Getting along with the burning heart is a very hard thing in the eyes of ordinary people.

Because she will always make you wonder if your IQ is not fully developed.


Zou Jin is not an ordinary person.

Instead, he felt that it was good to talk to Burning Heart.

Although most of the time, the dialogue between the two always has a sense of separation from each other in different dimensions.

She always believes that the Ultimate Discipline needs time to grow, and she has enough patience and willingness to wait for him to grow into a true male god for the future of angels.

Zou Jin believes that chatting with a small heart can always arouse his bar essence attributes.

Every time I see Xiao Zhenxin’s little face twisted into a ball, Zou Jin can be happy for a long ~ long time.


The first meeting with the hot heart, – it was very interesting.

Angel Yan laughed and teased:

“You two are quite interesting, one is a scumbag, the other is a god, and you can talk about it together.”

Tilted head:

“The male god is not really a male god yet, but we all know that he will eventually be.”

Simple description.

has become a fan of Kesha’s brain, and is convinced of Kesha’s judgment.

After seeing Zou Jin, he firmly believes that Zou Jin will eventually grow into what everyone expects.

After thinking about it, he faced Zou Jin and reminded quite seriously:

“But what the male god needs to do most now is to build your own dark computer, which is the top priority and the basis for becoming a god.”

Zou Jinyi spread his hands:

“I know about dark computers, but it’s hard to build that stuff and make it work in a system!”

“It’s hard and you can’t give up! As intelligent creatures, there is a limit to the development of brain domains! We cannot endlessly control all the changes in the body, but the foundation of the divine body is microscopic control and interference. If you can’t do the common operation of tens of thousands of threads in a second, you can’t balance and build the force field barrier of the god body! ”


This time, it was Angel Yan who admonished Zou Jin with a serious expression.

For her, since she has decided the person in front of her, she can be entrusted with her life.

Even if it is still in the observation period, the necessary intervention is imperative, is it not good to be able to let the little cabbage that you value develop a wave in advance?

“Yes, male god, the benefits of dark computers don’t stop there.”

Zou Jin’s expression was numb.

Looking at the eyes of the two women, it was like looking at two demons who intended to lure themselves into evil.

Xiao Zhengxin obviously did not notice Zou Jin’s inner slander, and added to himself:

“Male god, you can’t always carry the space-grade information bracelet to each other, that’s a shame, and… The learning cycle of Angel recruits takes 500 years to start! ”

“But that’s based on angel recruits, who have more than thirty percent of brain domain development, and also have systematic dark matter computer-aided learning.”

“If the male god doesn’t build his own dark matter computer system, even if the super theological academy is now open, let you download all the knowledge at will… When you log in to the treasure house of divine knowledge, it will be possible until at least more than three hundred years later! ”

The expression was slightly dull.

Regarding this point of the burning heart, he has already discovered it.

It is even said that the estimate of three hundred years is that the hot little cutie is saving face for himself.

The truth is that it could be worse!

One thing to be clarified:

From the past to the present, the Ultra Theological Academy has no intention of hiding important information from the database.

They also didn’t impose any restrictions on their data transmission bracelet.

It can even be said that the transmission rate of this bracelet is already a non-god-making civilization, which can achieve the best and most efficient creation.

Just copy the knowledge.

Because of the restrictions.

Zou Jin feels that it will take at least five hundred years! It is possible to empty the entire Super Theological Academy!

Frowning, Zou Jin rarely became serious: (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Burning heart, Yan, you mean that you god-making level all use dark matter computers to complete the mutual transmission of data? Plus, speed is guaranteed! ”

The two women nodded their heads in agreement.

Burning heart continues to explain:

“It’s not just the speed, but when you have a dark computer, you can unfold a secondary projection of your will and open up as many threads as possible for learning.”

His eyes lit up, and Zou Jin said that he liked this!

As the final lawyer, he was projected into this world by the final crystal nucleus in the mode of consciousness traversal.

Of course, he knew the meaning of the final crystal nucleus, which meant that the super-god plane could provide benefits beyond his power!

It can help myself to analyze what the end is from the perspective of a scientific world view!

Ask for flowers


Zou Jin knows to know.

However, the salted fish instincts and the amount of knowledge in the data center are too large.

So much so that Zou Jin was born with a dislike of school.

Now, hearing the hidden convenience of dark matter computers from his mouth, Zou Jin is of course happy to become a top student, rather than a scumbag who is ridiculed at every turn!

Angel Yan saw through the young man’s heart at a glance.

It is nothing more than wanting to assign the burden of learning to the thread of secondary will projection to operate, and this salted dried fish continues to lie in the corpse…

But that doesn’t matter.

Angel Yan was even very relieved.

The dark computer is not a simple intelligent program.

It is based on the biological main consciousness, the derived secondary will projection, both sides share a brain, and the dominance is always anchored to the main consciousness, no matter which subject learns, the gain will not be less.

“Now that you’ve got the hang of it, let’s systematically learn the construction technology of high-end dark matter computers from now on, kid.”

“Oh… Can it come tomorrow? ”


Yan and Yanxin spoke in unison and cruelly vetoed Zou Jin’s proposal.

All right.

Anyway, it is better to have two flower-like young sisters with each other than to immerse yourself in a boring ocean of knowledge and sluggish and mechanical learning.

“To build a dark computer, the first condition is to figure out what the essence of the dark computer is.”

“Enriched Personal Computing Array of Celestial Computers.”

Zou Jin quickly glanced at the void, indicating that he was not really unlearned.

Feeling weak, Hiko rolled his eyes and asked:

“So, what is the difference between celestial computers and celestial supercomputing, do you know?”

Zou Jin: “…”

He was really a little confused, isn’t this thing the same thing?

It’s a ghost!

Sighing, Yan simply told bluntly:

“Celestial computers are just space-grade technology, and they construct computing devices to approximate the size of a planet to support the continued development of civilization.”

“The celestial supercomputing of the god-making civilization is the same idea as the celestial computer.”

“But in essence, it is already a world of difference!”

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