The bottom compartment of the space carrier for prisoners.

Natasha is performing with a superb performance, with a loud Loki.

But in the next second, with a word hailhydra of public equipment, two guards outside the door of the cabin stood out.

One of them also instinctively snorted.

In the next moment, he was greeted by the surprised gaze of his companion or former companion...

The nerve reflex is faster than the guard of the brain, and the heart is gurgling, the feeling is not the superior snakehead, when the command is announced...


Since it's not time.

Your magnesium team hides so well, why are you TM crazy and self-detonating your identity!?


In the next instant, the guard chose to strike first.

Took out his pocket pistol and emptied the magazine on the spot with great attention ...

Natasha's face twitched slightly, and she greeted Loki's confused watch "zero six zero", and said with an embarrassed smile:

"You know, this is humor that belongs to the earth, oh no, maybe it belongs to Mag Lijian!"

Leave such a headless spit without a head.

Natasha turned around and pulled out her gun, locked her head, and shot in one go, and the Hydra agent, who had just killed the innocent guard, fell into a dazed stage, was immediately headshot...

It didn't take long.

On the entire space carrier.

The roar of firearms began to resound, and the mutual genealogical greetings between the agents.

Reaching out and holding the headset, Natasha roared madly:

"Nick, you fucking bastard, you actually stuffed the old lady into a snake's den and worked for that group of war criminals for so long! Also, don't tell me that the captain of your flaunted symbol of freedom is still a hidden snakehead! "

Natasha was answered by Nick Fury's heavy gasps, mixed with dense gunshots.

Plus a certain black brine egg's iconic Maja Fake.

After a while, Nick Fury said in a dry voice:

"Sorry, Natasha!"


"Fak, I'm organizing a living force to fight the group of poisonous snakes who don't know when, infiltrating our interior! Fak! "

"I can ignore your racist remarks, but trust me, Natasha!"

"Just now, I even stepped on the horse and thought that I was the spy lurking inside Hydra!"


It's rare that you still have such an enlightenment.

Very good, listen to this tone and angry spit out.

Natasha can basically determine that the black brine egg is still the pure black brine egg, and there is no deterioration!

"Listen, Natasha!"

"Tony is helping us sift through the data, and the group of people who just shouted the slogan will soon be synchronized with you!"

"Kill them all! We don't have time to screen them all, so I'm asking you to kill them all!" "

Natasha had no problem with this order that was boiling with killing intent.

At that time, the Soviet Union and the Hydra of the German country could be described as mortal enemies.

Now she can take revenge in an honest way, Natasha is very satisfied, but some issues must be clarified in advance!

"Nick, tell me, who else can I trust now!?"

"I don't know Natasha very well, and frankly, I, like you, can't even tell who is friend or foe, and thankfully, Hill and Coulson are currently organizing manpower to attack the exposed hydra! Tentatively, they are trustworthy! "

"Wow, that's not bad! At the very least, I could find a few companions when I was lurking in the Serpent Shield Bureau. "

A little yin and yang weirdness.

Natasha mentioned the key question: "What about the captain!? "

Nick Fury was silent.

Angry crackled and emptied an entire magazine.

Frankly, Nick Fury doesn't want to believe that Team Magnesium has become a hydra.

But the truth is that his throat, hailhydra, can actually cause so much echoing, and this is how Hydra can be exposed!

"So, before we face the invasion of the alien legion, we still have to fight a secret front war, right? That's funny..."

Pulling out the gun ended the hydra on both lists.

From the wall-mounted tablet on the wall, the list of confirmed proofs that has just been updated...

Natasha found the faces of the two corpses on the ground.

Good, didn't kill the wrong person.

Listening to Natasha's complaints, the black egg is also helpless.

It happened too suddenly.

The thoughts in my head are even more chaotic...

But for the treatment of the magnesium team, Nick Fury already has an idea:

"Captain, see his words, do your best to subdue him! Whether he is innocent or not, it is his voice that caused this turmoil0..."

After a pause, Nick Fury's indifferent voice came again

"If Rogers resists fiercely, he can be shot on the spot!"

"Well, Nick, I hope your decision is the right one." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The call ends.

Natasha didn't bother to take care of the cell, and Loki, who had a strange smile, turned around and rushed into the corridor, and not long after, the noisy gunfire began to resound in other cabins.

This is clearly not the time to extract information.

Watch the back of the beautiful agent drifting away.

Loki raised his eyebrows, found a comfortable position, and sat down neatly.

The situation could develop to this point, Loki did not expect it.

Although the back hand on the psychic scepter has been activated, it takes a period of psychic synchronization to really have a real impact.

Hawkeye and other armed forces, acting as a rear, are on their way.

With Loki's wisdom, the truth of the incident was easily restored, the truth is that the earthlings actually left themselves as the protagonists, and there was a problem within themselves first!

Know that this will happen...

Loki's face was slightly embarrassed, if he really knew in advance, he was the second prince of Asgard, as for being captured by a group of earthlings in such humiliation!?


It must be Thor's idiot's pot!

I spent too long with the rough brother who had muscles in his head that he had a bad performance of declining IQ 1.1.


At the same time.

Whether it's Zou Jin in the queen district of Niuyo.

He was still in the dormitory of the Super Theological Seminary, and his face was full of interested smiles.

At this moment, Zou Jin clearly understood for the first time what is the happiness of eating melons.

Plant the seeds yourself.

Transfer water plus fertilization.

Watch the seeds take root and sprout to their own satisfaction.

During this period, there is also a steady stream of collapse energy, and the happiness of falling from the nameless height of the heavenly dome.

It is absolutely difficult for people to experience idleness.

In line with the principle that eating melons cannot be shared by one person.

Zou Jin, who is extremely bored, will also be the Marvel Universe, what is happening.

Synchronized on the projection screen of the bedroom, with Ah Chao and Moy, two angel sisters, pointing fingers and expressing their opinions on this matter.

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