Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 909: Humble as dust

"Why are you so stupid? Didn't he just say that it was a waste of time? Was it worth it?"

"Humph, don't think I'm calling your sister out, you're the elder sister, and you have learned from me? I'm stupid, look at yourself, you know, we are both alone."

"Ah, you always say that, but how can we be alone? But speaking, I really envy you. If I can be as strong as you, maybe I can help him."

"What's the use of being strong, men are masculine, they like you, they're bully softly, hey!"

"Don't make trouble, go and recover. You can see what you are like now, just like the first illness!"

"Recovery is not coming, you don't understand, what I practice is destiny, I have seen this day already, otherwise I will call the river of destiny so simply?

If he didn't call, he would die.

Moreover, do you think the river of fate is noisy? This is a permanent sacrifice that cannot be recovered. "

"What? Then ... then you ...!"



"I said, I'm sorry!"


"Because next, I will die. I know you want to stay with him. I also know that you always want a child. I ..."

"I will die too?"


"There's nothing sorry, I know, you go, I'm willing to die, and I should say I'm sorry!"



"You know she will die, right? Why not tell me?"

In the void, Chen Lang was so excited that he almost lost control.


Long Youyou was silent and said, "I have no choice. Likewise, you have no choice. This is our only way of living."

"Living way?"

Chen Lang smirked and growled: "You said it was a way of life? It was exchanged for the life of a woman, and it is not our human beings. You said it was a way of life? I would rather not have this way of life.

Do you know how much she paid for us?

It is a shame for me to exchange a life for her life, and it is also a shame for our entire planet! ! ! "


Long Youyou sighed and then kept silent.

Chen Lang clenched his fists.

Looking at the void around, there was a feeling of sorrow in my heart.



Are you stupid?

Why do you do this? What are you doing? This is a matter of our planet, what does it have to do with you? It's not your turn to die.

"Don't be sad!"

Suddenly, in front of Chen Lang, a projection appeared in front of Chen Lang.

It's Xiao AI.

Xiao Ai is surrounded by a layer of fluorescence, which is the performance of projection in a vacuum because the light cannot condense and diffuse.

She seemed to be smiling, but there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

"You're not sorry for her, or me, Zha Lang, I'm sorry for you, married you for so many years, didn't help you, and didn't even leave you a child.

Live well! promise me.

There is a big earth waiting for you to protect, and, my mother, I have to ask you to take care of it.

You just think this is a game.

Crystal loves playing games the most. She said that it is not terrible to die at all. What is terrible is that you do not know why you are alive.

She thank you for letting her know why she is alive.

I also like you so much that I like to die for you.

I am the same person as her, you certainly did not expect it?

I am the reincarnation of a soul split out when she was asleep. She said that if it was not foreseeing you in advance, she would definitely rob me.

I asked her, since I am part of her, and she likes you so much, why not replace me?

Guess what she said?

She said that she enjoyed this feeling, did not want to speak out, nor did you want to let you know, let alone know that it affected you. She also said that your men are masculine, and they definitely do n’t like women who are stronger than themselves. A woman who likes violence, so compared to her, I am more suitable to be with you.

Wave! "

Xiao Ai sighed, feeling sad and contented: "I'm just a ray of her soul, and she is one with her after all, she's gone, I'm going to follow, and in the future, if one day you are strong enough People who indulge in can be fished out of the river of destiny.

Then she may come back.

But I can't come back.

But I am also satisfied. You must remember that she likes you very much. When you get her out, you must marry her! "

Speaking of which.

Xiao Ai suddenly stopped, her tears flowed down instantly, her body was dissipating, just like the melting and decomposing resource star, her body also quickly decomposed into the sky's basic particles.

She resisted crying.

"Although I can't bear you, I'm really goodbye."

"Xiao Ai!"

"Xiao Ai !!"

"Xiao Ai !!!"

"Why is this happening?"




Eight months later.

Thanks to the destiny, let alone being chased along the way, even the wild **** has never met one. Long Youyou brought the earth and the steel continent to the edge of the mountain and sea boundary at the core of the central Xinghai.

Following the line in memory, Long Youyou took a few days with the earth and the steel continent, and finally stopped in a chaotic star field full of Shen Xi and rich dark energy.

This galaxy is extremely chaotic. Not only is the force field chaotic, but even the dark energy is attracted by the mountain and sea world, becoming irritable and frantic.

The violent dark energy can even burn itself.

And what they produce after burning is that bright divine light.

One piece of Shenxi is like a ribbon that crosses the sky and earth, gorgeous and beautiful and terrifying.

The space is cracked from time to time, and then restored again, this place is like a beautiful, but dangerous "fairyland".

"Tens of tens of thousands of rivers are filled with manic dark energy. There is no civilization and race here, not even gods. The mountains and seas can only be entered by mortals. Gods will be found by the guards when they enter, so there is no **** The value of exploration.

It's safe, but the same is also very dangerous. It is estimated that in addition to people like you who can sneak in, there are very few other practitioners who can sneak in. "

The figure of Long Youyou appeared beside Chen Lang.

At this time, Chen Lang's eyes were still full of sadness, but after eight months, he seemed to have matured a lot and experienced many vicissitudes.

The cynicism is completely gone.

The stiff waist bar also seemed to bend slightly, and the death of Little Crystal and Xiao Ai seemed to change him from a tough guy to a soft bone.

With his head down, UU reads books at and is somewhat decadent, with his long hair scattered.

"Thank you, but, still that sentence, after arriving in the Eastern Realm, and fulfilling my promise, you and I will have no relationship!"

Chen Lang's voice was cold.

Long Youyou sighed in her heart and nodded slightly. She knew that Chen Lang could not forgive her for a short time, anyway.

"I know, but I hope you can understand me!"

"No! I chose not to understand!"

Chen Lang's voice was still indifferent, he stepped towards the boundary wall of the mountain and sea boundary step by step.

"Sometimes, you can't choose to be careful because you don't have hope.

Sometimes, you cannot choose to let others sacrifice because you know the consequences.

Me, and the people behind me, we can humble like dust, die like ants, but not twist like maggots, let women sacrifice when there is no choice! "

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