Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 960: Individuals, entangled beliefs

Chapter 960 Individuals, Entanglement of Beliefs (for subscription)

"Not bad!"

Chen Lang nodded, looked at the crowd, and continued: "This is the first point, the core spirit! And the second point is the sequence, which is the matrix of force fields you created. To be honest, although I originally proposed In light of this conjecture and rough theory, I haven't actually studied this sequence.

You can build such a matrix from this, it is already very strong.

This matrix is ​​perfect, or that is the right way. You have taken the right path. This sequence matrix provides the connection between the true spirit and the particles, and the force field itself pulls the whole body of particles.

It can be said that in addition to the true spirit, among the three core points, the matrix and the force field are all correct. "


Professor Yang and others relaxed and smiled.

Was recognized.

They are very happy.

They were really afraid that Chen Lang and Zhang Bairen again proposed something similar to 'True Spirit', thus overthrowing their efforts.

"The true spirit is invisible and untouchable!"

Chen Lang thought about it and said, "So don't pay too much attention to study the true spirit. The so-called true spirit, if you really want to use it, it is actually very simple. After the matrix force field is established, you only need to believe in yourself.

From the depths of the mind, you think you will not die, you think you can be resurrected without limits.

That's enough.

The quantum body is immortal. The death of the body is never death. The death of the soul is the real death. "

"This is too ... idealism?"

Professor Yang was ignorant.

Everyone around was also ignorant.

Chen Lang shrugged helplessly.

"At this level, it is really idealism. Well, it is not right to say idealism."

Chen Lang thought slightly.

"It should be said, faith!

It's like we made a hypothesis that this universe is fake, do you believe it?

Certainly not believe it.

After all, everything is around, emotions, emotions, emotions, how can this be false?

But think about it, what is true? What is fake?

True and false are always relative, there is no absolute truth, no absolute false, are we really living people? The TV, comics we watch, and the people inside, they also believe that they are real, but are they real?

So true and false can not be identified.

Everything is true, there is no true, no false, you believe is true, you do not believe is false, this is not idealism, this is faith, if it is true, then your belief is correct.

If it is false, then your belief will be the only way for you to practice it.

Believing is there, but not believing is not.

Don't underestimate your beliefs.

If you compare the universe to an individual, you are also an individual, maybe you are not as vast as the universe, but you do n’t need to compare with the universe. In a sense, the two of you are equal, because you are separate individual.

The law of life and death in the universe can control your life and death as part of it, but it cannot control your life and death as a single individual form because you are equal to it.

We look at the small things around us, and look at the small things, we will feel that everything is so real.

But let's look at the big one, look at the vast starry sky, endless star sea, look at the permanence of particles, look at the overlap of time and space, look at the endless void, do we feel that everything is so unreal?

True and false are entangled.

Life and death are also, there is no absolute life, no absolute death, just like an animal, decayed after death, turned into fertile soil, gestating new life, then the animal is really dead? The new life was born from his decaying corpse, is it a continuation of his life?

Unable to confirm.

It is like the blood lineage of human beings is passed down from generation to generation, which contains the genes of ancestors. For ancestors, that is another kind of eternal life.

Life and death are entangled, true and false are entangled, everything is entangled.

This entanglement is similar to quantum entanglement, but we can call it belief entanglement for a while.

This belief is entangled and can be easily broken.

For example, life and death, you believe that you will die, then this entanglement does not exist, because you already know the answer, the next step, you die, you think you are part of the universe, the silence of the true spirit disappears.

If you do n’t believe you will die, then this entanglement also does not exist. Next, you die, but because of the belief that you do n’t believe you will die, you who are part of the universe, die. But your true spirit is an independent individual, and is equal to the universe. It is still as active as when you are alive. It is the core, it affects the sequence of force fields, and you will not die.

This belief is also literally.

All it takes is for you, who are part of the universe, to influence you, who is independent of the universe, as a separate individual.

In this way, the true spirit is immortal, the core sequence matrix force field is not scattered, and you can achieve infinite rebirth! "

Professor Yang: "..."

Everyone: "..."

To tell the truth, what they said to Chen Lang was really stunned.

Separately into a sentence, they can understand, but together, they can't understand.

This is more like a contradiction.

But this contradiction seems to be Tai Chi, with its own cycle.

Very contradictory, but very balanced.

It is a conceptual use of spiritual power.

Without experimenting, no one knows whether this conceptual spiritual power can be used or succeeded.

But the same.

No one dares to say that they will fail.

Everyone's psychology has fallen into a strange circle, as Chen Lang said relative entanglement. At this time, they belong to believe or not believe, the two are superimposed, and faith and unbelief are entangled.

"What's the use of saying so much, just show them if they don't."

At this time, Zhang Bai couldn't help but smiled.

Chen Lang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly hesitated, hesitating for a moment, Chen Lang said: "The experiment is not easy to find. To be honest, even if I made this conjecture and theory myself, although 100% can determine the result, you If you let me go, I still ca n’t believe that I ’m not dead. ”

Everyone heard the mouth twitching suddenly ~ ~ I felt that you didn't believe me for a long time.

That's the calf.

How can this be studied?


Zhang Bairen smiled and said, "Look at me!"


With a wave of his hand, Zhang Bairen pulled a heavenly man from the outside of the Taixuan City. He took a hook and copied the core sequence matrix force field on the young version of Professor Yang to the body of the heavenly man in front of him.

Tianren hadn't responded at this time, and looked blankly at everyone around him.

"I slapped you on the body. Do you believe you will die?"

Zhang Bairen said.

That day, when someone heard Yan Yan ’s face, he smiled and said, “Do n’t be kidding, let ’s not talk about why we have no injustice and no hatred. Why do you want to kill me? Everyone is a god, and you can live forever. You ca n’t kill me, and I ’ve lived for so many years. Ordinarily three or five good players may not beat me, you ... "


Zhang Bairen slapped in the past, and the whole person turned into fly ash that day without leaving any dust.

But both Chen Lang and others saw fine particles floating in the air.


In the void, a looming luster flashed away, as if time had flowed back, a flower in front of everyone's eyes, and that day people appeared in front of everyone again.

At this time he was still smiling.

I never found myself dead once.

Instead, he continued: "You thin arms and thin legs, it's no use hitting me with 18 palms!"

After talking, he froze for a moment, and looked at the shocked eyes of everyone around him.

Can't help but wonder: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this? By the way, where is this place? Why am I here?"

(End of this chapter)

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