Facing the pitiful gaze of Hiko and Burning Heart.

While Zou Jin wanted to laugh in his heart, he was also very touched by the loyalty of the angel.

That's one, the Earth in the pre-nuclear era.

Feudal thought, which has long been reduced to dust, is the emotional sustenance that any man dreams of.

Guards on the left and right wings of the hall.

In the way of crying, making trouble and hanging three times, self-defilement crying.

The essence is also an alternative expression of the emotion of not wanting to force Zou Jin, but unable to let go of loyalty.

Of course.

It is also necessary to add the two angelic queens who seem to be discussing problems, but in fact always use their afterlight to pay attention to the interaction between the three.

Sighed, since he chose to tell it bluntly, Zou Jin would not continue to hide it.

Danglian explains:

"In any universe, there are more or less, different rules."

"Idealism or materialism, or both, or more or less..."

"If it is a difference, it has created a variety of strange and diverse universes!"

After a pause, Zou Jin took the teapot that Queen Kesha had gently sipped through.

Ignoring Queen Kesha's slightly strange expression, she unceremoniously drank tons and tons of cow drinks in that fragrant place.

Only then did he go on to explain:

"But the concept is different! The concept of this thing, creating god-level civilization is not unfamiliar, right? "

Four big and small angels like elementary school children.

The chickens nodded in unison like pecking rice.

Neatly and uniformly, so cute that Zou Jin almost didn't hold back and broke the work on the spot.

The so-called rules, in fact, supergenes are involved, based on the extraordinary application of the existing cosmological constant, the essence is the embodiment of rules in the field of science and technology.

The concept is even higher!

The sub-biological engine, the Void Engine, has the function of interfering with conceptual existence.

For example, anchoring the resurrection of the previous state.

For example, specifically suppressing the concept of angels.

For example, the positive and negative voids of the galactic power merge, and then evolve out of thin air!

It is even the characteristics of the immortal aggregation of four generations of super genes and the divine body.

To some extent, it all involves the conceptual field, nothing more than how much.

"The concept of the heavens is the only one, the heavens pass'!"

"The concept of life does not manifest itself as life in one universe, but becomes death or something else in another, life is life!"

"The end is also a concept, He must be the only one of the heavens, and he must pass the heavens!"

"Therefore, the ultimate lawyer who exists based on this concept is naturally the only one!"

"To put it simply, there may be as many universes as there are Zou Jin's heterogeneous space-time isotopes."

"But when I incarnate as the Final Lawyer, the Heavens and Worlds, Hengsha Huanyu, the Final Lawyer named Zou Jin, I will always be the only one!"

Spreading his hands, Zou Jin said.

He is the most beautiful cub in the heavens of the ten thousand worlds!

Hearing Zou Jin's words, Hexi was the first to fail to hold back, and immediately retorted:

"But didn't you also say that there is one you in both universes?"

Zou Jin felt the root of his teeth itching.

You listen to people, only the beginning, right?

"Both universes have a me, but my situation is very different from the life form you know! Let's just say that you may have such a concept as a heterospace-time isotope. "

"I didn't! Even if there is, after being infected by the concept of termination, it will instantly become another me. "

"In other words, why do the two universes merge with each other?"

"The reason is that my existence, that is, being in this universe, also exists in another universe!"

"As for my different space-time isotopes in this universe, they were fused with each other as early as when the divine body awakened."

Keisha nodded lightly and said:

"Understand, the place where you stand is not only the place where you are currently standing, but also other universes!"

"In other words, it is because of your existence that the two worlds have the possibility of merging with each other..."

Speaking of which.

Keisha's gaze towards Zou Jin was a little more complicated.

It was a mixture of self-satisfaction and self-doubt of an old lady's eyes, and angels were afraid that it was not a mixture of shit luck.

As a scientific research officer, Pippixi's curiosity is obviously not so easy to satisfy.

"Logic is self-consistent, count you passed, fortunately you are not a pervert..."

Hey, hey, hey!

Whoever engages in academic problems still brings life attacks!

What can I do with TM?

I also said that after I was promoted to the Divine Body, I finally unsealed the information!


Do you think Lao Tzu is willing to let a different space-time isotope provoke his own guardian angel!?

In fact. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Previously woke up in the Ultra Theological Seminary.

When receiving the final synchronous transformation, it is the process of two bodies fusing with each other!

If it weren't for Yan helping himself awaken the lawyer's posture and open the angel wings, he asked so much, and Zou Jin would still be guarding his body like a jade!

"The question is, after the two universes merge, will it cause turmoil in heaven and earth?"

It makes sense.

Hexi's concerns are legitimate.

After all, the integration of the two secular kingdoms is intrigued.

Not to mention the level of countless worlds blending!

Zou Jin immediately shook his head and said:

"'That can't, the unity of the world is the integration of metaphysical conceptual levels!'

"It may lead to more ancient history, more civilizations, more strong people, and more changes and leaps in rules in the universe."

"But things like natural disasters will not appear!"

Hexi and Keisha breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there are no irreparable natural disasters, then everything is fine!

As Queen of Divine Kesha.

Pi Pixi, who is the king of Tianji.

The two had risen from the conquest 30,000 years ago, and the king's confidence made them dare to face another conquest!

In fact, the truth is not so exaggerated...

The integration of the world, once the metaphysical unity is completed...

As a metaphysical master biological plane...

Nature (Wang Li Zhao) will quietly nest with each other!

In other words.

What is the status of the current angels in the known universe...

What kind of status should it be in the other universe!

If two so-called cosmic overlords appear at the same time...

That's okay too.

After the unification of the world, based on the basic instinct of the world to shelter the current cosmic destiny line.

It will scatter the two in two star fields that are far apart...

As for the existence of Marvel's five creation gods...

After the world merges, its personality will definitely be slashed, not only the five creation gods, but also the six infinite original stones.

Waving her hand, Keisha said softly:

"You all go back, suddenly receiving so many secrets, Hexi and I also need to digest for a while."

"Well, go back this time, Yan, Burn, remember to apologize to your male god."

Hiko: "..."

Burning: "...".

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