically right. It's wrong to say that the King of God is not the top fighting power of the major deities.

The **** king is not what you said, it is the realm of the masters of the major gods ten billion years ago, so it was named the **** king.

God king.

It is indeed the final state of spiritual practice in this universe.

Whether it is Heaven Court or Kayos, or other major divine systems, the strongest is the level of the God King, and this level is also called Tianzun.

Since ancient times.

From ten billion years ago to the present.

The **** king is the **** king, the king of the gods.

There are three levels of the **** king, the first level is the heavenly king, the second level is the heavenly father, and the third level is the heavenly respect.

According to ancient legends, the founders of the ancestors of the major divine civilizations have surpassed the level of the heavenly deity, but in fact, no one can guarantee that no one has seen it.

Known, and with evidence, the strongest is the peak of God King, Heavenly Venerable.

However, billions of years ago, the powers of the heavenly ancestors of the major deities gradually disappeared, and even if they were left behind, they were still deeply hidden.

This matter should start from the first war of theology.

The Chronicles of the Universe chronicles that the first war between the gods broke out between the innate gods and the acquired gods.

But before this, the innate gods had long been with the acquired spirits for a long time. When all beings stood up to resist, they naturally lacked the top fighting power. Can they fight the innate gods and rely on themselves alone?

No, there are many innate gods.

In other words, this war was not caused by the born spirits, but by the gods secretly planning to start it.

Although history says that the first theologian war was a **** war in which all beings rebelled against the innate gods and defeated the innate gods, but in fact, according to the records of my return to the ruins, the first theologian war was actually those inborn gods Different Taoism, different concepts, and the resulting war.

Those Heavenly Venerables, such as the Three Pure Flows, are the oldest deities, and they are all innate deities.

Even the creators, although they are not the founders of the major deities, but they are the creators of the entire universe.

According to ancient secrets.

The creators left no words at all.

They appeared as if they were suddenly appearing, as if they were projections, and each carried out the magic of the sky, which set off the Big Bang. After the Big Bang, it was the original primitive universe.

The secret story suspects that the creators are actually not a group of people. For example, the Eastern God Territory believes that the opener is Pangu, and Kayos believes that Kayos creates the world. It is very likely that Pangu, Kayos, and even other The sky-openers in the **** system are all the same person.

Because no one has seen the creator of the sky.

All the information about the creator is calculated based on the derivation of future generations and some residual information about the birth of the universe.

After the primitive universe was born.

The major innate gods were subsequently born.

In the primitive universe, there are many continents that are similar to the Cangya area, but are vast and countless times larger than the Cangya area.

At that time, it was a real place.

Stars are pure stars, not planets.

This lasted for a long time.

Innate gods have strengths and weaknesses. In the later long-term evolution, born spirits are born, there are ways for gods to guard, or to teach sentient beings, and there are also gods who walk the path of demons.

Over time, the gods with different beliefs and different ideas held together to form a divine system. During that period, the Eastern Divine Realm was also called Taoism.

after that.

With the continuous development and expansion of many theologians, the sphere of influence began to border, and then there was friction. Eventually, because of differences in beliefs and beliefs, it led to the outbreak of the first theologian war.

In that battle, the strong took over the weak, and finally formed the prototype of the eight great gods.

And in that battle, the victors were the gods who took the path of enlightenment, and it was those demon gods who lost, or rather, the existence of the deity level orchestrated the deity war and ruled the universe, and those devil deities were the victims, the cannon fodder, the deity We give a saying to the world.

Such as Sanqing, such as Gaia, etc., those Tianzun-level strongmen broke out in that battle with unparalleled combat power.

They are all innate gods who have reached the limit of spiritual practice.

At that time, the masters of the various gods on the bright side, and the kings of the gods, also entered the first level of the **** king, the heavenly king level.

The universe has entered the second period, from the primordial chaos period to the period of gods' rule.

During the reign of the gods ~ ~ Because of the ease of harvesting huge beliefs, the gods quickly became stronger.

For example, Zeus, the king of the gods of Kaos, has reached the level of Heavenly Father by virtue of the power of faith. Since he is known as Heavenly Father, no one knows the specific strength now, but according to the mystery that we return to the ruins, Zeus is very It may already be a Tianzun level.

However, it was during this time when the gods were advancing by leaps and bounds that, for the gods, a period of heyday, something happened that shook the eight gods of the universe.

Including Celestial Divine System, including Kausi Divine System, but also Ancient Buddha Divine System, among the eight major Divine Systems, more or less, there are missing Tianzun level strong.

For no reason.

They all disappeared.

Because of something called ‘key’. "



Chen Lang was expressionless, but his heart was already horrified.

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