The three women present were indeed known as the God of Thunder War, the God of Flame War and the God of Frost War.

Their respective abilities are indeed related to lightning, fire and ice.

But that is only true for a generation of gods and the individuals below them.

Second-generation gods and above, the resistance of the divine body ~ has increased significantly.

Their thunder, fire, and ice didn't do anything at all...

That's why.

It is clear that genetic abilities have little to do with close combat.

But the backbone of the three angels, like the other angels, relies on melee combat and flame weapons to solve problems.

And so it goes.

Hiko's thunder and lightning, of course, can't cause substantial damage to the cold...

But the truth is, Leng was struck by a thunderbolt.

Split into this silly look on the spot, the dark computer is down, just restart...

But thinking paralyzed this situation, patting the conscience to say, Yan and Burning heart is really the first time to see!

"Brother-in-law, can you save Sister Leng?"

Instinctively, Xiao Zhengxin first thought of Zou Jin.

In her little brain, whenever there is an unreasonable situation, push it to Zou Jin, and nine times out of ten can solve the problem.

Zou Jin nodded and already came to Leng 's side.

Reaching out a hand, hanging above Leng Head, the electromagnetic force field spread rapidly.

Lingering in the cold mind, the strange and almost undetectable electromagnetism was easily guided, turned into a ray of electric light, and was extracted by Zou Jin.

"Well, Leng is just paralyzed thinking, and when her consciousness returns, she will soon be able to return to normal."

Strictly speaking, Leng didn't hurt at all.

Her state is an attack other than resistance.

Lose control of the self for a while, that's all.

Looking at Zou Jin's fingertips, a ray of electric light was extinguished, and Yan and Yan Xin were amazed.

Now knowing that there was no problem with Leng Jing, the two women also put aside their worries and chattered around Zou Jin.

"Brother-in-law, what is the situation of Sister Yan, I always feel that her recent progress is frightening, and it is not scientific at all."

"Yes, my male god, the last time I fought with Leng Qian, I still needed to entangle with her in close combat for hundreds of moves before I could gain the upper hand."

Zou Jin scratched his head and explained:

"Probably because you are my guardian angels, the concept of finality in me, in..."

He smiled badly and quietly glanced at the still sculptural cold.

Zou Jin continued:

"When you and I get along closely, the concept of finality in me has independently infected your genes and guided you gradually to the realm of idealism."

Hiko and Yan Xin blushed together, of course they knew.

Zou Jin's so-called close relationship is what a close method.



A thoughtful expression flashed under the eyes of the two women.


Fierce thunder and lightning, jumping at Hiko's fingertips.

The blue-white arc forces the air to dissociate, allowing oxygen to turn into ozone.

The bizarre electric field spread out, and on the martial arts arena, the rubble that had been splashed due to the battle just now was also affected by the electric field and suspended in the air.

Burning Heart rolled his eyes and came closer...

The short blonde hair was slightly fried when affected, and he was quickly calmed down by Aimei's burning heart.

"It's really idealistic, Sister Yan, your ability can not only interfere with reality, I feel, looking at your thunder and lightning, even my thinking feels paralyzed."

"Is it? I thought it was just my own delusion... However, this reaction is indeed not like the divine body reaction triggered when lightning is added. On the contrary, more like my thunder and lightning, this kind of quality is here! "

"Uh-huh, I think so too."

"Don't talk about me, Burning Heart, see if your fire has changed... Don't forget, lately you little gluttonous cat has been pestering me and your brother-in-law! "

His pretty face instantly turned red again.

Sudden shyness.

Even white steam rose on the head of the burning heart ...

Zou Jin was amazed, but he himself was also curious whether his ability to burn his heart had also changed.

Endure shyness.

A pinch of the middle finger and index finger.

A three-inch long orange-red flame jumped from his fingertips.

"It's still the intensity of the past, and the actual interference has indeed increased compared to the past..."

"When the flame temperature is at its highest, it should reach 100,000 degrees."

"Unfortunately, such a temperature is still very weak for the divine body..."

frowned slightly.

Both Yan and Zou Jin fell into deep thought.

Even Xiao Xinxin's eyes flashed with incomprehensible light.

This is not normal! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As Sister Yan said, in the recent relationship, she and Sister Yan will be with Zou Jin almost every night.

Ask for flowers 0

Could it be because Sister Yan became the guardian angel of her brother-in-law.

Is it much earlier than the development you get?

While thinking to himself, Burning Heart also had some small grievances, just because she was one step slower than Sister Yan, had the gap widened to such a large extent?

"Huh!? Sister Yan, you..."

A white jade hand gently brushed the fiery fingertips to channel the flame towards itself.


Flames burst into flames!

In an instant, it wrapped Hiko's body...

The ferocious fire, wantonly flaming the fire, burning the air and making a crackling sound...

Only then did Burning Xin react, and hurriedly extinguished the flames.

Looking at Sister Yan who closed her eyes and thought with a worried face...

"Don't worry, your sister Yan is fine, the temperature just now is not even less than 30,000, and you can't even burn out Yan's outer force field."

Of course not.

Otherwise, Yanbao would have been burned all over his clothes by now!

Turning the defensive qualities of the divine body into a force field and spreading it throughout the body is the basic operation of the god.

Not so.

When drying a rack, it is easy to burst the good of clothes.


After a long while, Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

First, he glared at Zou Jin angrily, and counted:

"My male god, I can hear what you just said... It's so sad that you don't care about your sister anymore..."

Scratching his head with an embarrassed smile, Zou Jin said with a smile:

"Blindly, I obviously care about you, I just saw at a glance that not a single hair on Yihun has fallen off!"

"Bah! Stinky hooligans... I'm not ashamed at all..."

Hiko's cheeks burned slightly, and he instantly understood someone's evil intentions.

Regardless of the reprimand, Yan looked at Yan Xin.

With an expression full of amazement, he sighed:

"Burning, you flame... It's hard to put into words! "

"Huh? Sister Yan..."

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry, listen to your sister and you in detail!"

Breathing a sigh of relief, Yanbao seemed to be recalling the feeling just now, explaining:

"When I just touched your flame, the battle intent that was just stimulated by the cold was quickly burned out because of that flame!"

"So much so that, at that time, as if I had been appointed, I felt the urge to let you burn to death!"

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