Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 937: Fate, wonderful

"Change the past?"

Chen Lang was shocked and said: "In terms of parallel cosmology, changing the past is equivalent to dividing out a new parallel universe."

"so what?"

Zhang Bairen didn't care, and said: "We exist now, so we will not change, and the traces have changed in the past, which means that in the past, space and time will produce parallel universes. No matter how many parallel universes, we don't Affected, we will only get the benefits of being changed, shall we not? "

No wonder!

Chen Lang was shocked.

He finally understood, why he would have the avenger Chen Lang and the rescuer Chen Lang among the nine other universes in series, and the mountain and sea world Chen Lang was very similar to his universe, even the Avengers and the rescuer The universe in which it is located is almost exactly the same as the universe in which it is located.

It turned out that it was all because of the trace of the Jade Emperor.

His traces have been changed in the past, so a parallel universe was born, and the universe where the Avengers Chen Lang and the Savior Chen Lang were born was born.

Even, Chen Lang suspected that the Avengers universe has a "divine personality" because the traces of the Jade Emperor had incorporated the "key" event in the past era.

After all, it is recognized that the Jade Emperor did not participate in the ‘key’ event of ancient times.

But the "key" is the "divine personality", and the divine personality is closely related to the jade emperor. It is absolutely the jade emperor's trace that ran into the "key" event in the past era, and then led to the appearance of a parallel universe, and the key also followed the parallel universe The thread entered the parallel universe of the Avengers.

Why should I do this?

Why should the trace body blend into the ‘key’ event in the past era, so as to create a parallel universe, and allow itself to return with this divine personality in this era?


Did the Jade Emperor know that he had returned with a divine personality?

Bacheng knows it. After all, if he doesn't know, Chen Lang can't find the reason why Jade Emperor attaches great importance to him.

However, according to Jade Emperor's personality, he is definitely not able to start the plan because of Chen Lang's coming. After all, these plans seem to be tightly fit, and they were obviously prepared and targeted long ago.

That said, he did it on purpose.

Deliberately bringing the divine personality into the parallel universe, even accelerating the timeline of that universe in some way, and even calculating the divine personality early in a certain way to allow the divine personality to return in this era.

In what way?

Set in the Godhead? In other words, the Jade Emperor who transmitted the message to the Avengers universe with the help of Godhead?

The more you think, the bigger your head.

And this kind of thing, there is no way to ask the exit.

After all, everything is speculation. If you ask, and find that the Jade Emperor doesn't know about God's personality, wouldn't it be self-seeking? I'm afraid no one can hold back the thoughts of Godhead, right?

wry smile.

At the same time, in his heart, Chen Lang really convinced Jade Emperor.

What kind of character is this, and how can a person with unparalleled talent and unique talents make so many immortal layouts?

so horrible.

If you are against the Jade Emperor ...

Never mind.

It doesn't deserve it at all. He is the God of Power. He is a character standing in the supreme position of the universe. If he is an enemy, he will crush himself, and he will not be qualified for calculation and layout by the other party.

It can only be said that terror is like this.

Chen Lang felt a lot of emotion in his heart and couldn't help but have a deep interest in the Supreme Nine Body. He couldn't help but ask, "What about the Ninth Body?"

"Ninth Body ..."

Zhang Bairen hesitated a little, but then he said it. He said solemnly: "I tell you this thing, but you must not reveal it. The ninth body is not yet perfect, and it is not the right time.

The ninth body is the golden body.

According to our eternal derivation, if you want the eight bodies to be one, you must have a body that can carry the different origins of the eight bodies. Therefore, the ninth body is specifically used for the future nine bodies. This ninth body is now returning. In the market.

Guixu, the actual owner, is also us.

The significance of creating the ruins is to condense the faith, absorb the beliefs of the gods and lords of the universe and copy their laws, so as to create the strongest golden body unprecedented in history.

Once the golden body is successfully achieved, in theory, we can achieve the unity of nine bodies, thereby crossing the two realms and reaching the level of detachment. "

"Two big realms?"

Chen Lang was not surprised by the previous ones. After all, he already had some speculation in his mind.

But for the two big realms in Zhang Bairen's mouth, Chen Lang was really shocked.

What a joke?

Isn't your Jade Emperor the strongest existence in the universe? The path of Heavenly Respect goes to the extreme characters. I understand that you want to break through the realm of change, but what the **** are you crossing the two realms?

"Do you know that the path to the practice of the universe is the ultimate level of heavenly respect?"

At this time, the jade emperor Da Tianzun, who had been silent, opened his mouth. He looked at Chen Lang and said indifferently: "If there are nine steps in the practice, the universe is equivalent to the eighth step, and our Heavenly Emperor is only the sixth step .

The false universe will not give birth to the seventh step, so if you want to get rid of it and practice the fake, you must cross the seventh step, from the sixth step, and directly reach the eighth step!

If not.

Do you think that every realm can stop us?

The reason why I didn't move forward was because there was no way ahead, it was just a cliff.

Thinking of the past, only to leap! "

Step 6, step 7, step 8?

Isn't this what Mo Yu, the master of the detached Chen Lang, said?

Why would Jade Emperor know?

Are there connections between them? In other words, the so-called awakening Su Hui of the Jade Emperor knew about the multiverse and things outside the universe?

Chen Lang was shocked for a time.

The emotions in my heart are complicated, and I am puzzled.

At this time, Zhang Bairen smiled and said: "Okay, these are to inform the Daoist in advance to show our sincerity. We do not have many requests for the Daoist, and the road to surpassing is difficult.

It is extremely difficult to cross the two major steps of spiritual practice.

After all, if these two steps are subdivided into hierarchical realms, it is estimated that there are many realms.

The Daoist has his own chances, and he does n’t even need to cross. The future can be directly detached at the level of the Heavenly Lord, so our request for the Daoist is only when the time is low. A handful.

So ~ ~ is enough! "


They surely knew about the deity.

Moreover, I am afraid that the personality is also their layout, deliberately fell in my hands?

But why?

There are so many people in the universe, why did they choose me? Even created the earth, indirectly created me?

Can't they use it themselves?

It seems to feel Chen Lang's doubts.

Jade Emperor Datianzun stood up and carried his hands on his back. For the first time, he had emotions and said with emotion: "Everything is destiny, a destiny is wonderful!"

"I promise you!"

Chen Lang stood up, solemnly speaking, and then said, "I only have one question!"

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