It was hard to send Zhao Xin away.

Zou Jin carried the dinner plate and came to sit down opposite Rena.

While eating, while admiring Rena’s pretty cheeks, it should be said or not, our little sun, when not talking, it is simply – the goddess is full of fan!

Rena, who is always concerned, although she still blushes instinctively, she also has some antibodies to the behavior of the hooligans in front of her, but she does not have much discomfort.


She’s also proud.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for her to be proud, and Zou Jin’s gaze quickly shifted.

Locking Qilin and looking her up and down.

Rena, who was keenly aware of this, pursed her mouth and hummed:

“Bah! Scumbag! ”

Qilin was also embarrassed by the naked eyes.

Zou Jin was confused:

“No, why am I scum? Special design, big sister, don’t need to scan body data? ”

Rena blushed.

But when I think about it, I feel that something is wrong.

Ki Lin blushed.

He also hurriedly apologized for his attitude and rushed to Zou Jin’s top hat.

Zou Jin’s face was expressionless, a thoughtful concave shape.

But in my heart, I thought: the happiness of a tailor, who understands…

Discover the door to a new world.

Zou Jin is thinking about whether to open up the customized business of armor for the goddesses in the future…

“After watching it for so long, Qilin’s dark alloy armor, do you have an idea?”

It was Du Qiangwei who asked.

Facing those cold eyes, Zou Jin was slightly lacking in confidence.

But there is still a light screen, which projects the void and the concept map that has just been designed on it.

On the concept map.

A sassy sniper, holding a big sniper with a sci-fi shape, wearing black and white sci-fi armor, is standing proudly in the wind and snow.

“Codename: Future Warrior, what?”

Qilin’s eyes shine!

I was extremely satisfied with this set of concept armor.

The sci-fi style of the armor is extremely rich, and a little black glow flows, and it can be seen that a certain amount of dark iron is added to the modeling process of the armor.

The bulges of the external armor limbs and back open, and it can be seen that there is a passive adaptive orbit-changing maneuvering system inside.

Users in crisis can be taken out of the danger zone at critical moments.

In the instructions that extend out of the helmet.

It clearly shows that the armor is connected with Denuo 3, and even the Donghuang all-area satellite system and radar system in real time, and the enemy’s ability can be called an explosion.

Any hostile target will be displayed on the inside of the helmet in wartime.

For users to view.

Built-in compute unit.

It can even rival a standard three-generation super-soldier’s dark matter computer!

What satisfies Qilin the most is undoubtedly the sci-fi electromagnetic sniper…

Surging electromagnetic guides.

Can accelerate bullets to a hundred times the speed of sound in an instant!

This is still the data of atmospheric environment combat, in exchange for space, the data immediately doubled several times.

The point is.

This sniper rifle is also compatible with God Killer Bullets!

Seeing Zou Jin show his results.

Others turned on dark computers or activated armor computing systems.

It was quickly concluded that the actual performance of the armor was all amazed and inexplicable.

“Enter the brother cow batch! This painting style is full of science fiction. ”

“Yes, in comparison, our set is quite that… It’s pretty shabby…”

“Brother Jin, or even our armor will be transformed together, please…”

The hustle and bustle of the sand sculpture boys sounded for the first time.

Zou Jin indifferently refused.

Don’t even think about it!

A group of rough old men, can they compare with the young lady?

Don’t affect brother Jin, I will give the young ladies and sisters, tailor-made exclusive armor.

Du Qiangwei was very calm and asked:

“From the technical details, it can be seen that you are making magic changes on the basis of Qilin’s existing dark alloy armor.”

“Adding an electromagnetic propulsion system to the god-killing sniper rifle is also a good idea, at least there is no problem in breaking armor.”

“But I don’t understand, what is the blue-and-white sphere behind Qilin on your concept map?”

Zou Jin looked a little proud! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Explained to the equally curious Qilin:

“That blue and white ball is essentially a variant of Deno III, and I have reproduced a brand new Deno III to serve our sniper Miss Qilin.”

“Of course, the limited volume is impossible to compare with the real Deno III.”

“But it is more than enough for Qilin to use alone.”

“In addition, I also edited a set of Qilin’s exclusive version of the microwormhole handling system for this ball. When the police flower retrieves that Qilin is in danger, it will move Qilin to the nearest safe area as soon as possible. Qilin can also choose the location of the handling and landing by herself, and the mobility of the battlefield, isn’t this in place. ”

“The most important thing is that this micro wormhole solving system can open a small micro wormhole cloud at the muzzle, and next to a target beyond the visual range, so that the bullet carries kinetic energy quickly through is no problem!”

Hear Zou Jin’s explanation.

The friends were completely stunned.

Deno III.

As the last relic of Deno Information.

It was brought to Earth by the Deno remnants led by Ducao.

Since they truly integrated into the Donghuang family, today’s Denuo No. 3 has been applied to all aspects of Donghuang.

Especially national defense science and technology, aerospace science and technology, the new generation energy system, etc…

But its main work is to provide computing power support for the Black Great Wall Project!

So to speak.

The computing power of Deno 3 is 100,000 times higher than the sum of all supercomputers on the earth, and it is unattainable!


Zou Jin wanted to reduce Denuo No. 3 in equal proportions and give it to Qilin exclusively!

Friends can no longer imagine.

A ten-thousandth celestial supercomputer Shenhe Sniper Enhanced Edition will become a nightmare for many people on the battlefield in the future!

Du Qiangwei asked dryly:

“So, the police flower is the code name of the deteriorated version of Deno III…”

Zou Jin nodded proudly:

“That’s right! In the future, I will find Miss Angel to learn the structure of the treasure house of sacred knowledge, and I plan to get a deteriorated version of the military flower and national flower!” ”

Frowning slightly, Zou Jin muttered:

“No, this flower series, how can it always sound weird…”

“What kind of military flower and national flower of yours is also prepared for Qilin…”

“That’s no! Qilin doesn’t need it, well, that level of celestial supercomputing is for the country. ”

The voice fell.

One after another hot gaze locked Zou Jin.

I saw that the friends, both men and women, began to stare at themselves.

Zou Jin also felt that his scalp was numb, and immediately hurriedly explained:

“Don’t expect one police flower per person, at least not now!”

“The degenerate materials required for celestial supercomputing are difficult to possess, and the difficulty of processing is not small! At least now I can’t afford to popularize towels on a large scale. “。

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