When the gluttonous fleet paid a huge price, they successfully landed in Tianhe City under the blows of the air defense fire in the sky against the light energy barrier.

The two commanders of Buck and Wind Thunder have long been confused by the variety of weapons on Earth.

Seeing that the landing was finally successful, the two red-eyed commanders immediately ordered that all the personnel should be dispatched, and all the Shenhe bodies in the city below must be killed!


When the face full of fierce and vicious gluttony, wearing smoky armor, successfully stood on the streets of Tianhe City.

All gluttony is confused.


What about people?

What about the Kamigawa body!?

For a long time, I have not heard the grassroots soldiers who landed in the city report the results of the battle.

The stag, who had already been hit by a series of blows and was full of resentment, said angrily:

"What's going on!? Why didn't I see the killing! A bunch of fools, are you planning to blaspheme my God!? "

A booming voice sounded in the channel:

"Male, stag, finger, commander, in the city, there is not a single civilian of the Kamigawa body! In the air...... Toot toot..."

29 Before the words fell, the communication was cut off.

Look at the data from the soldier's vital signs feedback system.

The soldier is undoubtedly dead!

It was directly hit in two by an electromagnetic cannon that fired more than ten times the speed of sound from the dark corner of the roadway!

The stag that noticed this had a crooked nose, if it still retained the organ.

What is all around, can you TM say it and die!?

Cocktail !!

Truth be told, the high-tech armor used by the gluttonous soldiers.

It is not really invulnerable, it can only be said that it does resist beating, but it cannot resist the shelling of the electromagnetic gun at close range!

Before he could get out of his anger, Bucks Commander saw that more soldiers' life feedback systems were rapidly dropping!

In the communication channel, the voice of thunder rang out:

"Stag, things are not good! Our warriors, are dying senselessly! The city is full of ambushes! Remember the electromagnetic weapons that just attacked us? That thing has now been flattened, even attacking our fighters with high and low fights! "

The stag's face changed drastically, and he was not afraid of death.

But shame on senseless death.

Unable to give enough death to Karl, the god of death, he received a box lunch in advance, which for them is a stain that cannot be erased in this life!

"Damn, are those earthlings crazy!? They actually dared to use the weapon of electromagnetic cannon in the city! Isn't their Shenhe moral concept the most taboo to accidentally injure civilians!? "

Wind and Thunder was slightly silent, and then roared:

"Oh your uncle! Go and see the city, there is not a single civilian in it! We were ambushed, understand!? "

Bucks: "..."

It's so embarrassing...

It seems that an unlucky soldier has just reported this to it.

"Send out the warriors that my God has blessed!"

It didn't take long.

Inside two large cross flagships suspended in mid-air.

More than a dozen huge robots nearly five meters tall, stretching their mechanical wings, descended on Tianhe City at high speed.

So far.

The fiercest and most brutal clash of steel and flesh and blood began to be staged in the mode of street fighting, like a meat grinder.

The defenders of Tianhe City, firefighting, road administration, police, and even field medical personnel began to suffer a large number of casualties.

Even the weapons in their hands are often sci-fi weapons such as electromagnetically propelled individual sniper guns and molten plasma guns.

Can give the opponent lethality enough to be deadly.

But it is impossible to resist the opponent has high-tech armor protection, and its own body armor is particularly difficult to even block the laser weapon of the gluttonous soldier.

The most idealized one-to-one battle loss ratio in the imagination is completely hopeless. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The only thought of the fighters who frantically resisted the invasion on the front line was to maintain the current five-to-one battle loss ratio and not continue to fall!

Such soaring death figures made the battlefield commander's heart twitch.


In the wartime command system, an anxious voice with a little joy sounded:

"Chief, the data center, the National Academy of Sciences, and the major analytical institutions of the military department have jointly sent good news, and the actual combat data collection of new equipment has been completed!"

The commander took off his hat fiercely, and shouted at the communicator with a hideous face:

"Inform the Xiongbing Company and let them take over those few iron pimples on the battlefield!"


Docked on the Giant Gorge in its home port.

Xiongbing Company and others also officially received dispatches from their superiors.

Without saying a word, the group was equipped with mechanical wings, soared into the air, and galloped towards Tianhe City at a speed of Mach 20.

During the flight along the way.

Because Zou Jin endowed Feilian with mechanical wings, the ability of secondary ideal fluids was added.

It can basically achieve quiet and silent high-speed flight.

But the silence on the surface does not mean that everyone cannot continue to talk.

In the dark communication channel of the male soldier company.

Rena and Cheng Yaowen were arranging tactics, and while speaking extremely quickly, they also looked particularly anxious.

They have been seeing the tragic casualties on the front line in Du Qiangwei's light-screen projection images, the culprits behind all this.

It is the so-called robots that have given up their physical bodies and replaced their bodies with machinery.

It is precisely because of the powerful offensive ability of these robots that the front-line soldiers have to use flesh and blood 777 to consume their opponents and try to delay the speed of the fall of the position.

If not.

The battle loss ratio will never be so bad.

"Qilin, pay attention to concealment after going to the battlefield, just received news that the gluttonous side has been confirmed to have an elite sniper unit! More than ten of our middle and high-level commanders and fighters have been sniped by the other side! Hopefully you won't be next! "

The tactical arrangement of Rena and Cheng Yaowen is over.

Du Qiangwei pulled Qilin and explained in detail, otherwise it is not possible.

As the sniper of the team, Qilin can't suppress all the snipers of the other party alone, and everyone present is very troublesome!

Always being on the lookout for the sneak attack of the god-killing armor-piercing bullet is not a fun experience.

Behind the gluttony, there is a great god!

God-killing armor-piercing bullets, and even god-killing weapons, will not be lacking in the gluttonous arsenal!

Zou Jin did not unfold his lawyer posture, but also controlled the fluid to let himself fly synchronously with the male soldier company.

Listen to their pre-war arrangements.

Zou Jin couldn't help but silently appreciate.

Compared with the poor performance in the plot line of the original work, the current Xiongbing Company has undoubtedly grown a lot!

Don't use humility to say that the change and growth of the Xiongbing Company is inseparable from Zou Jin.

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