Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 984: Conspiracy against Chen Lang

Chapter 984 Conspiracy Against Chen Lang (Subscription)


Among the fourteen **** kings, someone trembles and speaks.

But at this time Chen Lang also saw that these people estimated that he had miscalculated his strength. He was in a state of panic, and his fighting strength was not at all. It was a good opportunity for hands-on, how could he beep more with him?

"Die to Lao Tzu!!!"

Chen Lang opened his mouth indifferently, and instantly burst into fourteen punches. The vast horror, including the law of ten thousand Dao and the terrifying divine power, all came out at this moment.

The law of ten thousand does not govern the strength, it is absolutely terrifying in number.

This scene made the fourteen **** kings horrified and frightened to the extreme. They hurriedly resisted each other and even ran away intentionally. They had no idea of ​​gathering the strength of the fourteen people to join hands against Chen Lang.

It can be said that, like the dogs of the bereavement family, the fourteen kings at this moment have no fighting spirit and have completely lost their fighting spirit.


Chen Lang caught every chance to break.

Almost instantly, Chen Lang's figure flashed a few times, killing the three **** kings instantly, and then ran to other people. In the roar of roar and horror, the fourteen **** kings died one by one in the void. The law wave broke out again and again, like a tsunami.

Such a grand event has even caused countless cosmic laws to emerge and be completely displayed in the void of the universe. This is a terrifying sight. From ancient times to the present, except for the appearance of the theological war, it is impossible in the peaceful era.

In the peaceful era, the fall of any **** king is a big event, not to mention a dozen or so?

When Chen Lang killed nearly half of the **** kings, the other **** kings just woke up and saw Chen Lang's strength.

"He is not a Heavenly Father!"

"Although it is very strong and far exceeds the king level, it is definitely not the heavenly father level."

"Join together, we may not be able to win under the team!"

"Only by joining forces will there be a way to live, everyone, do not want to die and join forces!!!"


The roar sounded, the roar sounded, and there was a kind of cheated anger.

However, it was late.

If the power of the fourteen **** kings can be gathered together, it may still be able to resist Chen Lang, but now, with seven or eight **** kings, the combined fighting power is only equivalent to a slavish demon emperor.

In despair, regret, unwillingness.

All the **** kings fell, and the void collapsed completely. Tens of thousands of galaxies around it were no exception. The whole was destroyed, and everything became a void.

Chen Lang stood in the center of this void, watching waves of waves of laws, watching the dazzling laws of light, slightly hesitant, and then flashing a few figures, quickly disappearing.

Half an hour after Chen Lang disappeared, three terrifying figures descended.

What came was not the body, but the incarnation of the law projection. This is the true Heavenly Father. The projections of the three Heavenly Fathers came to this Xinghai, motionless, and the three looked around indifferently. After a while, one of them spoke.

"Not a Heavenly Father, but he is close to Heavenly Father indefinitely. Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Yes, with such combat power, there can never be an unknown person. Even if it is heaven, such a character can never have no fame!"

Another person spoke indifferently.

Among the three.

The last person had a rather strange look and said, "I have a deeper study of Heavenly Court. I used to have many friends in Heavenly Court. I used to enter Heavenly Court frequently. For this person, I think I should know.

In other words, I heard about this person more than 100,000 years ago. "

"Oh? Who is it?"

The two Heavenly Fathers existed and looked at the last one.

The last person's eyes shone inexplicably, saying: "If I guess right, he should be the emperor of the Emperor Tianxian Realm who was promoted by the Jade Emperor personally, and he is the leader of the Heavenly Father level as an ordinary god. It was possible to be the position of the emperor. This incident caused a lot of public opinion in the heavenly court. Although no one dared to refute the Jade Emperor on the bright side, in the dark, I don’t know how many people hated it. It can be said that this People are also the fuse of the betrayal of the Four Imperial Supremes of the Heaven Court. Although the four Heavenly Supremes of the Four Imperial Supremes have already had a heart of defection, they have long been unconvinced by the overbearingness of the Jade Emperor, but if there is no Emperor Emperor, the Four Imperial Even if the Supreme betrayed, it could not be so fast."

"Ordinary deity? Are you kidding?"

One of them said indifferently: "He is infinitely close to the power of the Heavenly Father. He has no rivals in the level of the King. Even if these characters are not weaker than us, do you say he is just an ordinary god?"


The other person also disdain: "If you say that he is an ancient existence, even if it is a character more than 100,000 years ago, just an ordinary god? The **** of power stepped into the Lord God, the Lord God stepped into the God King, and the God King went to Extremely, for hundreds of thousands of years, could you be kidding?"

"Ha ha!"

Finally, the man smiled and said, "I'm really not kidding about this And, don't you think this person is mysterious? Can it be valued by the Jade Emperor, and he will be pushed by the anger to push him too The position of the emperor and monarch was vigorously nurtured, and this person absolutely has great secrets, and is even extremely important to the Jade Emperor.

Besides, it is not easy for Jade Emperor and other invincible opponents in the universe to want to quickly cultivate a **** king.

Rather than doubting what I said, it would be better to investigate in depth what secret he concealed, so that he can be so highly regarded by the Jade Emperor.

If we get this secret, and go further, is there really no hope?

Two of you, the universe doesn't exist in Heaven now. If we can go further, then it is truly supreme, isn't it? "

The existence of the two heavenly fathers was silent.

They are not stupid.

How can three people excavate a secret be comparable to one person alone?

Three people have become Heavenly Venerable, supreme but there are opponents at the same level. How can they be comparable to one invincible?

That thing so bewitches them, it must mean that there is a big risk, even a big horror buried in it.

But this temptation is too great.

They can't refuse.

In the eyes, the fine light flashed, and the two nodded at the same time.

Everyone wants it.

You use me, I use you, whoever is dead, who is the last winner, no one knows until the result is out.

Tianzun level.

Further opportunities.

This opportunity is worth desperately.

"So, the two of me will try our best to train you, and how to act next, just say it directly."

"Yes, there is no one else here. Although the three of us are not the core of the core among the coalition forces, but the three of us are the Heavenly Father after all, and now the strongest of the universe, the three of us work together, and this is foolproof! "

(End of this chapter)

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