Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 904: I ate the universe

"Come, sit!"

With a wave of his hand, the young man grew a vine tree on the ground. While the vine tree grew rapidly, it woven itself into a new wicker chair.

Chen Lang, the detached, sat down quickly, then stared at the youth.

The youth could not help laughing.

"Today, as a teacher, I will tell you about the record of being a teacher, and let your kid know how proud you are to worship me as a teacher."

With that said, the young man took the tea by his wicker chair, took a sip, and ran his throat.

"Time can no longer be calculated, probably hundreds of billions of years ago in this universe.

Well, I will talk to you about the basics first, lest I do n’t understand what I said.

Our universe is very big, even in the void, it is also one of the large universes, um, so you may not understand why the universe is still big or small.

Actually there is none.

In words you can understand.

The universe expands indefinitely. At the beginning, the universe is basically the same, but with its own evolution, it will gradually expand internally and continue to expand. The older the universe, the larger it is.

The larger the universe, the more the realm of spiritual practice.

Universe equilibrium theory.

Two universes, one is a newly born universe and the other is a mature universe that is hundreds of millions of times larger.

Contrast this.

In the newly born universe, the power of a **** may only break down a hill.

But if he is allowed to go to the mature universe that is hundreds of millions of times bigger, he will punch out and the power will increase hundreds of millions of times to the point of destroying the galaxy.

This is the universe equilibrium theory.

Under this equilibrium, the smaller the universe, the weaker the individual's strength. At the same time, the smaller the universe, the less the realm of practice, because they do not need to evolve so many times.

The larger the universe, the longer the 'time' exists, the greater the expansion and expansion, the lower the density of all things and the level after the birth of life, the more levels of evolution, and the more detailed.

In our universe.

In the initial period, some of the innate gods and demons rose up against the sky and quickly completed the six steps of spiritual practice. When the universe was not too big, and when it was still 'young', it had stolen the authority of the heavenly path, which was Three Thousand Avenue One, turn itself into one of the Three Thousand Avenues.

Thus, he achieved eternal life and unlimited growth.

No matter how the universe expands, he will not weaken, but will become stronger and stronger, because he is part of the universe, the universe is ‘growing’, and he is also growing.

Other innate gods and demons have learned a lot, and those that can rise up have become one of the avenues.


Later generations, follow suit.

Until the Three Thousand Avenues of the universe, all were occupied by these strongmen.

The power of the universe to control everything falls into the hands of these strong men.

When I was a teacher, when I rose, I competed with the arrogance of the entire universe, and the people who eventually killed were rolling. The entire universe, hundreds of millions of worlds, and almost all the powerful people were all killed by your master.

I devoured the power of these people mysteriously and became the strongest of the universe in a very short time. The limit of the sixth step is the state where the strongest person in the universe is now.

Supreme Broken Realm.

The so-called supreme shattering means shattering time and space, shattering rules, shattering the universe, shattering self, shattering all things and nothing.

This level has basically begun to understand the meaning and mode of existence of the universe.

Seeing through all things in time and space, we realize that the universe is a sea and itself is a fish.

Basically, at this step, there is no way forward, because the road has been broken here, and it has reached the end of spiritual practice, knowing the symbiotic relationship between man and the universe.

It's like the man in the conjecture you said before is a part of the universe. Unable to reverse the universe is unable to reverse itself.

When I reached the state of supreme fragmentation, my strength reached the highest limit that the will of the universe could hold. The flesh was comparable to the supreme saint of the universe during the early period, that is, the birth of the universe, and the soul of the universe was completely consummated.

In terms of power, at that time, I was in control of the power of the one trillion world in the Great Consummation.

It is unprecedented, the first person in the real universe.

Because the Three Thousand Avenues are complete, they are all in charge. I enter the dark side of the universe, which is the projection world of the universe, the reverse side of the universe, and the eternal world.

The eternal world is a projection. Although it is exactly the same as the positive universe, it is a projection after all. It is basically a place for powerful characters to fight, because no matter how much destruction you cause, it will recover after a while.

In the dark side of the universe, I thoroughly perfected the unique self-cultivation tactics I practiced, turning falseness into trueness, turning falseness into reality, and becoming the 301st ruler of the universe in falsehood.

At the same time, as I did, it turned out to be true. At that time, my enemy, a little dwarf named the Lord of Science and Technology, was also a wizard, attracting all living beings in the virtual universe, and thus blocking all living beings with the supreme golden beads of the early days Faith and will make oneself enlightened and become the master of all sentient beings.

Three thousand dominate the calculation for a long time, intending to detach from the universe.

Me and the master of the little dwarf technology are the products of their calculations.

Because of our birth.

They have completely released all their strengths. Together with ours, they have exceeded the upper limit of the Three Thousand Avenues of the universe. The universe can no longer carry such a huge force and entered a period of great destruction.

Under great destruction.

I fight with the little dwarf, he is not against me, and he wants to destroy the universe with the will of all beings.

Later, he ... was stopped by one of my best friends, relatives, at a painful price. My best friend took the supreme golden ball and left the ruined universe completely. The master of technology was killed by me.

Later, a group of lords appeared in front of me. They told me that there is a higher level outside the universe to revive their loved ones. They are willing to sacrifice themselves to see the existence outside the universe.

Chaowen Daoxi died of death!

With this idea in mind, there are constant masters who actively let me devour when they know that the future is hopeless.

After consuming three thousand masters, my strength reached an indescribable level.

But at this time, I saw heaven.

That is the will of the universe.

He has his own will, he is contaminated by the emotions of the 3,000 rulers, and has his own self. Therefore, he does not allow others to be detached, let alone those who violate him.

I had a fight with him.

Then I ate him.

Then again, I detached and stepped into the eighth step to realize the three-in-one unity of material, spiritual, and energy, from the integration of God's Trinity into one.

I became the general being of the universe.

With thinking, there is everything.

In one thought, the universe is born and gone. In one thought, there is body and energy.

But these are meaningless.

The true oneness is actually thinking that controls everything, everything is under the mind, and when you think about it, you can easily create the universe and destroy the universe. This kind of composition is similar to the universe. As long as I think, I can let him die, let him live, let him evolve, let him transform.

The so-called oneness is to understand everything and change everything. This realm is truly immortal. It can only be blocked with a knowledge matrix, and cannot be killed.

In this state, time and space are meaningless, and they all become a composition.

The nothingness outside the universe can survive only with this existence. "

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