Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 893: Xiao AI, have a baby

From the first meeting to the acquaintance, from the search to the final marriage, a hundred years have passed, and Chen Lang has been accompanied by Xiao Ai for many times in the past 100 years.

But a hundred years have passed.

Life has long been used to love, and love hasn't lifted the slightest waves. It has long been dull like water and turned into affection.

If it was the former scumbag Chen Lang, if he was not married, he must have broken up long ago.

But getting married is different.

Moreover, Chen Lang is also used to the life that someone in the family is waiting for. If Xiao Ai is really gone, Chen Lang feels that he will not get used to it for a long time and will think about it.

But to be honest, that's all.

It's not Chen Lang's lack of emotion.

Rather, the more evolutionary, the more enlightened Chen Lang, why the gods rarely find a partner, especially the major deities.

Although the rulers of the major divine departments all have partners, in the final analysis, for example, the queen mother is said to be the wife of the Jade Emperor, let alone the person who helps the Jade Emperor to manage the fairy.

The farther he walked on the road to eternal life, the more Chen Lang discovered that love was such a rare thing.

Nor does it mean that the eternal person has no love.


But very thin.

Not even as good as some small goals and pursuits.

This also seems to be a complement, a balance.

The mortals can live forever. Their immortality lies in the inheritance of blood, generations, and genetic information. This is an alternative immortality.

Chen Lang sometimes feels that reverse research based on human genetic information may revive the predecessors of humans who have already died.

Because human beings want to continue this alternative eternal life, their emotions are particularly strong, love and hatred, and seven emotions and six desires.

Or not just humans, but all lower creatures.

It's just that lower intelligent creatures focus on desire, and higher intelligent creatures focus on emotion.

And higher creatures.

The higher the higher, the lower the fertility.

Especially gods, although gods can produce offspring, but gods have completed the unity of spirit and flesh, igniting the **** fire to create a **** personality, and bearing offspring is not as simple as ordinary people think.

The fertility of the gods will directly extract the source of the gods. Each birth is a period of extreme weakness, which can be called a heavy loss.


Although there are **** descendants in the universe, there are definitely not many.

Most gods have no offspring.

Except for interest, immortals have no meaning of childbirth.

Many of those born immortals are infertile, such as Qing Gang, who has no fertility at all, and does not even have sex. Because he was raised by Long Youyou as a boy since childhood, he is a man.

very many.

It is too common in the universe.

The more innately powerful, the scarcer the number.

This is also another kind of conservation of the universe.

If this were not the case, the present universe has already been ruled by gods, and even the children of gods are still gods, and gods from generation to generation, then the universe could not bear it long ago.

According to the data census of the earth over the years.

Not to mention that it is now. Even before Chen Lang had announced the prohibition of childbirth decades ago, the fertility rate had decreased a lot.


In the face of a long life span, many people are reluctant to have children.

They have a greater pursuit of goals.

A few months ago, when humanity finally reached the ninth level, the elders issued an order to lift the ban, and human beings could reproduce freely, except for the very few people who initially chose to have children.

In the follow-up, so far, few people have heard of who has children.

There was no interference.

From the source level of life, from the environment, and from the necessity of itself, it seems that having children has no meaning for them.

No one wants to give birth.

The human population is almost fixed at 8.4 billion people.

Times have changed after all.

Even greater changes than in previous life.

In the previous life, human development was slow and it required a population, so after several disasters, countless people died and it still has a population of 300 billion.

And this life.

The crisis has been reduced too much, and people living on the earth hardly feel any crisis. Chen Lang has created the most perfect environment for them. Even in recent decades, they urged them to give birth, Give reward.

However, up to now, the time period similar to the time when humans died in the previous life is only 84 billion.

This is a significant change.

In addition to Chen Lang ’s previous ban, the core reason for this change is that today ’s humans have evolved too fast to reach the ninth level.

The alternative immortality, after all, has little to do with humans.

Unless it stops, tens of millions of years later, people will be old and dying. When they are about to die, they may continue to have children, have a child, and continue their blood.


I should have a child myself.

Chen Lang suddenly had such an idea.

Going to give birth after becoming a **** is too harmful for Xiao Ai.

If you do n’t want a child, it ’s a pity for you, Xiao Ai, and the families of both parties.

After all, they are not born afterwards. They are people who came from the most backward era of the earth a hundred years ago. In their hearts, after all, they have an idea about children.


Chen Lang suddenly smiled.

On the reef, all the people sitting and fishing looked at Chen Lang. The purpose of their trip was very clear, in order to relieve the depression in Chen Lang's heart.

Chen Lang smiled, which was a good thing for them.

They somehow couldn't help laughing.

"Xiao Ai!"

Chen Lang suddenly spoke.


Xiao Ai was puzzled.

Looking at Xiao Ai, which is still exactly the same as a century ago, with almost no changes, Chen Lang couldn't help but feel warm.

Maybe he was a little bit more tender after all, but this girl, from beginning to end, has never let her down, even, in her heart, her entire world is herself.

There must always be a belief and a goal when alive. Your own goal is to protect this girl and never be hurt.

"Have a baby!"

Chen Lang suddenly spoke.



"Lying trough!"

"I need a nephew?"

"Can I be aunt?"

Ye Jing, Er Xi, Chen Ran, Xiao Jing, Shen Xiong, and Xiao Ai himself were all stunned, looking at Chen Lang in unison, and for a time, the whole beach became lively.

Especially Xiao AI.

At first it was unbelievable, then she looked at Chen Lang and burst into tears.

"Well, UU reading is good!"

Xiao Ai nodded heavily, with joy in her eyes, tears, and a strong love.

One hundred and twenty-seven years.

Is it finally this day?

"You few melons, hurry up and announce something big!" Shen Xiong shouted happily.


The weakest are all rank nine, who ca n’t hear Chen Lang ’s words?

Not far away, Qing Gang, Ye Bufan, Shen Xiaobei, Chen Qingsui, all turned their faces with smiles on their faces.

"We all heard." Qing Gang and Chen Qing grinned.

"Did I finally have a sister?" Shen Xiaobei was very happy.

"In the future, I will protect the younger sister, who dares to provoke the younger sister, I will destroy the whole family!" Ye Bufan a serious promise.

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