It turns out.

Some scumbag behaviors belong to the category of self-awakening.

No need to learn and borrow!

Complex realities and societies will allow them to awaken certain extraordinary abilities on their own.

Just like now.

Zou Jin's pretentious and light words completely sank Rena, so that the simple Rena was twisting with a touched face.

What the two didn't know was that Rose and Qilin, who were lying in the technology cabin upgrading their genes...

It's almost like sitting on pins and needles, like a mang's back, like a cattle in the throat...

The two next door have been spreading dog food, that feeling, who understands!

After a little shyness in self-attack, Rena began to pour bitterly:

"Yaowen said... His hometown, his empire, his loved ones, fell because of our scorching sun, but I don't know that! "

"They always used me as an excuse to be young, never let me enter the Heavenly Dao Tower, and it was a sentence of how a god should be, annoying to death."

"So, I don't know if the blazing sun really lit up a supernova in the original Deno Star Domain, I really don't know..."

"But Yaowen's hatred can't be fake, and I began to realize that the former Lieyang did indeed do very excessive things."

Speaking of which.

783 Kind Rena already had tears rolling in her eyes.

It can be seen that Cheng Yaowen is influenced by demons, and the hatred that broke out really caused Little Sun a lot of trouble.

Wait for Rena to finish pouring out the troubles in her heart.

Zou Jincai sat on the sofa and spoke:

"Denuo's past, and the grudge with the former blazing sun, there are records in the angel network, do you want to listen to the version recorded by the angels?"

Gently sitting down against Zou Jin, holding Zou Jin's arm, Rena whispered, although the voice was low and inaudible, but Zou Jin could feel Rena's firmness.

"Dexing and Nordic were once twin life planets in a star system."

"It can be called a miracle in the universe, the key is that Kieran of the Super Theological Academy values them."

"As early as they were still in the feudal era, the Super Theological Academy had already landed in Deno."

"As a result, they have developed at an unprecedented rate."

The pre-nuclear era and the space-class era have all been quickly and barrier-free by the Deno double star...

When they advanced to the god-level civilization.

New problems began to emerge.

At this stage.

The Deno double star, basically has been realized, the actual control of the current super large star field...

Dexing and Nostar each control a large number of affiliated civilizations.

At first, the Deno binary star, because of the same star system, the relationship was acceptable...

Where there is intelligent life, there is struggle.

Even if Deno, as a superior civilization, does not fight.

The affiliated civilizations under their command will also push them.

Go for a bigger and more solipsistic voice!


The radical ideas of the Deno double star began to rise ...

Du Qiangwei's father, Ducao, was promoted to the rank of general at that stage by Nohsing.

When the high-level of the Deno Twin Stars, which is making the transition towards a true theocratic civilization, is full of radical ideas, and the power of the Divine River and the Norstar God of War, who are the main gods of civilization, have not yet achieved the true supreme divine right.

Arms race.

The inevitable eruption!

You develop a Nostar sharp knife, and I will put on a German star gun.

You have the heart of the earth, and I will target it as a shadowhunter.

With the passage of time, the arms race of the Deno Twin Stars began to develop to a state of almost out of control in the entire star domain, in which all affiliated civilizations participated.

Since then, the war has been completely out of control.

Between the respective subordinate civilizations of both sides, rapidly spread...

Even though the top officials of the two sides began to realize that something was wrong and formally started negotiations, they ended in vain because of disputes over issues such as face, resources, armament, and culture.

In this regard, Deno Double Star completely put the struggle on the bright side!

With the war in the Deno Star Domain, weeds spread...

Not far from the Denuo Star Domain, the Heavenly Dao Flaming Sun Star Domain...

(AGDJ) was also affected.

In addition to the trembling of his subordinate civilization, he also had to ask for help from the then King of the Flaming Sun, that is, Rena's father.

Out of concern for the state of affairs.

At that time, the Prince of Lieyang went to the Deno Twin Stars, willing to use himself as a bridge to persuade the two civilizations to put aside the unreasonable arms race.

That's a great thing.

The high-level of Deno Double Star also took the opportunity to calm down the situation and stepped down along the steps to save their faces.


On the eve of negotiations.

Under the conspiracy of certain vested interests.

The King of the Flaming Sun at that time, who was also Rena's father, was assassinated when negotiations were about to begin! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Since then.

The Deno Twin Stars officially tore their faces.

Accusing each other of each other, plotting against the King of Lieyang.

The war of creating god-level civilizations has also begun to be staged in the Deno Star Domain.

When Rena's grandfather, Di Hongkun, learned the news, the battle of Deno was already in full swing.

There was the hatred of his own son who died in vain.

After rashly starting the war, it has already threatened the urgency of the Flaming Sun Star!

It was also that day.

Di Hongkun, who was backed by the Heavenly Dao Tower.

Let the known universe explode the largest supernova explosion in ancient history...

The stars of the Deno star system began to distort.

The endless frenzied collapse quickly chaotic the gravitational field of the star system.

A large number of planets, asteroids, and even the Deno binary star, which did not have time to escape, and its civilization as a whole, were dragged into the gravitational collapse effect caused by stellar distortion.

The addition of these stars.

Let the distortion collapse of the star Deno collapse, more quickly and crazy...

It began to turn into a white dwarf, even a neutron star, until the force field completely exploded, which triggered a supernova explosion.

Chaotic cosmic rays, under the operation of the Heavenly Dao Tower.

Sweeping the entire Deno Star Domain at superluminal speeds...

Countless civilizations fell in an instant...

Countless lives withered away in an instant...


The Deno Star Domain is still shrouded in chaotic cosmic rays.

I don't see the slightest possibility of returning to the past...


It was Di Hongkun who manipulated all this!

How can his genetic model be compared to Rena's sun's light...

So, Rena has just unblocked.

Officially took over the position of the female emperor of Lieyang.

Just by virtue of white, he was buttoned up with the hat of the largest mobile natural disaster in the known universe!

After listening to Zou Jin's narration.

Rena was speechless for a long time...

The complexity of the mind...

It's hard to tell...

Rena is the second middle school, is nervous, but not really humble.

Listen to the angel's record of the past described by Zou Jin.

Rena knew that she was just an object of the pot:

"So, Yaowen said, one day, will I bring the end of the earth!?"

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