Super God-level Technology Empire

: A brief explanation of science and theology!

Seeing that some readers said in the book review area that the late period is already science fiction to fantasy, let me explain here.

This chapter is a testimonial of the chapter, no charge!

First of all, the book has already stated that non-pure **** science fiction!

Is based on the divine system, scientific and technological system, prehistoric remains, ancient legends, etc. as the world view and background, not hard science fiction.

Secondly, the follow-up is not a fantasy.

Everyone can see what they want in the later period. In fact, after reaching this level, they are basically conceptual competitions. To be honest, technology can already be given up.

But the author did not give up science fiction.

Because the theme defined in this book is science fiction, the protagonist system, the human system, and even the future universe system are all based on science fiction.

What is technology?

In the author's view, technology is to make people live a better life, and when the material needs are met, it is the spiritual needs and longevity needs.

People's needs are the driving force behind the development of science and technology.

In the final analysis, after the development of science and technology to the end, it will gradually change from a group to an individual. After satisfying the people's living needs, they begin to pursue immortal and powerful forces.

That is to say, genetic technology is destined to be the core of the future.

In the current technology, the second consciousness, wisdom brain, system, source formula, this gradual development process is to abandon the basic technology and start the process of pursuing individual technology.

In this process, people's systems can satisfy their quantum communications, calculations, records, even void creations, rewrite the environment, group communication, etc., the basic technological creations have no meaning.

So it seems that people's lives are gone without the existence of technology products, but in fact everyone should understand that those technology products are eliminated.

This is to return to nature, not to abandon technology.

And the follow-up, people's pursuit of nature is to become a god. God is not a **** in the sense of fantasy. In the setting of this book, God was born innately and born to be God.

The birth of a **** in the universe is like the birth of a person on the earth. For all beings in the universe, the **** is high above the ground and cannot be understood.

But for the ants and various creatures of the earth, is it possible that human beings are above the ground and cannot understand?

This is a misunderstanding caused by the difference between wisdom and thinking dimensions.

Lower creatures cannot understand the pursuit of higher creatures.

In the setting, the acquired creature pursues the existence of the gods, gradually imitates the gods, and begins to practice. This is regarded as the initial science and practice science.

Then learned more and more open-minded acquired gods combined with some innate gods standing at the top to overthrow the rule of the old gods. This was the first war of the gods. Because of different ideas and different ideas, they created the first major gods civilization.

Then, in this process, because of the study of the universe, the creature that best fits the universe was born. This is the human being, the original human being.

In the words of the gods, it is a god-like creature.

Later, the rise of mankind, defeated the rule of the old gods with technology, renamed the Wu people, and became the new theology civilization, the only science and technology civilization.

Including Starry Sky Road, Return to the Market, and many subsequent technological warfare weapons, all derived from the Wu people.

Once again, because of the difference in thoughts and concepts, and because the major gods were afraid of the speed of development of the Wu people, the second war of the gods broke out and the Wu people died.

The eternal life technology and the **** creation technology developed by the Wu people are defined as taboo.

And then it is the follow-up development, such as the quantum body and so on, everyone can see in the text.

Is set in this book.

Theology = science, only different names, different concepts, different development processes, but all are the pursuit of knowledge.

God = God of knowledge and law, law = thorough understanding and grasp of a thing.

Similarly ~ ~ Science is also theology, because science is the analysis of the unknown, the exploration of the unknown, many of the roads have been taken by others, but science appears later.

Science is the exploration of everything, and technology is the technology born on this basis.

Cultivation is a scientific way of evolution.

Spirit is the expression of life evolution to a certain extent.

Note: Today I stumbled upon a reader in the group who said that the more cumbersome explanations of the description are ignored, # Cover the face!

It may be that there are some problems in my writing, which caused everyone to think that it was a fantasy.

But this kind of tediousness is the science fiction concept that science fiction readers want to see.

Interpretation of spiritual practice or various scientific methods, if you look carefully, you will really understand the gradual evolution of science fiction in this book.

Is not the tedious number of words I have to write.

Is the concept of science fiction in the later period. Everyone has different fantasy for everyone. His hierarchy is not like a fantasy. I say a fairy king, you all know it.

And if you write it briefly, the face you will look at is dumb, not found by Du Niang, so you can only describe it as much as possible.

Everyone likes to watch the plot, there will be a lot of plots behind.

People who like to see science fiction will have an interpretation of everything from the science fiction level and future conceptual products.

If you really feel cumbersome and don't like to watch this kind of content, then skip it, and watch it as a fantasy! # 笑 哭 # Helpless!


Above, a brief explanation of the science and theology in this book! !

Thank you for your support. I am very grateful for each one who still insists on making changes.

In addition, conditionally hope everyone to support the genuine, thank you!

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