Before Zou Jin could figure it out, the brilliant crystal nucleus in his palm suddenly spread out many dotted lines like spatial lines, entangled and intertwined, and then incorporated the integrity of Zou Jin’s consciousness body.

The spatial architecture is becoming more and more distorted….

And then it seems to be anchored to some unknown being….

Zero and one, yin and yang, positive and negative, with and without….

The various elements that oppose each other, in the chaos and disorder, quickly move towards order….

A Yong Road was spawned for no reason in front of Zou Jin, and the inexplicable traction force quickly followed…


The panicked curse had just exited, and Zou entered the entire consciousness body, and was wrapped in crystal nuclei, speeding through the disillusionment path built by the unknown force, and then disappeared without a trace!


When you open your eyes again, the familiar living room comes into view.

The sofa under the fart ancient still surrounds Zou Jin with that comfortable sense of envelopment.

Looking up at a few flies on the ceiling, and cheap lamps, warm lighting atmosphere, Zou Jin looked stunned…

Everything happened too quickly, and Zou Jin left nothing but a sound of magnesium to strengthen the country….

Fortunately, the familiar room layout finally blocked Zou Jin’s confusion three times….

Carefully reviewing what happened just now, Zou Jin complained a little helplessly:

“I’m kind of… Went home… But it didn’t come back completely…”

Home is still that home!

Simple, shabby, but it is Zou Jin’s rest place before crossing.

It’s not about any pretentious feelings like a harbor of the soul.

The so-called home is only a temporary place for Zou Jin, who was born as an orphan.

In any case, the familiar atmosphere finally soothed Zou Jin’s heart that had been tortured and abused for a long time.

But actually?

Zou Jin did go home, but he didn’t come back completely!

Today’s Zou Jin is wrapped in the final crystal nucleus, and is fused with the supergod plane, his own isotope in different time and space!

It should be noted that Zou Jin did not cross through the real body….

But in Zou Jin’s eyes, it’s actually not much worse….

With the mechanism preset by the final crystal nucleus, Zou Jin now belongs to the fusion of consciousness and heterotemporal isotopes, but his body is still in Francis’s crappy mutant gene research institute.

But it is precisely because of the arrival of consciousness….

The time over there may have passed a day, but Zou Jin can happily fly for days, even months!

Of course, Zou Jin clearly knew that it was extravagance.

Now Zou Jin, there is no time to think about the small problem of how he should live here after he goes back in the future.

The really big problem is…

The world where the body is located is indeed not very peaceful, and I dare not say that it must be the Marvel universe world view, but the mutant series must exist!

But now the supergod world that consciousness assimilated through is even more sinful in itself!

It’s still around 08 years over there, except for the underworld forces represented by Francis, there is essentially no big crisis lurking.

But the conscious body is good here….

Straight to the eve of 14 years ago….

“Who’s Goldfinger has such a pit daddy as us?”

“It’s okay to throw the host into the alien gluttony, the battlefield of the earth that is about to invade…”

“The point is, this seems to be Tianhe City!”

I looked out the window at the towering Angel International Building.

Zou Jin’s whole person froze.

Pouting, Zou Jin helplessly returned his attention to himself.

Regardless of the gluttonous invasion like a chimpanzee, it also cares about what old Karl silver coins.

Your own strength is the real guarantee!

Close your eyes slightly.

The mind began to follow the induction in the underworld, retreating into a certain starry sky.

In the words of the final crystal nucleus, that space is Zou Jin’s own sea of knowledge.

The stars in the sky are the adaptive manifestations of the void.

On it, it records the knowledge and theories that Zou Jin has seen, learned, and heard since he was born.

The sparkle of any star is a collision of knowledge and knowledge….

What is slightly incomplete is that the light of the morning star is not active, and even ninety percent of the nine stars are always in a dark state, from which it is inferred that Zou Jin’s knowledge system is far from even starting….

As for the law of reason in the description of the final crystal nucleus, and its power…

With a bit of anticipation, Zou Jin opened his eyes slightly.

A certain morning star in the sea of knowledge shines slightly, knowledge turns into data, flows in the starry sky, and then quickly converges and forms….

Synchronize with it.

Zou Jin entered his hand, and suddenly to the extreme, a can of metal bottles wrapped in red appeared without warning.

[Destroying Spirit] Three eye-catching black characters made Zou Jin laugh lightly.

Without hesitation, aim at the flies on the ceiling and let the choking mist spray spray in a whoosh.

Throwing it casually, ignoring the disappearance of the [Destroying Spirit] tank, Zou Jin took a step that the six relatives did not recognize.

Humming an out-of-tune ballad and returning to the bedroom.

Frankly speaking.

Zou Jin, who had not been able to sleep peacefully for so long, now desperately wanted to hug his onion and hug his pillow like a sleep.


The next day, wake up from a daze.

Rubbing the particles in the corners of his eyes, yawning, like a zombie traveling, numb and stiff washing and brushing his teeth.

Change into a suitable autumn hoodie.

Put on the big pants with exaggerated colors and step on a pair of flip-flops for less than ten yuan from the roadside stall.

Holding the familiar flower factory mobile phone in his hand, whether it is in line with the times or not.

Zou Jin just swayed leisurely, going out like a slippery man.

Until I went down to the apartment building and heard the noise of the surroundings.

Zou Jin was shocked to realize that he had slept too comfortably last night, and looking at the sky, it was at least four or five o’clock in the afternoon.

On the street corner….

I found a random fly restaurant and went into the store to find food.

He must admit that he is familiar with Donghuang characteristics, familiar with Donghuang people, and familiar with the local dialect.

These things, which I have taken for granted in the past years, have greatly soothed my heart.

Silently eating rice bowl in his mouth.

In his heart, Zou Jin was thinking about the power of the Law of Reason.

In fact, the power of the Law of Reason is divided into two parts.

One is the Void Hidden Being….

The concrete manifestation is the profound sea of stars in the sea of knowledge.

The image point description, that thing is similar to this supergod universe, the unique celestial supercomputing of the god-making civilization.

The Void records knowledge, records the truth, treats it as a celestial supercalculation, and deduces more profound knowledge.

The second is to turn fiction into reality….

From the database of the void, collect data, according to Zou Jin’s cognition, a moment to fictionalize a creation that conforms to the current cognitive system….

The premise is that the creation can be created in the current store of knowledge, of course, living things cannot….

The void is hidden.

Turn fiction into reality.

The combination of the two is the manifestation of the power of the Law of Reason….

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