"Male god, are you planning to go out?"

Needless to say, simple people are keen, and so are angels.

"It wouldn't be a little sun who wanted to meet you privately, would it? Little male god, play so flower, beware of a fire in the harem. "

Say no...

As far as the results are concerned, Hiko's statement seems to be correct.

Say yes...

Zou Jin was quite worried, and he was killed on the spot.

All right.

Zou Jin admitted.

More than just simple angelic acumen.

It should be said that any angel is not easy to fool!

Those who said in previous lives that angels were naïve and angels were good abduction should be hung up and shot for a whole year!

Zou Jin hurriedly changed the topic and asked:

"Yan, and Burn, what were you talking about?"

He admits that this is a clumsy argument.

But he believes that his angelic sisters, who are empathetic, will definitely understand him.


Yan rolled his eyes, and his heart was slightly silent, and the matter was revealed.

"We were just talking about the biological engine, male god, you can understand it as 26, this is the angel's void-like technology."

Zou Jin was stunned.

Is the hot little cutie so straight?

The sub-biological engine, the high-end technology that has been put into service for three sets throughout the day, can it be said so openly?

"Pretend, little male god, you can pretend! How important is your own position as an angel, will you not know yourself? Besides, in the future, you will always link to the treasure house of divine knowledge, Queen Kesha will not have any restrictions on you, it is all things that you should know, and it doesn't matter if you tell you now. "

Zou Jin thought about it.

It seems to be true.

In terms of one's current relationship with the angel.

Saying that she was not raised by the Holy Kesha, it is estimated that Rena was the first to express her disbelief!

That's okay.

"How, do you want my sister to popularize the knowledge of the Void and Sub-Creature Engines for you?"

"Don't don't, I still have to go to the Great Gorge, and I'll talk about it later."

"Oh, I'm really going to meet your little sun... Humph, scumbag! "

Zou Jin is a little numb.

The problem of harem harmony, how to settle it? Quite urgent.


South China Sea, Giant Gorge.

The aircraft carrier battle group formed in formation is conducting training in the Donghuang Sea area.

All kinds of carrier-based aircraft that seem to be old models, but in fact, have iterated several rounds inside, and keep taking off and landing training on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Frigates, destroyers, also within nearly a hundred nautical miles around the aircraft carrier, all unfolded into a battle formation.

The oldest shipborne electromagnetic guns are launched with missiles that can be fired at tens and twenty times the speed of sound.

Hundreds of nautical miles away, the delimited training sea area was blown up to the point of water vapor, and waves and tsunamis gradually rose.

Nobody knows.

On the surface of the sea can almost be said to be the current earth, the existence of the strongest aircraft carrier battle group, is only the appearance.

Below the deep sea.

More than ten silent submarines that use nuclear fusion as power sources cooperate with each other through quantum communication, and the tacit understanding is like one.

Unprecedented new tactical tactics are being staged one by one in the deep sea.

All kinds of new weapons with unconventional power are also being tested in the process.

That's right.

The bottom of the sea is not known to outsiders, and it is also the best place to experiment with the performance of new weapons!

In the words of some military bosses, weapons that can be effective in the sea are more trustworthy in normal war!

When Zou Jin stepped out of the spatial black cavity.

At first glance, I saw this hot scene.

On the deck of the aircraft carrier Juxia, vigilant soldiers spotted Zou Jin, holding guns and making a vigilant posture, about to shoot this uninvited guest.

However, it was stopped by Yuqin, who monitored the entire exercise in real time.

After a flurry of explanation in his headset, the soldiers lowered their guard and saluted Zou.

A non-commissioned officer came forward and said:

"It's a brother of the Xiongbing Company, right?"

Zou Jin breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his raised hands.

Believe me, it's an instinctive reaction!

In the face of the muzzle of the Meilijian gangster, Zou Jin does not mind implementing his code of conduct, everything is powerless, and he can solve the problem with the equivalent and caliber.

But in the face of this military uniform symbolizing the red flag, Zou Jin will instinctively cooperate.

"It's from the Xiongbing Company, codenamed the Final Lawyer, and the name is..." (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a non-commissioned officer with a bitter face:

"Don't don't, brother, you're a real tiger, but don't induce us to make mistakes!"

Zou Jin was a little embarrassed.

Only then did he remember that the secrecy sequence of the male soldier company was quite high.

He is older than the Donghuang cabinets, that is to say, any behavior of inquiring about the information of the members of the Xiongbing Company, not to mention that it is directly defined as treason.

At least one hundred times the fine for copying the secrecy regulations cannot escape.

It is no wonder that after Zou Jin's self-explosion, a group of soldiers all had a black face, a picture of disaster from the sky.


Zou Jin was led by this non-commissioned officer.

Came to the command room of the Great Gorge.

"Yo, General Ducao, hello!"

Seeing Admiral Ducao standing in front of a giant screen from a distance, observing the exercise and recording the parameters of some new weapons, Zou Jin waved and said hello from afar.

"Comrade Zou Jin, it's good if you come."

Seeing that it was Zou Jin, Ducao's serious expression was also slightly relieved.

As he said, it's good that Zou came in!

In the current grim situation, even Ducao, known as a war maniac, also feels pressured!

Any one command issued from here.

All of them are related to the safety of hundreds of people, and even more related to the future of 027 Donghuang.

It is impossible for Ducao not to get nervous, and now the arrival of Zou Jin has undoubtedly given Ducao a reassurance.

Even if the final lawyer is not under his command.

But seeing your own camp with such a big man sitting in town is in itself a sign of confidence.

In fact, God's meaning to a civilization plays a silent role in these seemingly unimportant places.

"The soldiers of the Xiongbing Company are also participating in the training camp, but the place they went to is an isolated island, and it is still some distance from the Giant Gorge."

"Then I won't go, it is estimated that it is another picture of Qilin hitting the whole scene, it is not interesting."

"Whatever you want, by the way, that person has been waiting for you for a long time. I'm busy with military affairs here, how about letting Yuqin take you over? "

I couldn't help but turn my gaze to the main console under the giant screen.

There, Yuqin, wearing a frequency device, is constantly tapping on the virtual keyboard in front of him.

Her job is to monitor the whole process of the exercise.

Responsible for sending the suggestions of the staff committee to the front-line commanders and fighters, but also responsible for informing the surrounding enemy situation, detecting the main movement of the enemy, recording the relevant parameters of the format weapon in real time, and responsible for reporting to the soldiers, first-hand feedback and suggestions on new combat methods and new weapons.

All the way down.

Miss Yuqin can be described as busy to fly! .

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