Another training ground.

A certain letter that prides himself on lightning Zhao Yun is crying and calling his mother to be taken care of by bullets.

If he was a little slower, he would have to be targeted by the itchy warhead that Qilin had added!

“Zhao Xin of the Gun of Dexing, Qilin of the Kamigawa Sniper… The former pays attention to a speed and flexibility, and the latter pays attention to a precise sniper, each going to extremes. ”

“So we combined the training programs of the two of them… In terms of actual results, they all did a good job. ”

The corner of Zou’s eyes twitched.

Is it?

Why can’t I believe it at all!?

Because each goes to extremes, they will get together to train, and you will explain the warhead with the itching agent!


A special warhead hits Zhao Xin’s buttocks!!

The electromagnetic signal broke through the deliberate convergence of the black armor’s protection, acting on the delicate skin of Zhao Xin’s eyes, and sourness, numbness, and itching all emerged.

Let because the beautiful women team up to visit, and reverie infinite a certain chrysanthemum letter, the goods are genuine.

Without appreciating the beauty, Zhao Xin’s maid continued to run.

With the obstruction of trees, walls, and abandoned cars, it quickly left Qilin’s shooting path, and along the way, there were various lure shooting, tentative walks, and counter-common sense jumps, which can be said to be quite flexible.

Qilin didn’t hesitate to let go.

Timely transfer of positions, readjustment of the angle of fire.

Maintaining the principle of one shot for one continues to bring Zhao Xin a fatal sense of oppression.

Moi praises:

“I am very optimistic about this Kamigawa sniper, she has all the ingredients to be an angel, integrity, kindness, responsibility, and most importantly, in line with the aesthetics of angels…”

Oh yes!

Zou Jin said that he seemed to have heard something incredible.

Emotional angels are so good-looking, the reason is that Yan Dang’s thinking is a pot, and when the recruit angels are selected, they are all a bunch of good-looking big sisters.

and transformed into angels through the angel rebirth pool (super genetic modification), of course, resulting in female angels, all of them are the same as adding beauty filters, all of them are bubbling beautifully!

I didn’t expect it.

Keisha, you are a thick eyebrow, you are actually a Yan party!!!

But I love it!

Mercy Wind also nodded and agreed:

“Qilin is indeed a good boy, with a good training attitude, a sense of responsibility, and excellent tactical understanding…”

Speaking of this, Mercy Feng couldn’t help sighing, and continued:

“Unfortunately, the genetic potential of the Shenhe sniper is really a little outdated, and our side is also thinking of ways to iterate stronger super genes for Qilin on the basis of the Shenhe sniper. But…… So far, little has been achieved, and little progress has been made. ”

Moi was unimpressed:

“The sniper belongs to the over-the-horizon combat unit, is it difficult to extend her shooting range, increase her survivability, and enhance her concealment skills?”

“It is okay to strengthen the firing range, but the farther the distance, the trajectory will inevitably need to be lengthened … The more time your opponent has to find and escape! How to solve this problem? ”

“Microwormhole transport… It’s really not okay, you can modify her with a sniper weapon with microwormhole analysis. ”

“It really works! It’s just that the research of the super theological academy on microwormholes can no longer keep up with the top level of the universe, and this research, I’m afraid, will have to wait for Zou Jin to grow up, and then slowly get it. Miss Moy, how to complete Qilin’s survivability and concealment ability, do you have an idea? ”

Moy thought for a while, and then said:

“Optical invisibility has little effect on space-level civilization, just continue to strengthen the special black armor you gave her, and continue to strengthen the dark data self-shielding technology is more effective than anything.”

“Survivability can only improve the grade of super genes, there is no shortcut to this, but Qilin is a sniper, her next generation genes, only need to highlight the enemy, detection, the rest above the average level, is enough to maintain deterrence.”

Listen to the conversation between the two big sisters.

Zou Jin said that his scalp was numb, and he had a sense of déjà vu that he was about to grow his brain…

However, it was also based on the dialogue between the two big sisters that Zou Jin knew that the various models of black armor in the Xiongbing Company had different emphases.

Watching anime in my previous life, I always felt that Ducao was treated too badly.

But now look at it, high-end equipment, need to adapt to individual users, this is the premise! It is also the fundamental idea of the god-killing war of creating a god-level civilization.

Take Ki Lin as an example.

As a sniper, her most important job is never to kill the enemy, but to ensure that she is alive! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, Qilin’s black armor protection level is not high.

However, the self-dark data masking technology is very strong, and the accompanying computing cloud also tends to be functional additions such as ballistic computing and live locking.


With a genetic iteration scheme for Qilin.

In the future, Qilin will definitely be even more terrifying, and she will become a nightmare for the enemy’s middle and high-level commanders!


Qilin’s equipment upgrade actually ended up on his head, which Zou Jin did not expect.

But Zou Jin did not refuse.

There are even some impatient looks.

As your own creation, in order to reflect the responsibility for the lives of comrades-in-arms, and the tracking and strengthening of the actual effect, add some relevant data real-time feedback equipment, no problem!

Qilin, who is in the transition, holding a sniper rifle, quickly looking for the next sniper spot.

That perfect full arc, that imagination alone, moisturizes your eyes to the whiteness of the glow… Gee……

“Ahem! Qilin’s black armor strengthening, just leave it to me, rest assured, Qilin will not wait too long! ”

Zou Jin swore a chest pat assured.

The words are determined, and there is quite the courage of whoever dares to stop him, who is our enemy!

Mercy Feng and Mo Yi looked at each other, completely unable to understand how Zou Jin this kid seemed to have beaten chicken blood…

As for Zhao Xin?

I’m sorry.

We don’t know this person!


On another training ground.

The style of painting suddenly changed, a strong man with a fleshy face, a soft and weak little cute.

That should have been a little association, (No’s) can expand hundreds of small videos full of mosaics, but as a result, Zou Jin and others saw that the two were burying their heads in chopping firewood!

Simply outrageous!

Take super soldiers and even gods who can split the planet with an axe in the future, to split firewood… Has the current Donghuang swelled up?

“The God of War, the legendary gene of the power of killing gods. However, the current Liu Chuang is not yet mature, it is more appropriate to say that he is a super soldier, rather than a rogue gangster … Now letting him chop wood after basic training is also a means to sharpen his heart. Other than that…… Rui Mengmeng chopped wood with him, and it was also a tacit understanding to exercise their chief adjutant. ”

Moi observed for a while with an eye of insight, combined with Mercy Wind’s explanation.

Quickly came to a conclusion, and she was also quite crying and laughing:

“Good training method, this is not just a simple chopping of firewood, but training them to lift weights of control… Gee…… You can really play by carving each other’s appearance by chopping wood! “。

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