Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 953: Quantum Power

Chapter 953 The Power of Quantum (for subscription)

Between words, Zhang Bairen's figure appeared directly beside Chen Lang. There was no trace to show that Zhang Bairen came from outside. Instead, he seemed to have been in this courtyard all the time.

Chen Lang couldn't help being shocked by this ability.

Because this is almost the same as the power of the quantum body he once imagined.

In Chen Lang's view, the basic particles of the universe are quantum, and the human body is also composed of basic particles. The practice is to develop the potential of the basic particles, so that the same number of particles can exert their terrifying power.

This is the use of elementary particles.

If the same amount of elementary particles form a wooden board and a gun, what power can the wooden board explode? What power can a gun explode?

And what about bombs?

And if it is the source of spiritual practice, what is the core of biological dark energy?

The use and development of elementary particles is a process that allows the same number of elementary particles to explode with different results.

In Chen Lang's vision, the Quantum Body did not devour a large number of particles. In fact, no matter how many particles there are, it only increases the number, rather than exploiting the power and potential of the particles. It is the use of the particles.

The quantum body is the human body. It is just the effective use and combination of all the particles of the human body to produce the effect of qualitative change, so that every particle of the human body can explode the power of terror, and let the whole body in the form of quantum force field The particles form a 'consummation'.

This form may be some kind of force field, or some sort of order, and it is more likely that all the particles in the whole body are active.

Particles are both quantum.

It is the smallest unit of all matter, indivisible, and exists forever.

Quantum has mutual traction, and this traction forms everything, and quantum also has ties to each other, which form time and space and destiny.

A quantum may be useless, just indestructible, perpetual.

But if the whole body quantum can be combined in the best way and in the most perfect order, the power generated will definitely not be worse than that of the gods.

Gods are the embodiment of knowledge and laws.

Divine power is law, knowledge, truth.

Knowledge and laws constitute the divine power. The richer the knowledge and the more laws, the stronger the divine power. The gods control the divine power and control the divine power with their own divine power, that is, the force generated by the resonance cycle between the quantum.

Of course, in the cognition of ordinary gods, in the cognition of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, the divine power is born or cultivated.

And actually.

According to the endless calculation and derivation of the system in Chen Lang's mind, there is already some eye-catching for such things as divine power.

Divine power is born.

It was also practiced.

But from the origin, divine power is the exclusiveness of the gods, which originates from the divine personality, and the divine personality is a form of natural quantum composition. This kind of composition can produce the power of ‘divine power’.

So with the original innate god.

At the beginning of the universe, not only the gods were born, but everything existed. In the end, the gods were high and controlled everything because they were born well, and they were born with a relatively high quantum sequence composition.

Later practitioners also imitated the evolution of gods, so it was only with the major deities of today that there were billions of gods in the universe.

all in all.

In Chen Lang's view, the existence of the deity itself is a kind of 'particle', which is composed of high-quality quantum sequences, and divine power is a kind of quantum power, but it is by no means all of quantum power.

Theocracy is a collection of laws and knowledge.

Combining divine power and divine power, so there is a **** above.

The quantum body is another exploration of the quantum power. In the quantum power, a high-quality sequence composition that is not weaker than the "divine power" is found, so that the body itself can conceive similar to the "divine power". , Or completely different, but the quality is equal to or even beyond the power of "divine power".

If researched.

That means that mankind will embark on a completely new path, which is different from the gods, but in the end it will not be less than the path of gods.

And because of the analysis and research in a scientific way, the results are definitely those that can be mass-produced and can be rapidly formed.

Research on this quantum body.

Chen Lang has his own ideas. He does not know whether he is the same as Professor Yang in his guess and research.

Quantum force is the force of all things and the force generated between particles. All forces in the entire universe are quantum forces. The operation of the entire universe is led by the forces of particles.

Everyone's research and understanding of the power of quantum is different.

Even, because of the different intermediate processes, the results produced are also different.

The power of quantum is too vast, and non-humans can study it thoroughly and can take a light boat in the majestic sea. It is already a pioneer.

Just as Chen Lang had imagined before.

Time does not exist.

The reason why time exists is that everything is running, so there is the concept of time.

The source of all things is particles.

If you reverse the operation of the particles, UU reading is to reverse the universe's time and space.

Zhang Bairen, who appeared in front of Chen Lang at this time, gave Chen Lang a feeling of quantum body, because in Chen Lang's vision of quantum body, quantum body is the development of human body to its own quantum level.

Once the core sequence force field is formed, the core sequence force field is another kind of divine power, similar to the divine power is the core of the god, and it is the existence of the human core.

And this core sequence force field must be built on the basis of human conscious thinking.

In this way, one of the concepts of the quantum body is reached.

Just like quantum communication, thinking consciousness has entered the level of quantization. In an instant, conscious thinking can reach any place in the universe, and the arrival of thinking consciousness also means that the basic particles can be used to form new ones wherever the thinking consciousness is. Body.

As for the original body, after the consciousness of thought has left, it naturally dissipates into a part of the basic particles of the universe.

Zhang Bairen gave Chen Lang this feeling.

He did not arrive here by means of speed and shuttle space, but dispersed the original body and formed a new body here.

It was this feeling that shocked Chen Lang.

Because in Chen Lang's vision, after reaching this level.

Several features will be realized.

One of them is that consciousness is immortal, and eternal life is eternal.

As long as the consciousness is still there, the conscious mind can form a brand-new quantum body anywhere, and the power will never be exhausted, because the old particles can be replaced by new particles indefinitely, and if the battle is fought, even if the body is shattered hundreds of millions Ten thousand times, as long as the conscious mind is still there and the core sequence force field is not broken, it can form a new body indefinitely, and any damage can be directly immune and ignored.

It is too much than Xiaoqiang who can't die, which is almost almost immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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