Pause slightly, giving Qilin time to digest and practice on her own.

Soon, I touched Qilin who used the method.

Autonomous on the wide deck of the aircraft carrier Juxia, faintly appearing from time to time, the maneuverability is so strong, it is no problem to say a word of teleportation without CD.

"With Qilin's mobility, I can't think of anyone who can catch her on the battlefield! No, perhaps, not even for targeting! "

He Weilan as a former colleague of Qilin.

With her experience as an armed police officer back then, she quickly discovered the advantages of the Holy Cut Armor.

Equipped with the Saint Tailor, Qilin's survivability and penetration impact ability have been greatly enhanced.

Qilin can still be the sniper boss who scares all enemies.

But if necessary, she can also turn into a miscellaneous reaper in a chaotic war...

Obviously, on both sides of Qilin's thighs, the two gorgeously shaped hand "eight eighty-three" guns exist to deal with this aspect of the problem.

Li Feifei, Su Xiaotanu, Master Zhao, and Wei Ying all nodded when they heard this.

They have no concept of real war.

But there is no problem with their aesthetics, they can't refuse such a sci-fi style of armor, and then look at this set on their own ...


The gap came out immediately...

The dark iron armor that I thought was very advanced is now officially Madame Cow...

Of course.

Such as Li Feifei, a strong woman in the workplace, Wei Ying, who is good at crossbows, and Master Zhao, who is a sword master.

But there is another conjecture.

If this supernumerary boss of the male soldier company he saw for the first time, he could also give himself a set...

It doesn't take much, just that kind of CD-free flash can make their survivability, and the actual penetration ability, multiply and multiply!

Sensing the hot gazes of the rookies.

Zou Jin smiled with satisfaction and continued to explain:

"Presumably Qilin, you also found out that the Saint Tailor is equipped with two high-energy pistols, and I have a miniature drastic device built into each of them for energy."

"The built-in energy conversion algorithm can convert pure fusion energy into a stream of high-energy gamma-ray particles, which can easily evaporate any life below the gods!"

"But pay attention to Qilin, this thing is at most tickling for God, you know."

"No matter how similar it is to gamma ray burst, it is only similar, and the energy level is not so high."

Qilin nodded slightly.

Smart as Qilin can understand Zou Jin's subtext in an instant.

The two black technology pistols are used to clean up miscellaneous soldiers, but they are by no means used to harden the gods...

Then, Zou Jin pointed to the giant heavy sniper behind Qilin:

"This thing is my current, most proud work, don't look at the high-energy particle stream it shoots when it attacks, but in fact, that thing is loaded with angelic genetic strike technology."

"You can load the God Killer armor-piercing bullet into it, and through the work of its internal engine, you can transform the material God Killer Bullet into an energy-piercing bullet..."

"Not only can you use this to obtain a straight-line attack speed of nearly the speed of light, but also maintain the genetic strike characteristics of the God Killing Bullet, which can break the divine body and cause a fatal genetic strike effect on the God!"

Listen to Zou Jin's explanation.

Qilin had already raised the heavy sniper with excitement, knelt on one knee, turned the muzzle of the heavy sniper, and aimed it at the sky!

That direction.

A fist-sized probe suspended in Earth's low-Earth orbit.

In the next instant, it was penetrated by a stream of orange-red high-energy particles!

Qilin Qiao's face turned red with excitement, and she said with excitement:

"Those few gluttonous probes, in recent days, have been scouting back and forth on the giant gorge like crazy, if it were not for the flying wings flying out of the atmosphere, it was not easy to control, and it would have been beaten down earlier, and it could still be kept until now!"

Fiercely vent a resentment in recent days.

Qilin solemnly thanked Zou Jin, for a while, maybe it was excitement, maybe for some other reason.

Sister Qilin seemed to selectively forget that someone had moved the little means on the skin of the future warrior.

See Qilin's sassy appearance now.

The friends of the second phase of the Xiongbing Company have long been impatient. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They all came forward and surrounded Zou Jin, and all kinds of horses did not hesitate to drown Zou Jin.

"Jin, brother Jin, can you help me prepare a set of source plan armor for me?"

This is the tsundere He Weilan, although his eyes wandered, although his cheeks were hot, he still couldn't resist his attachment to powerful weapons, and he asked Zou Jin to speak out against his inner shame.

Then came Li Feifei, Wei Ying and Master Zhao.

What big truths such as you are so handsome, your ability is really strong, you are a well-deserved mainstay of the male soldier company0.........

Zou Jin chuckled again and again.

"Brother Jin, Source Plan Armor, do we also have a share... There must be, right? "


The voice of the battle goblin.

It is indeed very in line with Su Xiaotanu's style, and Zou Jin's feet are a little soft when he hears it.

But unfortunately, because of the unclear relationship between Brother Monkey and Su Xiaotanu, Zou Jin was really embarrassed to show his presumptuous eyes completely.

In the face of the girl's arms shaking around, and the mouth kept coquettish, Zou Jin could only hurriedly express his position:

"Yes! All of them! Not only you, but all the armor of the male soldier company needs to be replaced with a brand new source plan armor! "

The voice just fell.

The cheers of the girls and Master Zhao immediately resounded throughout the deck.

Seeing this, Zou Jin breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"By the way, you have all learned the basics of microwormhole handling, can you sense your arsenal?"

"Yes, Brother Jin!"

"Uh-huh, Instructor Rose only taught us two days ago."

"Brother Jin, the basis of microwormhole transportation can be used, but it is only a procedural use that does not seek a solution, no problem, right?"

Zou Jin nodded slightly and said:

"The armor of the Source Plan series has its own code name, and when I finish the design, I will assemble it for you immediately."

"At that time, you will not use to find me, you will find 4.7 lines in the arsenal yourself."

It was hard to send away the rookies who were curious about babies.

As if remembering something, Zou Jin turned to Qilin and explained:

"When Rena and them come back, you remember, let them keep an eye on their arsenal, maybe sometime, I will save them a set of source plan armor into it."

"Especially Rena, remember to tell her that the corona armor is already in her arsenal."

Qilin bowed her head lightly, signaling that she remembered.

Then he asked tentatively:

"Brother Jin, are you going to play the ball again?"

Zou Jin's tone was so obvious, Qilin could hear that Zou Jin's departure was also normal.

Nodding slightly, Zou Jindao:

"My presence is too strong, I have been staying on the earth, and some mice are afraid to show their heads... Anyway, give them a chance to surface. "。

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