Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 918: God of 5 lines

Gods and mortals are two dimensions of existence.

At the level of the gods, Chen Lang ’s previous system combat power evaluation function has completely failed. The only thing he can do is to re-record and re-calculate. After Chen Lang completely masters his own power, he gradually begins to analyze others and perform unified calculations and upgrades.


Chen Lang can only find out his own transformation.

The soul of the soul, um, should be said to be the consciousness of the god, because after becoming a god, the soul and the flesh have been integrated into one body, including energy, and the laws of comprehension are all integrated into one.

It is not clear enough to simply say that the soul of the gods.

The core of God is the divine personality.

The divine personality is everything, the physical body is the external manifestation of the divine personality, and the soul is the simulated expression of the divine personality. I still like to show my appearance as an adult.

But the human form does not mean the shortcomings of the owner.

The human form of the deity is beaten to the head, just like the detonated finger, it has no effect on the deity.

Only when the deity is exploded, the gods will die directly.

That is the core and the only weakness.

But in the same way, the deity is often the hardest place for the gods.

It is not that simple to kill a god.

Checking his own changes carefully, the more he knows, the more Chen Lang is shocked.

Because he discovered that the gods are really not as simple as he thought. Last time, the **** who could kill the **** at the door of the solar system, it can be said that 99% of the credit is due to the small crystal.

The river of destiny is too extraordinary. If it is not the river of destiny that almost permanently empties the god, Chen Lang can't kill the other party at all.

The divine body is the external manifestation of the deity.

The defensive power of the divine body is second only to the divine personality, and as long as there is divine power in the divine personality, the divine body is almost impossible to be broken. Chen Lang thought that he had gathered too much power and concentrated on one point to attack, so it would cause so much lethality.

But now, Chen Lang has realized.

At that time, he was thinking too much. If there was no small crystal, the **** would never die. Even if he punched that punch, it would be a question whether he could be injured.

It's a small crystal.

Little Crystal sacrificed its own divine power and soul forever, summoning the river of destiny, which made the deity indulging in it.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent is indeed underestimating the enemy, I feel that Chen Lang and Xiao Jing could not hurt him.

So willingly sacrificed his own divine power and origin for future opportunities.


It's like a hydrated coconut that completely evaporates water and turns into a shrivelled shell.

His divine personality overdrawn too much divine power and origin, so he was completely smashed by Chen Lang.

Think of here.

Chen Lang couldn't help but feel the pain in his heart. The more he understood, the more he felt ashamed of Xiao Jing and Xiao AI.

"wait for me!"

Chen Lang said in silence in his heart.


He began to test his own personality.

His personality surprised him, but he took it for granted.

The divine personality is humanoid.

His whole body, every inch and every place is a part of the divine personality. If other gods keep the human form as the external manifestation of the divine personality, then Chen Lang is quite different.

His divinity is himself.

Everywhere in the whole body is a divine personality.

Only on the surface layer of the divine personality, that is, the surface layer outside the hair of his skin, there is a light golden film.

He was like a pale golden man.

The golden brilliance is the external manifestation of his personality, forming something like a protective film in vitro.

In terms of defensive power, he has a divinity everywhere on his body, so his defensive power has reached a terrifying level. In addition, the outer light film is also a part of the divine body, just like other gods. Body.

The defense of that light film is even more terrifying.

The greater the dignity, the more divine power is stored.

Chen Lang evolved into a **** in the blood of the sky, so he absorbed too much of the rare and incomparable substance, and his divine power was extremely abundant.

Simply because the size of the divine personality is different.

If other gods are one.

Then he was hundreds.

In addition to the difference in the size of the divine personality, the first five principles he practiced were the five elements rule.

The original dazzling place of Yuanshen lies in the reserve of divine power and the regeneration of divine power.

Compared with gods of the same divine size, Chen Lang's divine power once again expanded more than five times.

It is hundreds of times itself, multiplied by five times, how much is this?

Chen Lang's inner vision felt his own personality, that is, the vast ocean-like power in his body, and even he himself was frightened.

‘Since it ’s the source god, does it mean that my theocracy is also the five elements? ’

Chen Lang pondered slightly.

Then he began to sense his five-element transformation with the five-element super ability before he became a man. When his idea had just risen, suddenly, Chen Lang found that his vision had changed.

In other words, thinking has changed.

What he saw was completely different from that before he became a god.

As if the whole universe of the whole world has become different, countless universes are reasonable, and the inexhaustible rules and regulations are all displayed in Chen Lang's sight.

Between the heavens and the earth, there are silk threads, and those silk threads are all over the universe.

The source of these silk threads is matter, all matter has silk threads, and all silk threads have their own truth.

The thread is the law.

The more high-quality things, the more silk thread it contains. In Chen Lang's sight, a piece of resource ore containing abundant dark energy, wrapped with dense silk thread, is like a clew, showing colorful colors.

The ore itself is the source of the silk thread, and at the same time, those silk threads are still expanding and floating outwards.

The silk thread is not infinitely long, and every thread can see the margin, as if floating in the void.

The more the silk thread is visible from the source, the farther the distance, the more blurred and transparent.

Chen Lang itself is the source of countless silk threads.

He can see the five clearest silk threads of his own, representing the red of fire ~ ~ the black of water, the white of gold, the blue of wood, and the yellow of soil.

The five-color silk thread originated from Chen Lang's body and floated to an almost infinite distance.

This is the furthest thread Chen Lang saw.

The silk thread hit Chen Lang's line of sight directly.

Seeing these silk threads, Chen Lang realized in his heart that this was his divine power. The source of these silk threads was in his body and in the divine personality.

This divine power is the divine power of the five elements.

The thread is the law. He became a god. With the divine power, it is equivalent to the source of the law. He is the origin of the Five Elements rule. However, compared with the universe source covering the universe, he covers a range that is not so large. The largest, only about a few rivers.

If he wants to, within the scope of these river systems, he is the God of the Five Elements, the Lord of the Five Elements, the source of the Five Elements Law, and all the Five Elements laws can be used at will, consuming only the divine power!

This is God!

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