Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 950: Quantum body, an alternative god

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Chen Lang never imagined that the things that many people once pursued, the real world unity, was actually realized in the heavenly divine department.

But walking on the street and feeling this atmosphere, Chen Lang also understood what it meant.

For Heavenly Court, for Emperor and Heavenly Emperor, Heavenly Man is an important asset of Heavenly Court. They can provide a lot of merits and are long-term money printing machines.

They must be cultivated, they must be kind, and they must be allowed to maintain this carefree life.

As far as the people of heaven are concerned, they are happy with their current lives, they do n’t have the mind to change, they can do whatever they want, and all they need to pay is just faith.

why not?

This is a win-win situation.

of course.

These are just superficial.

Looking deeper, people can get this kind of life completely because of the protection of the heavenly court. The heavenly court guards them completely for the merit of faith.

The merits of faith make the strength of the heaven and earth become stronger and stronger.

And the increasingly powerful Heavenly Court has also allowed these people's lives to be completely safe.

In the law of heaven.

Immortals are not allowed to kill Tianren at will. Everything requires the judgment of Da Luo Tiandao, which guarantees fairness and guarantees the inner security of Tianren.

great power.

Unlimited resources.

Inner security.

These are the core of Datong in the world, and it is the core that people can form these atmospheres of life these days.

Chen Lang This is the first time to really feel the atmosphere of life.

Feeling so much, he couldn't help but want to see the present life of the earth, and live with these red-skinned people, do the earth people really integrate into it?

Chen Lang asked himself, but did not get an answer.

People's hearts are the most uncontrollable.

The figure suddenly flashed away, and Chen Lang disappeared.

The heavenly people around them felt a glance after seeing it, and then no one cared, and continued what they had in their hands.

Except for those newly born celestial beings, the vast majority of celestial beings have lived for countless years. Although they still maintain the heart of the red child, this does not mean that they are stupid, or ignorant turtles.

On the contrary, they not only are not turtles, but any one is a knowledgeable person, a pair of poetry writers, chess and calligraphy and paintings, even philosophical thoughts, spiritual knowledge, the customs of countless races of the universe, etc., they all know.

I have lived for countless years. Although I do n’t like practicing very much, I always have endless time for them to study and study.


You do n’t need to study and study, you can live a few billion years, and the pigs will be very knowledgeable.

As for the "fairies" like Chen Lang, they have seen more, and naturally they will not make any fuss. In this Taixuan city, there are many hidden fairy.

at this time.

In a small courtyard on the east side of Taixuan City, Chen Mazheng and Chen Ran were sitting in the courtyard and peeling oranges. There were no people around, and the courtyard was not luxurious. Instead, it was very ordinary, but in ordinary, there is also a return to the original. breath.

Chen Lang's figure suddenly appeared in the courtyard, and both Chen Ma and Chen Ran were stunned.


Chen Ran dropped the orange in his hand and got up, looking at Chen Lang in surprise.

"How did you come back?"

Mother Chen also looked at Chen Lang in surprise.

"Prepare to travel far, come back to see you!"

Chen Lang smiled and got up and walked to the two of them to sit down. The emperor's robe changed into a white robe when he walked out of the emperor's mansion.

"Where are the oranges?"

Chen Lang just sat down and looked at a basket of large and moist oranges. He couldn't help but stunned.

"I didn't see you when I went to the emperor's mansion in the past few years, so I transplanted some of it to the earth, and it happened to be grown now. The soil and the nourishment of the fairy gas after this fairy field are different, you try it! "

Mom Chen picked up oranges and stuffed them into Chen Lang's hands.

Chen Lang nodded slightly, tasting oranges, and couldn't help but ask, "How about my dad? Why are you two at home?"

"Go to work."

Chen Ma said without a word: "I don't know what kind of wind is blowing when I am old. I ran to engage in scientific research. I wondered if he was in the antique business before. Even if he came to Heaven, would it be to dig the grave of the fairy?

As a result, I never expected that your father would be free to talk about technology with those outsiders, but the more chatting and the more addictive, a group of people combined and ran for scientific research.

I also lost money to the nine compulsory education that you had in the first place. Otherwise, I guess your dad is a mess. "

Speaking of which, Mom Chen glanced at Chen Ran and said, "Well, your sister is the same, she also ran to do scientific research, that is, I have a little time to accompany me for a while today, I didn't know to run at this point on weekdays where it goes."

Dad went to research?

Did your little sister also engage in scientific research?

Chen Lang could not help but be surprised, looking at Chen Ran.

Daddy Chen's research is accidental, but Chen Lang is within the scope of acceptance. After all, it is normal for the elderly to stay idle, and they don't like to practice. Research is also a kind of killing time, but what about this sister?

Is n’t she the best practice? Why did you follow up on scientific research?

"no way!"

Chen Ran could n’t help but see Chen Lang ’s eyes, saying, “It ’s really difficult to practice.”

"That's difficult?" Chen Lang asked.

"It's too time-consuming."

Chen Ranli was vigorous and said: "With the current heritage, you are still an emperor, especially the elder brother. Of course, it is not difficult to break through the realm and become a **** or go further. Just fine.

It takes tens of thousands of years to become a **** ~ ~ It takes another tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years for the main god, is that too exaggerated?

Brother, you have to understand that our planet has only been developed for less than two hundred years. It is of course everyone ’s happy to gain the current strength in two hundred years, but it will take tens of thousands of years for a realm in the future, who can bear it? "

Speaking of which, Chen Ran dare not look into Chen Lang's eyes and whispered: "In addition to the fact that there is no sense of crisis now, everyone is too lazy to go to practice hard, don't you think these people Is your life very interesting?

and so......"

"So you went to play scientific research collectively?" Chen Lang said in amazement: "And, it's not just you and our dad. Listening to what you mean, basically all the people who survived around the world are like this?"


Chen Ran nodded and said with certainty: "Except for a very small number of cultivators, everyone thinks that research is more promising. One-person breakthroughs and collective breakthroughs, and many local natives have also participated. They also have We have a deep knowledge reserve. Now our earth's technological level is a progress across the times. Several incredible technologies have been born, and I heard that in our Taixuan City, the team led by Professor Yang has already Completed the major breakthrough of Quantum Body, if the follow-up is successful, everyone can rely on Quantum Body to become a god, and there is no need to waste time to practice ... "

Quantum body?

Chen Lang suddenly stood up and looked at Chen Ran in horror.

Quan Lang's body Chen Lang had a research plan in this area long ago, but it was finally abandoned temporarily. There is no way. This is the god-making technology, which involves the taboos of the eight major deities.

Chen Lang didn't expect that the plan that had been temporarily abandoned was actually taken out, and there were major research breakthroughs.

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