Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 941: Ignite merit

After saying goodbye to Zhang Bairen, Chen Lang returned to Taihuangtian.

It was different from Wei Nuo when I went there. When I came back, it was a heavy punch, and I was swaggering and arrogant.

He just drove the red light through the front door of many strong men.

After returning to the Emperor's Heaven, Chen Lang did not rush to practice, but sat on the seat of Panlong and began to think carefully about this harvest.

Although I didn't get anything practical.

But now Chen Lang is not lacking in those things, and the information he gets is more important.

Chen Lang was also able to understand the situation of the universe and even outside the universe, and even knew how to go the next way.

But speaking of it, when it comes to actual gains, there are really some.

For example, three billion merits.

Emperor, there are 3 billion merit distributions in ten thousand years?


After all, the ten thousand annual salary of Tianjun at the level of the main **** is only one hundred thousand merits. What is the difference between one hundred thousand and three billion?


Three billion, how many younger brothers can you raise? How many good things can I buy?

This emperor really did not lose at all.

Thinking this way, Chen Lang tasted carefully, and then found out the rules.

The merits of ordinary heavenly soldiers are one hundred merits in ten thousand years.

Elite and taller.

When you reach the level of the Lord God, if you are serving in the Heavenly Court, it is basically 500 to 1,000 times, from 100 merits to 50,000 and 100,000 merits, which has not yet calculated additional rewards.

If you count it in, it's more.

According to this calculation, the level of the **** king should also be one thousand times higher than the level of the main god, or even more.

After all, God King is the real core combat power.

One thousand times one hundred thousand is one hundred million.

The salary of ordinary kings and emperors is estimated to be about 100 million or several hundred million. As an emperor, it is higher, so I got 3 billion.

What about higher?


Forget it, no matter how high it is, no matter how high it is, it will be a distributor of interests.

"Mu Shen!"

Suddenly, Chen Lang shouted.

"His Majesty!"

Mu Shen walked quickly and bowed down to wait for Chen Lang's instructions. At this time, his attitude was much better than it was at the beginning, almost reaching the level of licking the dog.

Chen Lang looked at him and asked, "If you receive merit, what will happen?"

"Your Majesty, merit is illusory. If you need to receive merit, you just need to scan the sky and earth and integrate your consciousness into the void. Appeared in the majesty of His Majesty. "

Mu Shen replied.

However, he hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, you have been in the throne for only two months now. I do n’t think you can get much merit. If you need it, there are still many old ones here that can be used by His Majesty first."

"No, but it's hard for you to be so caring."

Chen Lang smiled.

Three billion, although it is three billion in ten thousand years, but even so, there are quite a few in two months.

Chen Lang thought every move.

The mind scans the void and merges the meaning of consciousness into the void.

as predicted.

Almost instantly.

A bright ray of fluorescence appeared on Chen Lang, and a strong virtue breath burst out.

Beside, Mu Shen was stunned.

How much merit is this?

Oh my God!

In two months' time, how could there be so many merits?

This is comparable to the aging inventory.

"Mu Shen, it is said that after burning merits, even if you do not deliberately practice Taoism, the divine personality will automatically draw the power of the surrounding laws for assimilation?"

Chen Lang turned to look at the old man Mu Shen and asked.

Mu Shen froze nodding and said, "It is true, but it is too wasteful. Although burning merit can condense the power of the law in a large amount, it is far better than slowly absorbing the power of merit with the deity, thereby activating the activity of deity and thinking Come to understand the law. "

"Can't waste a few!"

Chen Lang didn't care much. He was only the **** of power. How much could burning merit burn? Moreover, he has a salary of 3 billion yuan per 10,000 years.

Thinking so.

Chen Lang did not hesitate to ignite the power of merit with his dignity. For a time, Chen Lang exuded a strong sense of merit, and even a golden wheel of merit appeared behind Chen Lang's forehead.

The laws around them are quickly condensed, and the laws of Wandao and Dalu Xianqi are mixed together, which is extremely amazing.

Chen Lang did not practice at all, he could feel the power of the law throughout his body, just like plants absorbing sunlight to produce photosynthesis.

A large amount of power of the law is absorbed by his body, and then spit it out again. In the process, there are constant laws memorized by the body, and those memories, after repeated swallowing, are finally formed into new law threads.

This cycle.

It was at this time that Chen Lang discovered that, compared with others, it was simply too profitable to have divinity all over his body.

If other people are like this, they can't absorb it at all, they can only slowly absorb the throughput.

Chen Lang is different.

When the whole body is full of divinity, Chen Lang's igniting merit is only profitable, and it is definitely not a loss, which is much faster than thinking through thinking.

"I went to sleep, and the temple was handed over to you."

Chen Lang got up, glanced at Mu Shen, and then ordered something casually, turned and walked towards the Emperor Hall.


Mu Shen old man was completely silly.

Ignit merit to go to bed? What kind of wonderful flower is this emperor?

Is this what they often say about being rich and capricious?

He didn't know that Chen Lang came to the Hall of Emperor He and lay on a luxurious dragon couch. He didn't sleep at all. Chen Lang had become a **** and didn't need to sleep. He entered a group chat.

Inside the group chat.

Nine Chen Lang are madly talking, or someone in their group is honest, they ca n’t teach anything, or they are complaining that the strength of the people in their group is too low, and most of them are even mortals.

All kinds of complaints and complains, but occasionally, the words are full of warmth.

group chat.

Not only for Chen Lang, for all Chen Lang connected to group chats, it is the only pure land in the depths of the soul. No matter what environment it is in, this is the most reassuring and comfortable place.

Here ~ ~ There is no need to disguise, nor to guard against others, everything is shared, and they are enthusiastic about helping each other.

after all.

The improvement of one's strength is an improvement for everyone.

"How about two months? Has anyone become a god?"

Chen Lang asked everyone in the group chat.




For a time, all the nine Chen Lang appeared as if they had swiped the screen.


Are they all gods? Not so fast?

Seeing this, Chen Lang couldn't help being dumbfounded, it was only two months.

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