It's night.

Zou Jinyan returned to his floating island.

Just in the door.

Someone's little expression of grievance and loss frightened Yan and his heart.

In line with the advanced idea of not reluctant Keisha to die, and earning a wave of collapsed energy by the way.

Zou Jin tries to reverse Kesha's idea of retiring.

For this.

He did not hesitate to use the words of the second middle school to make a speech with passionate words.


Obviously, the two queens were moved at the beginning.


Why did the situation change one hundred and eighty degrees in the blink of an eye!

Kesha: "Zou Jin little brother, I am very happy that you can share the worries for the angel, but remember to call my sister in the future." "

Hexi: "Meaning: the male god with two guardian angels is the bold man... I dare to call the Queen by my name. "

Kesha: "Well, sister believes in you, but the road has to be taken step by step." "

Hexi: "Come, sister, I'll translate and translate for you, Keisha means, beware of big things that are too outrageous and light!" "

Kesha: "We have experienced a lot, you will experience more stories, write more legends, the future is beautiful, I 10 will see him in person, and appear in the most gorgeous manner." But don't keep your sisters waiting too long. "

Hexi: "Subtext: Your scumbag quotes, it's not good to put in front of us!" "

Zou Jin: A...

Kesha's big sister-like gentle words, even if they saw through Zou Jin's careful thoughts, were only softly soothing, intending to divert such a topic.

But what about Pippi Hee...

Zou Jin couldn't understand how Pi Pixi used his mouth at thirty-seven degrees.

Telling such a cold truth...

People are hard to tear down, big sister!

The fatal blows given by the two queens one after another.

When Zou Jin returned, his face was full of helplessness and confusion...

Just like the scene that Hiko and Burning Heart saw when they waited for the return of the good man...

After some inquiry, the two women who learned the ins and outs laughed at the pig bark.

It was a kind of dead fish eyes that were hard against Zou Jin, but laughed even more rampantly.

It's been a long time.

Yan and Burning Heart stopped at this time.

"You too, it's okay to be idle, why do you say you provoke the queen!? Is it true that the queen is a pitiful little like me and Burning Heart who can be easily deceived by you? "


Zou Jin was not happy at that time.

Who took the initiative to help him activate the angel wings in the first place!?

Without waiting for Zou Jin to refute with facts.

Xiao Zhengxin also spoke:

"Brother-in-law, it's already very good that you can come back safe and sound from the master's mouth, and on weekdays, the master's mouth is very lethal."

That expression that you have earned a lot of money makes Zou Jin speechless.

Think of the scene in the original work, when Yan inherited the throne of the Heavenly Blade, he was so stunned by Pippi that he couldn't get off the stage.


It seems to be true...

Here's the problem...

Zou Jin, who rubbed his chin, remembered this.

When he was squeezed by the two queens into a trance, it seemed that the eyes of the two queens were somewhat wandering and evasive?

That's not like the posture you should have when you have a poisonous tongue...

"My male god, just after Chase and Moy, sent back some information, about Morgana spreading demon genes on Earth, do you want to see it?"

Yan's change of topic made Zou Jin not continue to think for a while.

Following Hiko's train of thought, he said disdainfully:

"Sure enough, I am not on Earth, Morgana and those demons dare to jump out and make trouble."

"If I'm not mistaken, basically, the main customers of the magnesium west have been recruited, right? Wow, by the way, there should be those big business leaders and the like. "

Yan Xin nodded lightly and echoed:

"Yes, brother-in-law."

"The data transmitted by Sister A Chao and Sister Mo Yi shows that that group of deformities is using medical institutions as a springboard and rapidly spreading demon genes."

"According to calculations, it will take less than half a year."

"The main body of Western civilization will be completely eroded, and then quickly derive a second personality!"

"Brother-in-law, the crisis that Donghuang will face in the future is not only from outside the stars, but also from the population competition within the planet!"

Zou Jin can imagine it.

In the future, once the demon gene is conceived successfully.

The subjective consciousness of the massive host is banned by the second personality, which in turn leads to an individual who has changed from a divine river human to a small demon, and will cast their malice on the earth, indulge their desires, and exert their fallen essence.

Facing his guardian angel, Zou Jin also nodded without shying away and said: (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Yes, that's exactly what I was hoping to see!"

In front of Hiko and Burning Heart.

For the first time, Zou Jin used such a disregard for life attitude, and easily decided the life and death of countless divine river bodies!

But interestingly, Hiko and Burning did not object.

Instead, he looked at Zou Jin curiously.

They believe in their male god, believe in him, and are by no means cold-blooded and indifferent.

Zou Jin shrugged and spoke:

"It should be cultural differences, living environments, and ideological differences."

"In other words, I have that leisure, let the Donghuang civilization and the magnesium Western civilization gradually grow in the collision."

"After all, my Donghuang civilization does not have the genes to be self-styled."

"We are also willing to accept challenges and are more accustomed to the international competition with them..."

After a pause, Zou Jin's voice became more and more indifferent:

"But the situation is different, the current Donghuang is not only facing the threat of alien invasion."

"Secretly, there are a large number of god-making civilizations lurking, and the real bloody battle is coming 703..."

"We don't have the leisure to carefully identify enemies and friends, or to build alliances."

"What's more, before civilization advances to the astronautical level, the cultural genes within civilization are still pure and more in line with the needs."

Zou Jin's voice fell.

Yan and Yan Xin nodded quietly, obviously agreeing with Zou Jin's statement.

In the long river of stars, it is not a civilization without complex internal cultural factors, advancing to the aerospace level and moving into deep space.

But often.

Similar civilizations will soon be greatly improved by productivity.

As a result, the centripetal force of civilization completely collapsed!

Civil wars, rebellions, and mountains have led to civilization being completely obsessed with suppressing dissidents and has no chance to turn over.

Those who greet such civilizations are usually destroyed, and the destruction of this civilization is precisely caused by the forces within the civilization...

Similar example.

In the known universe, it has already been played out countless times.

In the foreseeable future, similar examples will continue to play out until the end of time...

"Zou Jin (brother-in-law), I'm glad you have this kind of thinking, that is God's thinking mode..."

"We are gods not only because we have power and technology..."

"More importantly, we can stand on a high place and examine the development of ourselves and civilization from a top-down perspective!"

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